Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 559


Chapter 550 It took a long time to laugh (please subscribe)

That youngster just started, and there is no one around , Yin Wuxie, Blood Hands Butcher and the others are the complexion changed and rushed out, but Qi Yun's big hand was already a step ahead and pinched youngster's wrist.


The big hands were like iron pliers, and the steel bars were strong, and instantly grabbed the youngster's arm tightly, making a chi zhi sound.


That youngster complexion changed, felt extremely painful, the drilled palm turned blue, as if the skeleton was split, Surprised and angry said: "How dare you Do it on me!"

The rest of the black robe youngsters were all furious and charged quickly.


“It’s not stopping yet!”

They just came, no one, no evil , Blood Hands Butcher , Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend they quickly greeted the past, each showing Heaven Grade cultivation base, smiling, baleful aura.

"What? Want to do it?"

"Where's the little thing, such a big shelf!"

" Impudent, do you know who we are? In our Taiyin treasure land yet dare to be arrogant, courting death is impossible!"

One of the black robed man shouted sharply.

Wu Yi, Yin Wu Xie, they were all shocked.

The treasure land of Taiyin?

Are these black robe youngsters from the treasure land of Taiyin?

They thought the other party was invited just like them.

I can't believe it's the owner here?

For a while, the five people were tumbling in their heads and sweating coldly, but after noticing Qi Yun, they gritted their teeth and forced themselves to sneer.

"Taiyin Treasure Land? Hehe, is this the way of Taiyin Treasure Land's hospitality?"

"What about Taiyin Treasure Land? Wasn't it suppressed by the dynasty for thousands of years and dare not say a word? "


"You courting death!"

Several black robe youngsters shouted angrily.

This is their biggest weakness, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to mention it, but it was also directly mentioned by these daring people in front of me.

Qi Yun sneered, his palm the size of a palm fan was still tightly gripping the man's wrist, making a creaking sound, as if he was pinching a wooden stick, trying to crush the opponent alive. .

The other party's body of about 1.9 meters is in front of him, like a baby.

Intense pain kept coming, and the man finally couldn't help it, and screamed in agony.

"It hurts to death, ah, let go!"

He struggled violently, his face contorted.

However, Qi Yun's wrist was tightly pinched, so that he couldn't use much strength from his body.

"Boy, if you were in the outside world, you would be a dead person by now, and I would crush you little by little, but now this seat will give you the treasure of Taiyin and save your life!"


Qi Yun sadly said with a smile.

"A good one gives us face, that's how Your Excellency gives us face, good, really good!"

Suddenly, a hoarse and strange voice sounded here.

The remaining black robe youngsters turned their heads and greeted them.

"Uncle Six, Uncle Six, you are finally here!"

"This Heavenspan Church acted recklessly. They deliberately borrowed our scars and insulted us, and now they have captured Yin Hai, they must not be spared!"

These black robe youngsters immediately sued first.

First Prince, who had been standing on one side, also immediately saluted respectfully, "I've seen my uncle!"


Qi Yun narrowed his eyes.

No wonder the First Prince is here?

This is actually his mother's family!

I have to say that the Imperial Family relationship is really complicated and unpredictable.

His eyes turned to the First Prince's uncle, and he saw that this was a thin middle-aged man with a dry body, 2.1 meters tall, wearing a long black suit inlaid with gold, with a pale face. Sallow, with three short beards under his jaw, his eyes are cold and shimmering with terrifying rays of light.


Qi Yun instantly sensed a hint of danger in the opponent.

This middle-aged man is probably already Demi-God.

This Taiyin treasure land is really perverted!

He was awe-inspiring, but his face was extremely flat, and said, "What's your name?"

With a slight push in his hand, the youngster in his hand was pushed away.

"Youngster, come to my Taiyin treasure land, and dare to be so arrogant. It's really rare, ask me what I'm called, and then want to get close to me?"

This sixth uncle A sneer.

Qi Yun said indifferently, "Could this be the way of hospitality in the Taiyin Treasure Land? Your people want to attack me when they come up, but I can only scratch them without hurting them. It's already giving you enough face, right? "

"Face? Why do we need your face?"

The middle-aged man said grimly.

"Uncle Six, cut off his hand!"

The youngster, who had been grabbed by Qi Yun's wrist before, hurriedly said resentfully.

The middle-aged man glanced at him and said indifferently: "Shut up, trash has no right to speak!"

The youngster complexion changed, bowed his head and didn't dare to say more .

"Uncle, the Divine Ruins is on him!"

The First Prince whispered to one side.

The middle-aged man looked at Qi Yun again, and said indifferently: "Hand over it, now you are a guest, I will not do anything to you in Zangshi Mountain!"

"Uncle Six, you can't let him go!"

Several other youngsters hurriedly said.

middle-aged man expression indifferent, staring at Qi Yun, ignoring several people.

"he he he ..."

Qi Yun suddenly laughed, and reached into his sleeve with his palm, and slowly took out a delicate iron box, saying with a smile: "Divine Ruins ancient map? Is this?"

Now the form is weaker than others, no matter how unwilling he is, there is nothing he can do at the moment. If he can't come up, just use the Yin-Yang Energy bottle.

Besides, using Yin-Yang Energy bottles against a Demi-God is a waste.

