Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 551


Chapter 542 Random graves, cemeteries (please subscribe)

The night was dark.

cold wind whistling.

Boneless cold kept coming, and the whole town was completely plunged into darkness.

The indescribable silence of a small pub.

The torches that were filled all around the tavern have all been extinguished.

The whole tavern seems to have fallen into a bottomless abyss, quiet terrifying, no sound can be heard.

Mr. Gu shouted in surprise in the room, his pupils were suspicious, and he looked towards the dark room.

The moment his torch went out just now, he was keenly aware of a dark shadow passing in front of his door.

His eyes were vigilant, his body turned into a dead bone without a sound, and he got up from the bed lightly, his hands filled with a strange terrifying power.

In the dark room, it was so dark that nothing could be seen.

With the strength of his Heaven Grade realm, he is actually the same as blind.

At this moment, thinking with the soles of my feet will also understand what happened.

Someone is shooting them?

Is it weird or something else?

Is it Heavenspan Cult Lord?

In an instant, countless thoughts appeared in his mind.

Mr. Bone walked lightly, like a mass of air, walking slowly in the darkness, and finally touched the door, lightly opened a corner and looked outside.

Outside the room, it's even darker.

An unusual gloomy and cold aura roared throughout the lobby.

The huge lobby seems to have turned into a dark great hall.

Mr. Bone had a white bone dagger in his right hand, and a strange ancient mirror appeared in his left hand, slowly illuminating into the darkness.

At this moment, in the ancient mirror, the blurry scene in the lobby is slowly reflected.

After seeing it clearly, Mr. Gu pupil suddenly shrinks, showing a look of shock.

In the lobby, corpses are laid out, and maggots are crawling around.

The Disciple who left the vigil before, all died, horribly.

And in the darkness, a vague silhouette turned his back to him, squatting on the ground, making rustling noises, not knowing what he was doing, as if he was chewing a corpse.

The cold rays of light flashed in Mr. Bone's eyes, and his body flashed in an instant, blending into the night, speeding to the pinnacle.

A forest bone dagger emitted a terrifying light and slashed horizontally towards the silhouette in an instant.

The silhouette was aware of the movement, startled, got up and turned around like lightning, and a Divine Item in her hand hit it directly.


The sound roared and the whole great hall shook violently.

The tables and chairs were all broken in all directions.

In the dark great hall, the rays of light produced by Power of God allowed the two of them to finally see each other's faces.

"Three Que Fellow Daoist!"

"Mr. Bone!"

After the two hit a blow, they cried out.

They quickly closed their hands and gathered together.

"What the hell happened?"

Mr. Bone asked in surprise.

"I don't know, I suddenly fell into darkness, I was attacked, I chased all the way, and found that all the people in the great hall were dead, this seems to be a kind of ghost covering my eyes, if I have other means , and will definitely fall into passiveness!!"

Three Que daoist said in surprise.

“What about Mr. Zhao and Heavenspan Cult Lord?”

Mr. Bone asked.

"I didn't see it, it should be still in the room!"

Sanque daoist said.

“Three missing Fellow Daoist, we must be careful, we must not separate, go see other disciples first!”

Mr. Gu said.

"Okay, let's go!"

and said.

They relied on their own unique means to move forward in the dark and check other rooms.

But at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly flashed across the bone mirror in Mr. Gu's hand, speeding to the pinnacle.

His complexion greatly changed, he turned back suddenly, and his bones shone.

But Sombra has been disappeared.

"Sanque Fellow Daoist, you...have you seen it?"

Mr. Bone asked in surprise.

It was very quiet around me, and there was no sound at all.

Mr. Bone was shocked, turned around again, and used the Bone Realm to look at his side.

It was pitch-dark and gloomy behind him, and the previous Three Que Daoists had long since disappeared.

He was surprised and shouted anxiously: "Three lacks of Fellow Daoist, three lacks of Fellow Daoist..."

all around, with no fingers, gloomy, humming.

The whole tavern is like an eternal abyss.

Just as Mr. Bone was about to continue walking into the room, a big hand from behind suddenly grabbed his shoulder. He complexion changed, not even think, and the bone dagger with right hand stabbed it in an instant. .

"It's me!"

The low voice fell, Qi Yun's palm directly grabbed Mr. Gu's wrist, so strong that his palm couldn't go any further.

Mr. Bone started and hurriedly said: "Heavenspan Cult Lord, Sect Lord, what the hell is going on?"

"Don't talk, go out first!"

Qi Yun said.

He grabbed Mr. Bone, jumped, rushed out of the pub and landed on the roof.

In an instant, the entire tavern changed drastically.

Not just the entire tavern, but the entire town has changed.

There are mass graves and skeletons everywhere, as far as the eye can see, Yin Qi fills the air, cold wind whistling, and the pungent corpse stench comes continuously from this Chaotic Burial Mound, which is disgusting.

