Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 552


Chapter 543 The Book of the Seven Days of Death (Subscribe)

One night passed quickly.

The snow has stopped.

In front of a huge mountain foot, the crowd was chaotic, at least seven or eight powerhouses gathered together, densely packed, smoky, no one was weak.

Qi Yun brows frowned and looked at the chaotic crowd.

After walking all night, I finally arrived at the Corpse Refining Sect, which is exactly what Sanque daoist and the others said.

So many people ran up to the Corpse Refining Sect and wanted to sleep over.

However, the Corpse Refining Sect has not yet opened the mountain gate.

Beyond the mountain gate, there was a large formation that completely sealed the entire mountain gate.

Some of these powerhouses of various forces have been here for three days and have not been put in.

In the past few days, there have been many murders at the foot of the Corpse Refining Sect.

The horrific death is happening again.

The dead people are all kinds of strange things, extremely cruel, no one is left with a whole body, and there is a lot of bloody atmosphere in all directions.

At this moment, there is some panic on the side of the various forces.

The Zangshi Mountain will not really open until the third day of the twelfth lunar month!

There are still four days before the third lunar month, and within these four days, they don't know where to go.

Many people secretly regret that they came early.

But if they didn't come earlier, they were worried that if they were delayed in the middle and came late, they were afraid that the curse on their bodies would kill them instantly.

So it's better to come sooner than later.

But now, that's not the case at all.

It's too early to come, and as a result, they directly encountered the evil incident of terrifying. They can't do anything with the means of Heaven Grade experts. They can only watch the doorman die.

And this damn Corpse Refining Sect didn't open the mountain gate at all to accept them.

They had worshipped the mountain many times before, but they were all blocked by the big array. They tried to contact the Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master, but there was no response at all.

The entire Corpse Refining Sect seems to be reluctant to open the door!

"Unexpectedly, strange events have spread here, Corpse Refining Sect is reluctant to open the door, probably because he is worried that it will provoke strange things!"

Zhao Xiankai's face changed.

"Corpse Refining Sect doesn't want to open the door, so we can only stay at the foot of this mountain."

Mr. Bone's tone was complicated, his eyes looked all around, and whispered: " Sect Lord, it seems that there has been a war in this area, and the blood is still there!"

The innocent nose sniffed lightly, with a trace of rays of light in his eyes, and whispered: "Yin Qi, there are fluctuations of Yin Qi outside, something strange has come!"


Qi Yun brows tightly knit, looking at the communication ancient jade in his hand.

From last night to now, three messages have been sent to Fan Mu in a row, but still no response from Fan Mu.

Wasn't Fan Mu already killed?

If this is the case, then they can only settle at the foot of the mountain.

However, it would be extremely difficult for him to inquire about the movements of the god-slayers.

The Corpse Refining Sect is a local tyrant in the northwest. Their intelligence system should be more powerful than the Night Tour Palace. The reason why Qi Yun came here to stay overnight is to facilitate inquiries.

"Go back to the tent first, I have already sent the news, if Sect Leader Fan sees it, he will definitely respond!"

Qi Yun turned and walked away.

The people around them were nodded and followed.

Inside the tent.

Qi Yun opened the panel again, suddenly light flashed in his eyes.


Finally changed!

The handwriting at the back of the lottery column has changed to [Drawable]!

"Ninth day? That means it's now a cycle of Nine Heavens!"

Qi Yun whispered.

After the upgrade panel, the lottery time has indeed become longer.

He suddenly showed strong anticipation and looked at the panel.

This time the lottery, I don't know what to draw.

Even if it is still an experience card, then he is willing.

For him, every experience card has the power to kill Spiritual God, a powerful trump card not just in name only, but also in reality.


The points were instantly reduced by 600, a mysterious earthen pot was spinning rapidly in front of him, and countless words appeared and changed rapidly.

Soon, with a bang, the earthen pot exploded.

A golden glow came into view.

【Spiritual God Level Enhancement Card】

Rare items from mysterious world, dyed with ancient power, can strengthen Spiritual God level items, once strengthened, they will never change .

How to use: Energy activation, effective in five seconds.

Number of uses: one.

Use restrictions: Any item below the medium Divine Item.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, and he grabbed this golden Spiritual God card in his hand, revealing a strange color.

Power Up Cards!

Even Spiritual God-level items can be strengthened?

He suddenly took a deep breath and thought of something.

Can his [Enhanced Furnace] be enhanced?

If [Enhanced Furnace] can be strengthened, then it will definitely make a lot of money this time. You can use [Enhanced Furnace] to strengthen other items, which is equivalent to having a lot of strengthening cards.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the silver white strengthening furnace, his eyes flashed, and he activated this strengthening card.


