Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 520


Chapter 511 Dead again? (Please subscribe)

Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Mu had a hint of surprise on his face, and whispered: "Tianxuan Celestial Grotto, the sixth-ranked Celestial Grotto in the world's nine Celestial Grottos, the dynasty is willing to take out this. What kind of place to cultivate?"

Qi Yun glanced at him, showing doubts.

"Sect Lord, there are nine Celestial Grottos in this world, unfathomable, with countless opportunities, even in the age of the gods, they are enough to make Spiritual God crazy. It is said that there is not only the mystery of becoming a god in it. , and also buried a lot of ancient ancient gods... As long as you can enter it, you will get the benefits of unimaginable. After the battle against the gods, Tianxuan Celestial Grotto was beaten to pieces and fell into the hands of the ancient emperor, while the other Celestial Grotto is still unfathomable and unknown to outsiders."

Fan Mu whispered.

"Nine Celestial Grotto?"

Qi Yun's eyes flickered slightly.

There is another Mysterious Land.

It seems that there are many hidden secrets in this area ruled by the gods.

By then, these strange areas as old as the gods will probably all reappear.

But then, will there still be powerful godslayers?

Qi Yun vaguely felt a strong pressure.

The hearts of many Ancient Ones are also moving rapidly.

Obviously they were all taken aback by this Celestial Grotto.

The ancient dynasty is willing to open the land to the gods that even the gods are fighting for?

Soon, the Li Family powerhouse opened the mouth and said: "Crown Prince, don't worry, I will do my best, even if no trace of the murderer can be found, I will never let the murderer continue to kill!"


Other Ancient Ones were nodded.

"Since this is the case, this matter will be handed over to you. During this period of time, you should live in Dongyunyuan, but you must respect the laws of the dynasty, and no one may take action in private. It will be perceived by the Dutian Mirror and killed instantly, even I can't stop it!"

The Crown Prince said calmly.

all influence was shocked.

"Yes, Crown Prince!"

"Crown Prince, rest assured, we will absolutely obey the laws of the dynasty!"

The group of powerhouses said one after another.

"Well, brother, let's go too!"

The Crown Prince glanced at the First Prince and said indifferently.

"Yes, Crown Prince!"

First Prince bowed.

He glanced at Qi Yun out of the corner of his eye, and followed Crown Prince with a group of people.

The people around him also looked at Qi Yun unwillingly.

At this time, an old eunuch walked out, with two strands of pale long hair hanging down on his chest, his face was wrinkled, and he grinned strangely, saying, "My lords, come with us."

Everyone got up and followed the old eunuch.

Out of this huge mountainside, they moved forward all the way, surrounded by white mist, full of energy, as if they were walking in the ancient Heaven Realm, and they came to a huge courtyard in a short time.

In front of the courtyard, a total of thirty Imperial Guards are firmly guarding here.

At the gate, a huge green copper mirror stands.

Anyone who walks by will be swept by the rays of light on the bronze, and the name and origin will appear on it instantly.

This is almost the same as at Qin Country Huangdu State Guest House.

A group of powerhouses were led by the old eunuch and walked all the way into the courtyard.

The copper mirror flickered one after another, and soon everyone's name was printed on it.

Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle, Divine Consciousness swept towards the copper mirror, one name appeared in his mind instantly, his face was as usual, and he walked into the depths of the courtyard.

The old eunuch one after another assigned them a place to live, and all the powerhouses were brought into a single small courtyard.

The Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master Fan Yun also shyly asked the old eunuch to arrange his residence next to Qi Yun and them.

The old eunuch smiled strangely and did not refuse, and everything was quickly arranged.

The night is getting darker.

The imperial city is silent.

The invisible Dragon Qi and Qi Luck fell from the sky, towards the buildings everywhere.

The whole Dongyunyuan is silent.

It seems that everyone is asleep.

However, Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness swept through, but found that many courtyards have been covered by mysterious bans, and the silhouettes are smoky and sneaky, and they seem to be plotting some major event.

From time to time there are shadows flashing across some yards... Hazy, speed to the pinnacle.

There are also some yard winds that are unfathomable.

Obviously, there are some people with special ability who use their abilities to fly out of their residences, not knowing what to do.

Within the scope of Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness, there are at least a dozen such strange fluctuations.

The entire Dongyunyuan seems to be calm, but in fact it has been undercurrent.

Qi Yun brows frowned.

This trip to the imperial city is different from the past. Crown Prince has a lot of luck, and it would be extremely difficult to kill him with a curse.

He was lost in thought.

Sighing lightly, he summoned the blood-robed Old Ancestor, the Shiyao Star Monarch, and the Four Demons of the Divine Domain, and gave them the official seal, one after another, from the Fourth Prince.

The Fourth Prince is the fourth child of the ancient emperor. Although he does not participate in the power struggle on the surface, he is a member of the Imperial Family after all.

The blood-robed Old Ancestor, the Shiyao Star Monarch, and the Meteorite Divine Domain are all overjoyed to get the official seal.

"many thanks Young Master (Master)!"

"Well, go to the cultivation first, and strive to break through to the Heaven Grade realm, remember, be careful, this imperial city It's not peaceful inside."

Qi Yun said.

"Yes, Young Master!"

They cup one fist in the other hand.

The group all withdrew.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Qi Yun's heart moved, and he still covered the Divine Consciousness, shrouded the entire courtyard, and then sat cross-legged to absorb the luck of the imperial city.

Time is slow.

The next morning.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from outside the courtyard, followed by a knock on the door.

"Sect Lord, Heavenspan Cult Lord, are you there?"

Fan Mu cried out in panic.