The tavern under their feet has become a huge tomb, filled with disgusting corpses and messy paper money.

It snowed heavily, and the tomb looked gloomy and cold.

Mr. Gu was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Ghosts cover our eyes, from the very beginning we were deceived!"

The town that everyone chose to live in was actually a huge Chaotic Burial Mound. The tavern is also a giant tomb in the Chaotic Burial Mound. It is dirty and foul, with dense corpses and bones everywhere. I don't know how many are filled. Even the heavy snow can't cover the stench.

Mr. Gu suddenly thought of the wine and food he had eaten before, his face was ugly, and he vomited one after another, almost spitting out bitter gall.

Although he is mysterious, it is definitely the first time that he has eaten dead flesh and bones.

He was terrified.

What level of weirdness is this, even the Heaven Grade experts like them have been tricked?

"Mr. Bone, are you all right? Thanks to Heavenspan Cult Lord this time, if Sect Lord hadn't rescued me in time, I'm afraid I'd still be wandering in this tomb right now!"

Suddenly, the sigh of Sanque daoist came from one side.

He looked complicated and grateful.

In addition to him, there is also Zhao Xiankai from the Point Stone Sect and many of their disciples, all of whom are grateful.

Mr. Gu agreed, cup one fist in the other hand and said: "Sect Lord, many thanks life-saving grace, from now on, old man owes Sect Lord a life!"

"Sir, you are very polite. Since you are a colleague, how can you bear to see your husband being robbed?"

Qi Yun said flatly.

His Divine Consciousness continued to sweep below.

Ghost King's body had already been put down by him.

I thought that there was only one strange little girl below, but only when I really got in touch did I realize that there was more than one little girl, this was a ghost cave, and there were two very powerful and strange inside.

A total of three weird!

However, I met Ghost King here, and these three weirdness are destined to be tragic.

bang! bang! bang!

There was a continuous roar from below, cold wind whistling, with bursts of mournful scream.

It soon calmed down completely.


There were spooky laughter from the dark tomb, followed by a gurgling sound, similar to chewing.

Sanque daoist, Mr. Gu, Zhao Xiankai and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

They still don't know what's going on down there.

But after seeing the weird smile on Qi Yun's mouth, he immediately broke out in cold sweat.

This Heavenspan Cult Lord knows the situation at a glance!

He just went deep into the tomb and caught himself and the others out, indicating that he was not affected by the illusion at all.

This seems very terrifying.


Suddenly, a black light flashed in the darkness below, speeding to the pinnacle, and immediately got into Qi Yun's sleeve robe.

The darkness of the entire tomb quickly dissipated.

The dark clouds in the sky also began to disperse like a tide, and all the darkness and depression disappeared.

"The weirdness inside was killed?"

Mr. Bone said in surprise.

The other two were also surprised, and looked at Qi Yun's sleeves veiledly.

What was that black light just now?

Is that weird?

They looked down again, and saw that the inside of the tomb was a mess, broken everywhere, and there were several piles of dark red things on the ground, which seemed to be eaten by wild beasts.

Several people find it hard to calm down.

The weirdness below was killed by the black light just now?

Heavenspan Cult Lord hides secrets!

The black light just now was definitely a weird one, because they all vaguely sensed a trace of Yin Qi just now.

This Heavenspan Cult Lord has a spooky?

Is he a murderer?

"The northwest is really in a mess. I just came here, and I encountered this level of weirdness. If you continue, I am afraid there will be other weirdness!"

Qi Yun calmly Said: "Several, what do you do next?"

The three looked at each other, their hearts tumbling, and they quickly made a decision.

"Sect Lord, it is fate to meet Sect Lord. It is our honor to meet Sect Lord here. We are willing to go with Sect Lord. Wherever Sect Lord goes, we will go!"

Zhao Xiankai said with a smile.

"Yes, we will go wherever Sect Lord goes!"

"There are still five days until Zangshi Mountain, within these five days, we and Sect Lord will Advance and retreat!"

The other two also said with a smile.

Along the way, they encountered so many strange things, they were all afraid.

If it weren't for Heavenspan Cult Lord tonight, I'm afraid they would be killed and injured even more, so they all made up their minds and were willing to follow Qi Yun and advance and retreat with Qi Yun.

This is at least a security guarantee.

"Walk with me?"

Qi Yun smiled slightly and said, "Alright, but I'm going to go to the Corpse Refining Sect to have a look. Would you like to?"

“Corpse Refining Sect?”

“Northwest Sect, Corpse Refining Sect?”

Sanque daoist, Mr. Gu, and Zhao Xiankai all blinked, Smile quickly.

"To be honest with the Sect Lord, we also wanted to settle in the Corpse Refining Sect before!"

"Yes, now all the heroes are gathered in the northwest, and there is no place to settle down. Like us, temporarily take refuge in those Northwest sects!”

(end of this chapter)

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