A cloud of mysterious luster surged out, and golden's strengthening card turned into a golden light, which rushed out of his palm and landed on the strengthening furnace , instantly enveloped the entire fortified furnace, and the glow was shining like a layer of Purple Gold.


Soon, the rays of light above all dissipated.

Purple golden rays of light are all fused into the fortified furnace, completely transforming the original silver white fortified furnace into purple-gold, with dense light spots on it, scorching bright, and mysterious.

Qi Yun's eyes flickered and he watched the Fortified Furnace repeatedly.

It really worked!

The previous enhanced furnace can only be strengthened to the Japanese level, but now it is strengthened by the [Spiritual God level strengthening card], I don't know how much it can reach.

Thinking of this, he gently placed the fortified furnace on the ground and took out the [Book of Diarrhea] and [Book of Obesity].

Qi Yun first flipped through the Diarrhea Technique and the Obesity Technique, smiled, and put the two books into the Fortified Furnace at the same time.

These two books are the beginning of his fortune, so it is best to strengthen them.

He grabbed the fortified furnace and poured energy into it.


In an instant, the energy in the body plummeted and disappeared in an instant about 1/4/2022.

Finally, the Fortified Furnace began to stop.

Qi Yun exhaled, opened the lid, and poured out the contents.


Muffled sound, a thick yellow ancient book fell to the ground.

【The Book of Super Fat Diarrhea】!

Eight characters, black light shining, full of weirdness.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed.

Not only strengthened, but also integrated?

He grabbed the thick ancient book, and saw that the thickness of the book became thicker than the previous two books combined.

He opened the ancient book gently, with a look of interest on his face.

I wonder what kind of powerhouse this book can deal with?

Will Heaven Grade expert be recruited?

He thinks most likely.

After all, the current Fortified Furnace has been strengthened by [Spiritual God Grade] cards.

Qi Yun suddenly thought of something.

"And the Book of Transfiguration, the Basin of Replica..."

Qi Yun whispered.

Especially the replica pot, if it can be strengthened, then throw the [Yin-Yang Energy Bottle Experience Card] into the replica pot to replicate.

It's not bad to be able to replicate one-tenth of the formidable power, if not perfectly.

Qi Yun thought of this, and immediately took out the basin of replication, threw it into the fortification furnace, injected energy into it, and a piece of rays of light surged out, and soon stopped again.

Qi Yun poured out the replica basin, and saw that the color of the entire replica basin also changed, turning into a faint purple-gold.

He watched it repeatedly, smiled, took out the [Yin-Yang Energy Bottle Experience Card], threw it in, and made a copy.


The energy in the body is reduced a lot again.

A moment later, the Basin of Reproduction stopped.

Qi Yun, full of anticipation, poured out the [Yin-Yang Energy Bottle Experience Card] inside.

But after pouring out, it suddenly frowned.

"No change?"

There is still only one experience card.

His eyes swept into the basin of replication, revealing his thoughts.

Could it be that the level of the [Yin-Yang Energy Bottle Experience Card] is too high, and the Pot of Reproduction cannot be replicated?

With a trace of regret, he could only accept the copy pot and experience card temporarily, and then took out the [Transfiguration Book]. After taking it out, he looked at the [Transformation Book] next to him. The Book of Super Fat Diarrhea], with a move in his heart, he threw the two books into the furnace of strengthening at the same time for strengthening.


The energy was reduced by more than 100 points again, and the golden light on the fortified furnace was brilliant and stopped quickly.

He poured the contents out again, his eyes gleaming.

It was exactly what he thought.

The two books merged into one.

At this time, the name of the book also changed again.

【Book of Seven Days of Tragic Death】!


Qi Yun was slightly surprised.

It's a weird name!

The Seven Days of Death?

It's amazing when you hear it.

He opened the contents gently, and as before, he only needed to write down the name to take effect.

I just don't know what level of people the [Seven Days of Tragic Death Book] can affect at the most.

Can Demi-God be hit?

Be aware that the previous [Transformation Book] can already deal with Heaven Grade later stages to Great Perfection.

Now that it has been strengthened into a book, it should be effective against Demi-God.

Qi Yun has a gut feeling.

This thing may be more terrifying than [Book of Seven Arrows with Nails]. After all, [Book of Seven Arrows with Nails] is too powerful for its own backlash, but this [Book of Seven Days of Tragic Death] is nothing at all. There is no backlash.

Qi Yun is eager to have a try and is ready to find someone to try it in the future.


Suddenly, the communication ancient jade in his arms glowed.

He grabbed it and put it to his ear, his eyes flashing.

It's from Fan Mu!

He finally responded!

One more chapter~~

(End of this chapter)

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