Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 518


Chapter 510 Current Crown Prince (Subscribe)

“Sect Lord, let’s sit too!”

Fan Mu said cautiously.

Faced with so many powerhouses, he, the current Sect Master of Corpse Refining Sect, instantly felt a deep sense of unease.

This is the difference between the nouveau riche and the real rich.

Their Corpse Refining Sect trifling has a hundred years of history, and they can only dominate in the northwest, but when they come to Imperial Capital, they are nothing. Everyone present, he just thinks that everyone can be easily crushed to death. he. Qi Yun gently nodded and said, "Please!"

The two of them found a vacant seat and sat down.

The blood-robed Old Ancestor, Shiyao Star Monarch, and Meteorite Divine Domain four demons stood respectfully behind Qi Yun, motionless and silent.

In the entire mountainside, it is extremely quiet, the breath is suppressed, and the needles can be heard.

After the powerhouses arrived, they all sat in their chairs and closed their eyes.

Many people who have been banned from official positions are already running Power of God silently, swallowing up the luck and Dragon Qi that permeates all around.

At this time, footsteps sounded from time to time outside.

There have been other powerhouses being brought in by some Court Eunuch.

Those powerhouses were originally calm, with a hint of conceit, but after reaching the mountainside, their expressions quickly changed, and like the Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master, they became detained.

In the entire mountainside, experts gathering like clouds, faces are familiar, familiar, or well-known, without exception, there is no weak person.

The faces of those who came from behind changed, and they didn't dare to say more. They carefully found a vacant seat and sat down quietly.

Time is slow and the atmosphere is getting more and more depressing.

Fan Mu, who was beside Qi Yun, also felt more and more pressure.

That's it.

The sound of footsteps came from outside, and a group of powerhouses came over, with a deep breath, all of them were Heaven Grade characters, there were more than a dozen people, the leader was burly, with bloody hair and a bloody robe. With an invisible killing breath.

The many powerhouses in the belly of the mountain all have one eye, and they look over in an instant.

“First Prince…”

“What is he here for?”

Many people whispered.

Qi Yun's eyes also opened gently, looking at the group of newly arrived powerhouses, these people obviously have official positions, or have official wast tokens, and the cultivation base is strong, and none of them have been suppressed. .

Besides Fan Yun, the complexion changed and whispered: "Sect Lord, this is the imperial city First Prince, he is the descendant of the great king Blood Yama, he has won the true inheritance of his father, his strength is deep and unmeasurable... He is an enemy, and it will be difficult to die in the future."


Qi Yun's eyes were calm.

First Prince looked indifferent, stood in front of the crowd, swept his eyes, and looked at the crowd here, and a group of Heaven Grade powerhouses around him also looked at everyone like him.

Everyone who was seen by their eyes couldn't help but their faces changed and lowered their heads.

Soon, the eyes of the First Prince and the others narrowed, and they fell on the blood-robed Old Ancestor, the Ten Yao Star Monarch, and the Divine Domain Four Demons.

Then, he looked at Qi Yun and Fan Mu who were seated, and the corners of his mouth gradually showed a strange arc.

Fan Mu was seen by these people's complexion changed, sweating coldly, he whispered: "Sect Lord, are these people looking at us?"

Qi Yun apologized: "Brother Fan, I'm sorry, the enemy I said before is them!"

Fan Mu complexion changed.

He simply suspected that he had heard it wrong!

Has the Heavenspan Cult Lord offended the First Prince?

At this moment, the Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master's eyes twitched, and a bitter expression appeared on his face, being watched by dozens of Heaven Grade powerhouse's eyes.

He wanted to slap himself to death.

Knowing this, how could he have formed an alliance with Qi Yun?

This is over, and he will also be targeted by the First Prince. In this imperial city, he might be killed suddenly one day!

First Prince's face was indifferent, and he brought Zhu Qiang around him all the way to Qi Yun and the others.

"Where's the stuff?"

First Prince asked calmly, looking down.

Qi Yun indifferently said: "What?"

"courting death, do you still want to make excuses now?"

One person beside the First Prince looked at him. cold, said.

"Sorry, I don't know what you want from this seat. As the Southern Marquis of the Dynasty Town, this seat guards a domain. Except for being responsible for the Crown Prince, other people don't need to give any explanation. Who are you? ?"

Qi Yun said flatly.

"Impudent, this is the current First Prince, don't you kneel down and apologize!"

The man shouted.

"First Prince?"

Qi Yun smiled slightly and said, "I only know the Crown Prince today, no one else knows, do you know each other?"

He looked back at the blood-robed Old Ancestor, the Divine Domain Four Demons, and the Ten Yao Star Monarch beside him.

These demons all shook their heads and grinned fiercely.

"I don't know!"

In the belly of the mountain, other powerhouses are watching all this with a look of interest.

Many people had a faint smile on their lips.

Fan Mu, the Corpse Refining Sect Sect Master on one side, turned pale, and hurriedly stood up to persuade: "Harmony is precious, everyone's harmony is precious, after all, they are all officials from the same dynasty, and harmony makes money!"


"You guys are a gang?"