"I can give you this, but what do you call me? How about making friends? Let's count out of blows friendship grows."

Qi Yun said with a smile.

As long as you can get the other party's name, even if you endure the humiliation for a while, it doesn't matter.

"This deity is boundless!"

The middle-aged man's face was indifferent, his five fingers swayed, and a powerful suction force instantly came out, grabbing the delicate iron box from Qi Yun's hand, indifferently. Said: "You don't need to make friends, you are not worthy."

He put away the iron box, turned around and left, and the cold words continued:

"Enjoy it well. The past few days, when you leave Zangshi Mountain, it will be your day of death!"

The group of black clothed youngsters around them all sneered non-stop, their eyes swept back and forth on Qi Yun, with a strong expression on Qi Yun's body. Ridiculous, rise up.

First Prince also showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at Qi Yun, said with a smile: "Heavenspan Cult Lord, you will have today too?"

"First Prince, I don't know. What's your name?"

Qi Yun said calmly without being angry at all.

"You deserve to know this king's name?"

First Prince sneered and turned away.

Qi Yun's surrounding Wu Yi, Yin Wu Xie, Blood Hands Butcher and the others were all furious, wishing they could go over and try their best.

"Young Master, fight them!"

Blood Hands Butcher gritted his teeth.

"Bully intolerably!"

Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend resented.

"I can't stand it anymore?"

Qi Yun's tone was flat, and walked forward, indifferently said: "Remember, bear with the calm for a while, and the one who laughs for a long time is the one who laughs. The best!"

The five people behind them were all very aggrieved.

Qi Yun's heart is no longer burdened.

Now no one wants to stop him from causing chaos in the Taiyin Treasure Land. After he finds out the purpose of their gathering of heroes, he will act tonight!

Although he persuaded Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend to be patient, he couldn't bear it anymore in his heart.

If he had the Exquisite Pagoda experience card, he would have built the tower long ago.

It's a pity that it's a Yin-Yang Energy bottle. The main function of this thing is to suck people. It can't cover a city like the Exquisite Pagoda.

The Yin-Yang Energy bottle will be absorbed by the enemy in front of you, no matter how many enemies in front of you, you can take it in.

But if it is not in the direction of the mouth of the Yin-Yang Energy bottle, it cannot be sucked in.

So he wanted to suck everyone off in one bottle, which was simply impossible.


He can fly high and turn the bottle down.

Qi Yun subconsciously looked up at the sky.

I don't know if there are restrictions in this high sky...

Wuyi, Yin Wuxie and the others behind them looked humiliated and followed Qi Yun forward.

Not long after, they passed through the huge stone platform in front and entered an ancient palace.

The ancient palace has long been filled with various powerhouses, densely packed, at least hundreds of people, and the atmosphere is chaotic, all from the 1st Rate Influence of the continent.

The 30 Six Great Sects and the 24 Aristocratic Family are almost all there, more than the last time in the imperial city.

For Qi Yun and their arrival, many Great Sect and Aristocratic Family have their faces changed, afraid to avoid it.

They have all seen the conflict between Qi Yun and Taiyin Treasure in the distance just now. They are afraid that they will have an intersection with Heavenspan Church and be hated by Taiyin Treasure.

Qi Yun saw that wherever they had walked, the heroes stood up one after another and walked away, and soon a large number of seats were vacated.

He sneered in his heart.

This is the human heart!

If these people knew they were Celestial Court members, would they turn around and flatter themselves?

Qi Yun's face was flat, and he sat in a seat unceremoniously.

"You all sit too. If you don't have a seat, what's the difference with a fool?"

He opened the mouth and said.

"Yes, Young Master!"

The five people around were nodded and sat beside Qi Yun.

There are many heroes in the great hall who are looking at Qi Yun. At this moment, they are whispering with a faint smile, and laughing with a little sarcasm.

"This Heavenspan Church Sect Lord really has a thick skin. He's dying, and he still seems to be nothing. You still refuse to accept?"

"Yes, of course. Even in Zangshi Mountain, I dare to argue with the people in the Taiyin Treasure Land, hehe, can you refuse to accept it?”

Wuyi, Yin Wuxie, Blood Hands Butcher and the The others were all furious and swept their eyes away.


Blood Hands Butcher Shouted.

"Don't let me say it, it's awesome!"

Someone said with a smile.

"Calm, must be calm, he is stronger than he is, the bright moon shines on the river, he crosses him, the breeze blows the hills!"

Qi Yun's tone was flat.

The five people around them gritted their teeth and endured the humiliation.

At this time, people kept coming in outside.

The previous Three Que daoist, Mr. Gu, Zhao Xiankai, Blood Fiend Sect master and the others saw that there were plenty of seats beside Qi Yun, their eyes shined and they came quickly.

“Sect Lord, are these seats for us?”

Sanque daoist said with a smile.

Qi Yun opened his eyes and said with a slight smile: "Yes, it is specially prepared for a few of you."

"many thanks Sect Lord!"

Several people were overjoyed and sat down one after another.

Those who came from the Thirty Six Great Sects and the twenty-four Aristocratic Family before had a more intense look of ridicule.

"Another group of act recklessly!"


Chapter 3 to~~

(End of this chapter )

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