Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 549


Chapter 540 The Little Girl in the Tavern (Subscribe)

The wind was howling and the snow was flying.

Between Heaven and Earth is bone-chillingly cold, in addition to the cold air of one after another winter, there is an indescribable gloomy, vaguely like Yin Qi.

Heavenly Wolf Pass, the dividing point between Central Plains and the Northwest, stands here, looking forward, there is a white glow, I don't know how long it has been snowing, densely packed, desolate and magnificent.

It was getting dark and dark.

The wind was howling, making it even more gloomy and cold.

Seven days!

It took seven days to reach this northwest level from the Divine Domain.

Qi Yun opened the panel and looked at it, revealing his thoughts.

The lottery column on the panel remains unchanged.

In addition to the one day delay at the Divine Domain, it is already a full eight days!

Eight days have passed, and the lottery column is still not available.

Tomorrow is the ninth day, I wonder if it can be changed?

"Young Master, it's getting late, let's go to the front to find a place to rest!"

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness spreads for thousands of miles, surging under the heavy snow, and soon discovers many villages, but these villages have long been dilapidated, with corpses lying on the ground, the walls collapsed, and the ground is covered with darkness. Minced meat, filled with blood-reeking breath.

"It's exactly as rumored."

Qi Yun whispered.

The northwest is evil, and the ordinary person has died in large numbers.

There are dozens of ruined villages within a thousand miles.

None of the dead are whole bodies, they are in pieces, as if they were eaten by wild beasts.

Suddenly, Qi Yun's face changed, and he found a strange place within the Divine Consciousness range.

This is a small town.

The torch was lit, the silhouette shook, and there were many living people.

All of them are mysterious abilities, and at least they are all Earth Grade experts.

Three Doctrines and Nine Philosophies, smoky, all powerhouses, gathered together, obviously from other places.

His Divine Consciousness swept across quickly, knowing it.

It seems that these people are also invited to go to Zangshi Mountain.

Otherwise, how would ordinary people dare to approach this northwestern region.

"There is a small town ahead, go and see!"

Qi Yun said.

A group of people behind them nodded and stepped outside the gate.

A few hours later, it was completely dark.

The sky is cloudy, and the snow is still flying.

At night, the northwest is even colder, and the Yin Qi in it is also more biting. Even the Blood Hands Butchers can't help but feel a little bit of unease, and their eyes look behind them from time to time. .

"Strange, I always feel like someone is following us, do you feel that?"

Blood Hands Butcher whispered.

“Don’t talk nonsense, Young Master will know if someone is following us!”

Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend said.

Actually, he felt something unusual in the darkness behind him, but at the moment he could only force himself to calm down. Anyway, Young Master is here, It shouldn't be something happened.

A huge town came into view.

The wind was howling and whistling.

A pub in the middle of the town, surrounded by earthen walls, the torch shines inside, and many people are making noise.

These powerhouses with different origins, in order to strengthen each other's courage, specially chose this small town and camped together. At this moment, they even took out the spirits, pushed the cups and drank them freely.

Qi Yun's footsteps stopped suddenly, browsed frowned, and looked forward.

None of the celestial mathematicians, the over-yin masters, and the others all pupil suddenly shrink, in shock.

Outside the tavern, there stood a little girl in a red jacket. She seemed to be more than half a meter tall, with two braids, her back turned to them, and her eyes seemed to be looking at the tavern.

“Yin Qi!”

Guo Yin Shi Yin Wu Xie whispered solemnly.

He has been in the dark all the year round, and the most sensitive one is Yin Qi.

This little girl is not human?

“hehe hee…”

Suddenly, there were bursts of strange laughter, clear and sweet, echoing in my mind.

The little girl turned her head slowly, revealing a half-corroded face, with white maggots squirming and terrifying, her left eyeball had slipped out of its socket, and only one nerve remained. hanging.

At this moment, the eyeball was on the rotten face, and gu lu lu turned, with a trace of strange rays of light, looking towards Qi Yun and the others.


Suddenly, the little girl ran into the tavern and disappeared instantly.

Qi Yun frowned, Divine Consciousness poured out instantly, covering the tavern.