First Prince indifferently asked.

"No, not a gang..."

Fan Mu hurriedly said.

That's it.

A light voice suddenly rang out, saying, "Is there something wrong with your brother? You are here all of a sudden?"

There were footsteps outside the mountainside.

Everyone turned their eyes to the past, and their faces were condensed.

I saw a large group of Ancient Ones coming from the outside, each with an obscure atmosphere, deep and unmeasurable, and a slender person wearing a Nine Dragon Robe at the front.

This man's face was hazy, covered by a layer of light mist, and no one could see his real face. When they glanced away, they could only find a pair of light eyes.

But as long as you look away, you will soon forget even the indifferent eyes, as if this person does not exist, can't be remembered by them, and can't be seen by them.

Today's Crown Prince!

"I've seen Crown Prince!"

The heroes stood up one after another and said respectfully.

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, and immediately paid respect together, Divine Consciousness gently swept out the face of Crown Prince, and soon, inwardly shiver in his heart.

Really deep and unmeasurable!

Like those Ancient Ones, his Divine Consciousness bounces off and corrodes as soon as he gets close.

First Prince's face froze, and he quickly returned to normal. When he turned around, he calmly said: "I have seen Crown Prince, but I just heard that Crown Prince has assembled a lot of powerhouses, so I came to have a look!"

"Since this is the case, the king and brother don't leave for the time being, let's stay together."

The Crown Prince said.

"My servants take orders!"

The First Prince bowed.

The sound of footsteps came, and more than a dozen guards came from the outside carrying seven heavy coffins. Soon, they placed the seven coffins in the empty space in the middle of the mountain.

The eyes of all powerhouses flashed, and their eyes converged on the past.

Many people's hearts are surging.

Before they came, they had inquired about the Imperial City through various gossips, saying that several Imperial Court officers had died one after another.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness gently swept it again, and found a strange force outside the coffin, firmly sealing the lid, his Divine Consciousness cautiously squeezed in, and soon found the inside of a corpse.

No more, no less, seven in total!

Same message as the Fourth Prince.

Seven corpses, all with mysterious smiles at the corners of their mouths.

No injuries!

He brows frowned, taking back Divine Consciousness.

The art of living sacrifice?

Is this what the Fourth Prince called the art of living sacrifice?

He looked at the Crown Prince in front of him, showing a trace of fear.

Whether he did it or not, the Crown Prince attracted a group of heroes, probably all harboring malicious intentions. Of course, when the group of heroes led the way, it was also harboring malicious intentions.

It can be said that both sides have ulterior motives. On the surface, they are respectful and modest, and the mainland is looking forward to the chaos in the imperial city.

At this time, the seven heavy coffins were opened one after another, revealing all the seven bodies inside.

"Everyone, I think you have heard a little bit about it when you came here. Within half a month of the imperial city, a series of murders occurred, and seven officers were killed. These seven officers are Heaven Grade realm. , when he died, he didn't have any injuries all over his body. So far, no clues have been found in the imperial city. I called you here this time, just to let you see together, what means did these people die?"

The Crown Prince said softly.

Everyone's eyes converged on the coffin.

Many people suddenly frowned.

Even some Ancient Ones were thinking.

Not everyone knows about the art of living sacrifice. This is an extremely ancient sorcery, and even some Spiritual Gods may not know it.

An Ancient One shook his head lightly and said, "It looks like he died from a curse, but it seems to be different from a curse!"

"Yes, there are some in the imperial city. Covered by luck, these people are in high positions, and they are full of luck, even if it is a curse, it will impossible to curse them to death!"

Another Ancient One said.

"It's not a curse, it can only be killed by him?"

The other Ancient One said.

They began to step forward one by one, checking to see if there were any other clues.

Qi Yun watched with arms crossed from the beginning to the end.

These Ancient Ones are all wily old foxes. If they don't know, maybe someone has guessed it long ago, but if they guessed it and dared to enter the imperial city, it would be even more terrifying.

Fan Mu on the side whispered: "Sect Lord, won't you go up and have a look?"

Qi Yun shook his head lightly and said, "Even Crown Prince can't see it, Naturally I can't see it either!"

Fan Mu glanced at it, browsed frowned, thought about it, shook his head lightly, and said, "It's not a method I'm familiar with."

He Stop next to Qi Yun and don't step forward.

Soon, all powerhouses were seen.

They brows frowned, shaking their heads slightly.

"Have you found anything?"

The Crown Prince asked.

"Go back to Crown Prince, this kind of killing method is unprecedented for old man!"

A powerhouse of a big Aristocratic Family Li Family shook his head.

"Yeah, we've never seen it before."

Other Ancient Ones also said.

"The imperial city murder case is about the honor of the imperial city. Please stay here to investigate this matter. If anyone can find out the truth about the murder case, I will open Tianxuan Celestial Grotto for their cultivation!"

The Crown Prince said quietly.

The Ancient One eyes of all parties flickered, showing shock.

Tianxuan Celestial Grotto?

Two bursts, 7,000 words~~ There is one more chapter~~

(end of this chapter)

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