Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 550


Chapter 541 Curse, Death (Subscribe)

Blood Hands Butcher 、Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend 、Monster King III The fierce light suddenly revealed by the man made the eyes of all the three forces on the opposite side change, and soon the leader of the other side was laughed and said, "It's a misunderstanding, everyone is misunderstanding, why is this? I also heard that the Sect Lord has also been tricked by others, everyone is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, so why bring up the past?" Donkeys down the slope are also laughed up.

"Just kidding!"

"The old man and Sect Lord met at first sight, and now they meet again, it is the blessing of three lifetimes, Sect Lord, please come in!"

The two said with a smile again and again.

Qi Yun smiled and said, "Please!"

A group of people walked towards the lobby of the tavern.

Soon Sanque daoist asked people to prepare good food and drink, and quickly came over.

The leaders of the four forces gathered around the round table and all sat down.

Wu Yi, Yin Wu Xie, Blood Hands Butcher, Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend, and Demon Smile Heavenly King are all motionless, standing behind Qi Yun like five Iron Pagodas.

At the round table, Qi Yun looked at the three people in front of him with a faint smile, and said, "A few of you, are you all here for the Zangshi Mountain?"

He has seen all the leaders of the three forces in front of him.

They are the Bone Demon Sect Sect Master and the Bone Mr.

Three missing Taoist temple masters, three missing daoist.

The last one is the Sect Master of Dianshizong, Zhao Xiankai.

The reason why it is called Stone Pointing Sect is because this ability is the technique of Pointing Stone, also known as the technique of leylines. It is said that as long as you stand on the ground, you can perceive the leylines, use the leylines to kill people, and all kinds of mysterious , not enough for outsiders.

A few people listened, breathed deeply, and looked at each other.

“Is Sect Lord too?”

Mr. Bone said with a smile.

"Yes, how much do you know about that superstition?"

Qi Yun smiled.

Other people's expressions froze, and they have already slowly taken out the envelope from their arms.

The envelopes of the three are exactly the same, as if drawn from a mold.

The word [yin] above is also written extremely neatly.

"The treasure land of Taiyin is too terrifying, and I put this letter in the great hall of my sect without a sound, and all the various Sect Protection Great Arrays of my sect have lost their effect!"

Bone Demon Sect's Sect Master said in a low tone, "And, Sect Lord, you really didn't discover the secret here?"

Qi Yun's eyes moved slightly and said, "What secret? ?"

Several people looked at each other, showing hesitation.

Qi Yun suddenly smiled and said: "Several, now we are all in the Northwest Territory, the Northwest region is full of evils and there are countless casualties, even Heaven Grade experts have died several times, I advise you to leave it alone. In my heart, it would be better to join forces together, although Heavenspan Church is not big, Heaven Grade expert is still more powerful than usual!"

The three people in front of them were shocked.

“How many Heaven Grade experts have died?”

“Sect Lord really?”

They said incredulously.

When they arrived, they heard a lot of news and knew that the Northwest was in chaos, but no matter what they didn't expect, a Heaven Grade expert had already died!

It's too scary to say that!

Qi Yun smiled slightly and said: "Several, let's talk about this letter?"

San Que took a breath, nodded and said: "Sect Lord You're right, now everyone is trapped in the Internet, what secrets should not be hidden, only by joining forces can we increase the chances of survival!"

The other two were also heavy nodded.

Sanque daoist suddenly pulled out a dagger, and under Qi Yun's puzzled gaze, he cut his palm with force, drenched down with blood, and quickly dripped onto the table.

da da da …

Smears of blood were left behind.

Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle, was about to ask each other, suddenly pupil suddenly shrinks.

I saw these dripping blood, actually slowly wriggling, turning into blood-colored insects, crawling quickly on the table.

"This is?"

he asked in surprise.

The celestial mathematician behind him did not express congeals, saying: "Curse, Young Master, it's a curse!"

"Yin Attribute curse, planted in blood!"


Yin Wuxie also said solemnly.

Sanque daoist forced a smile and said: "Yes, it's a curse, this is the secret of this letter, anyone who touches this letter will have this curse in their body, and no one knows about this curse so far. What's the name, I only know that if the skin is cut open, the blood will turn into an insect, so far I don't know if it will pose a threat to life!"

"Will anyone who has touched the letter be like this?"

Qi Yun's eyes were stern.


Three missing daoist nods.

Qi Yun's heart was surging, he pulled out the dagger directly, and slashed it on the palm of his hand. With a snort, the skin opened, and the scarlet blood was left inside.