A strong Yin Qi shrouded the entire tavern, and it penetrated into every corner.

However, the little girl seems to have disappeared without a trace.

He suddenly sneered.

"act recklessly!"

The ring on the right hand was already jumping gently, and an unspeakable wave of Yin force flashed past.

The little girl can hide from his Divine Consciousness, but not the Ghost King.

Ghost King is known as one of the five ancient evil spirits. No matter how weak he is, he is still a strange ancestor. Even more how Ghost King has the strength of Demi-God Level.

"Go, go in and find a place to rest!"

Qi Yun said.

A group of people have nodded.

Pushing the door and entering, a group of people suddenly sensed and looked back.

I saw a group of burly, unusually majestic silhouettes walking in, all of them about two meters away, except for the one in the front who did not wear a mask, and the other five people around were all wearing bronze. -mask, unfathomable, wearing all kinds of clothes, all deep and unmeasurable in terms of breath.

Especially the person at the front, who is nearly 2.3 meters tall, without a trace of Power of God fluctuations, is especially weird.

Everyone in the yard suddenly looked over.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, and soon a few people greeted them, their eyes scanning Qi Yun's body.

One of the extremely ugly one eyed man suddenly showed surprise and lost his voice: " are Heavenspan Church Sect Lord? You are from Heavenspan Church?"

He recognized it immediately Qi Yun.

After all, there are such abnormal heights, and the whole continent is extremely rare, even more how Qi Yun is still a great character, which will attract more attention.

So for Qi Yun's face, all influence has basically paid attention to it, and it is not a big deal to recognize it at a glance.

Qi Yun smiled slightly and said, "That's right, I'm here, I wonder if I can stay overnight?"

The few people in front of them looked at each other, breathed deeply.

One of them said with a slight smile: "Sect Lord wants to stay overnight, of course, frankly, we are all from different factions, the reason why we got together is just to be safe, now the more people there are. The more natural the better, Sect Lord, please!"

He motioned Qi Yun to go in.

With so many powerhouses coming to Heavenspan Church, they are naturally very welcome.

In addition to the deep and unmeasurable Heavenspan Church, there are actually five Heaven Grade experts behind it, which is simply unimaginable.

You must know that they have only eight Heaven Grade experts with three different forces combined.

But there are already six in a Heavenspan Church, and it will be safer to have them join.

Qi Yun smiled and walked towards the front lobby with the five people behind him.

The celestial mathematician was calm and composed, his hands were wrapped in his sleeves, and he continued to perform divination and fortune telling.

Blood Hands Butcher and Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend blinked and swept towards the tavern and the rooms all around.

Just now they saw that weird little girl running in.

Now it has suddenly disappeared, I am afraid that it may be shot at any time in the dark.

"Sect Master, Heavenspan Church is here!"

The ugly one eyed man before suddenly shouted.

“Heavenspan Church? Which Heavenspan Church?”

“Is the Heavenspan Church of the Divine Domain?”

A voice suddenly came to mind in the lobby of the tavern. Dozens of people rushed out, and they were divided into three forces. After they rushed out, all eyes fell on Qi Yun and the others.

Without exception, like the one eyed man and the others before them, they were all taken aback.

But soon the leaders of the three forces all showed strange smiles and took great strides to greet them.

"I didn't expect to meet Heavenspan Church's expert, hehe, Sect Lord, daoist in the next three, you won't forget me!"

A wearing daoist The robe's middle-aged man smiled oddly, opened the mouth and said.

"Heavenspan Cult Lord, you were so hard on me back then, but I spent half a million Divine Coins to buy a fake token from you. Did you forget?"

The other old man also had a face of afaint smile, and glanced at Qi Yun.

A strange color suddenly appeared in Qi Yun's eyes.

What a coincidence!

Have two of the three parties here been tricked by him?

What is this?

Enemies on a narrow road?

Before he could speak, Blood Hands Butcher, Old Ancestor Heavenly Fiend, and the Demon King of Laughing all showed scorching and fierce eyes behind him, sensing something was wrong.

Like an enemy?

Sorry for being late~~ There is one more chapter and three thousand ~~

(end of this chapter)

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