Qi Yun frowned, ended the cultivation, stood up, walked out of the room, and opened the courtyard door.

"What's wrong?"

"It's dead, Sect Lord, our Dongyunyuan is dead, the Li Family patriarch who came yesterday, and a few 1st Rate Influence Elders are all dead. It's dead, four people died at once!"

Fan Mu panicked.


Qi Yun's eyes were startled.

The man behind the scenes continues to do it again?

Sure enough, he treats all the people who come as food. He wants to find other Five Elements and Yin-Yang fates and perform one after another sacrifice.

What is the fate of the four people who died this time?

"Have you seen the corpse?"

Qi Yun asked.

"It's already been carried out, it's just outside the square. I'm worried that Sect Lord and you guys have problems too, so come and have a look!"

Fan Mu opened the mouth and said .

At this moment, the doors of the other rooms opened one after another, and the blood-robed Old Ancestor, the Shiyao Star Monarch, and the Divine Domain all heard the movement.

"Are you dead again?"

The Red-haired Demon Lord said in surprise.

“Go and have a look!”

Qi Yun whispered.

He walked out of the courtyard with a group of demons.

Fan Mu hurriedly followed behind.

After passing through a corridor, it didn't take long to come to a square.

The square was already full of people, and almost all the powerhouses that came yesterday showed up here, looking at the four corpses in the center of the square.

The four corpses were almost the same as the seven people they saw last night.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness swept over quickly, his heart awe-inspiring.

No one who dies is weak!

He had seen it yesterday, and the weakest person was Earth Grade Great Perfection.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

The man secretly sacrificed his fate to Five Elements, and he didn't know if his own was also included in it.

If your side is also the target of the other party, it will be troublesome.

Up to now, he had no idea how strong the man in the dark was?

According to Fourth Prince's news, the other party is most likely the Crown Prince...

At this time, footsteps came from a distance.

A slight sigh sounded, and said, "It's dead again. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen just after I recruited you to Beijing. I'm very disturbed!"

Everyone have paid respect.

"Have you seen the Crown Prince!"

"Do you have any clues?"

The Crown Prince asked.

The heroes looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Still not!"

"The thieves are rampant and commit murders many times. Please don't hide yourself and find that person as soon as possible!"

Crown Prince said .

"Yes, Crown Prince!"

The heroes all said.

The Crown Prince instructed several guards to quickly carry the four corpses out of the ground, and then ordered some things, then turned and left.

The powerhouses of various powerhouses were condensed in their hearts, each had their own ideas, and they dispersed one after another.

"Ten Yao Star Monarch, may you see the fate of the dead person?"

Qi Yun suddenly whispered.

Yinquan Venerable in the Ten Yao Star Monarch thought for a moment, opened the mouth and said: "Back to the lord, it seems that they are all Wood Attribute fates!"

"Wood Attribute?"

Qi Yun's heart is solemn.

Fan Mu on the side had a complicated expression and said, "Too terrifying, these people just arrived yesterday, and they died today, who is that person in the dark? Even the imperial city was big when they started. The array can't detect him!"

He felt a deep anxiety in his heart, suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Sect Lord, did you find anything?"

Qi Yun lightly Shaking his head lightly, "Still not!"

He turned and walked back to the courtyard.

The blood-robed Old Ancestor, Shiyao Star Monarch, and Divine Domain four demons followed.

Fan Mu looked worried, and followed him back to the small courtyard.

Time is slow.

All influence is full of unease.

Crowds are surging in a small area, and many powerhouses are secretly active.

A small room.

Several powerhouses including Ye Xuntian, Soulless Venerable, Cang Daoist Long, Heitian Venerable, and the mysterious man with a long knife will all gather here.

The green candles are dimly lit, and the environment is bright and dark, filled with a strange atmosphere.

"Everyone, celebrities don't speak secretly, everyone's purpose of coming here must be the same, to clarify the suspicion of the ancient emperor's death, but if the current matter is not resolved, I am afraid we will all be buried. Here!"

Ye Xuntian suddenly said.

"The highest news of the Night Tour Palace, the ancient emperor and other ancient kings are trapped in the sea of underworld, and they are in danger of death. Once the ancient emperor and the seven ancient kings die, the imperial city will lose its luck... I'm afraid I'm afraid this news is not true!"

Cang Daoist Long's eyes were stern, and he said, "The murder case in the imperial city is no trivial matter. I'm worried, the news of the Night Tour Palace was deliberately distributed by the imperial city, trying to attract us, one after another sacrifice."

All eyes flashed.

"The art of living sacrifice?"

"Brother Long, please speak clearly."

Cang Daoist Long shook his head lightly, and said, "The old man can't make a conclusion, he just thinks this murder case is strange. I have observed all the dead people, and their fates are extremely strange. Yesterday's seven corpses were all Metal Attribute fates, and today's four corpses are of Metal Attribute fate. , are all Wood Attribute fates... If people continue to die, three more Wood Attributes will die... This is the ancient art of living sacrifice. Some people want to collect forty-nine different attributes. This incarnation of Evil God..."

The eyes of everyone were amazed.

"Evil God incarnate?"

Their hearts pounded.

The soulless Venerable of Hades whispered: "The art of living sacrifice...there is such a strange ability in the world...if it is true, then we will all be in danger."

As the oldest inheritance in the world, the doctrine of the Hades has always been to revive the gods and reproduce the age of the gods, so there are many ancient books in the gate.

This includes the description of the technique of living sacrifice.

"What are you going to do next?"

The man with the long sword whispered.

"According to the following suggestion, now we are all in deep trouble, it is best to join forces, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee that we will not be defended by them separately and all die"

Ye Xuntian whispered.

Others have nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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