After his blood flowed out, he also began to slowly wriggle...

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness quickly swept into it, and saw a strange power appear in the blood , is manipulating his blood, making his blood slowly turn into an insect...

He clenched his palm, directly shattering the strange power, and the squirming blood in his palm suddenly froze. , again as usual.

His Divine Consciousness continued to sweep away, and there was still a trace of strange power seeping out from the wound.

Qi Yun's heart sank.

I was careless.

A curse actually exists on the surface of this envelope?

However, he carefully swept the envelope with Divine Consciousness, except for the gloomy and cold aura, there was nothing else, this Taiyin Treasure was proven.

“Everyone, how did you find out?”

Qi Yun indifferently asked.

"We didn't know it at first. Later, when we inquired about the news, we heard from others, so we tried it ourselves, and it turned out to be true, so we came from all over the country non-stop to go to Zangshi Mountain.


Mr. Bone sighed.

They are all first-class strengths that dominate a place, tyrannically abuse power, call themselves kings and ancestors, and are the happiest in a chaotic world. Under normal circumstances, how could they be attracted by a letter.

Isn't it because the letter threatened their lives?

These people are all gloomy.

There are some powerful curse masters and overcast masters among their Sects, but none of them have noticed the strangeness of the envelope.

It is said that if they did not arrive at Zangshi Mountain on the date stated in the letter, the curse within them would suddenly erupt and kill them.

No one can bet on that.

Qi Yun suddenly understood.

No wonder I heard a message in Divine Domain before that many 1st Rate Influences are coming here.

It turned out to be cursed!

They had to!

"Everyone, do you know the method to resolve the curse?"

Qi Yun asked.

All three shook their heads slightly.

"I don't know, but you need to be a bell person to get the bell out. Since the letter said about Zangshi Mountain, it must have something to do with Zangshi Mountain!"

"Yes, Zangshi Mountain! Zangzhan Mountain has been extremely mysterious since ancient times, and few people have been there, but this time I don't know why, the address of Zangshi Mountain spread all over the world, as if someone was forcing us to go there!"

"Yes, it seems that there is an invisible big hand controlling the heroes, plotting against us step by step, forcing us to come to this place!"

The three sighed repeatedly.

All of this is unbelievable.

But it happened.

Qi Yun thought deeply.

Zangshi Mountain...

It seems that I have come right this time.

His eyes swept towards the wound in his palm, only to see that the wound has slowly healed, except for the strange power inside, nothing else seems to have changed.

"Everyone, along the way, have you encountered some strange things?"

Qi Yun asked suddenly and plainly.

The three looked at each other again, their hearts surging.

“Did you meet Sect Lord too?”

Mr. Bone asked.

Qi Yun smiled and said nothing.

Mr. Bone's face changed and he sighed: "We had thirty-one experts from Demon Sect, but when we got here, only twenty-two died, nine of them were good players. Violent death, the old man didn't even have time to save it, nine people died in different ways, just like the death of a game, and they couldn't stop it!"

"The same is true for my point of stone, so far Eight people died, an average of two per day, and they all had their own characteristics. Some people peeled off their own skins, some people ate their internal organs, and some people were even crueler. The companion fell asleep and ate the companion alive, and when he found out during the day, only half of his body was left!"

Zhao Xiankai's tone was heavy.

It's been a bloody road, extremely terrifying!

Sanque daoist also sighed again and again, "Why is it not like this for my Sanque Taoist temple? A total of nine people died, and each death method is novel. The old Taoist has never seen it for so long, what a sin!"

"Sect Lord, how about you?"

Zhao Xiankai asked.

Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle, shook his head and said, "We walked all the way, it was peaceful, but I'm afraid it won't be peaceful tonight."

"Why is that?"

asked Mr. Bone.

Qi Yun smiled slightly, looked at the people all around with a meaningful look, and said, "I don't know, intuition!"

The three people in front of them suddenly brows frowned, each thoughtful.

The night is getting darker.

cold wind whistling

It soon became white outside.

The gloomy and biting aura became stronger, and the entire stockade seemed to be plunged into an extremely terrifying icy abyss, cold and weird, and shivering with cold.

puff puff puff!

Suddenly, the torches outside went out one after another.

The whole town was plunged into darkness, cold wind whistling, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The tavern in the middle is even more dark and deep, and you can't see anything.

Everyone in the tavern who had just fallen into a rest complexion changed, and suddenly felt that they were in darkness, as if they were in a terrifying dark room.


Mr. Gu suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed in surprise.

Chapter 3 to~~

(End of this chapter)

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