Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 521


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Time is slow.

After Qi Yun and the others returned to their rooms, they went back to the cultivation again.

For the Blood Robe Old Ancestor and the others, the imperial city has a lot of luck, and every extra piece it absorbs will greatly help their own cultivation base, so they don't want to waste any time.

It was getting late.

Qi Yun, cultivated for one day, poured out Divine Consciousness again, covering the entire courtyard firmly.

Now, facing that kind of bizarre technique of living sacrifice, he has nothing to do.

It is almost impossible to assassinate Crown Prince.

He can only hone in the room to speed up the cultivation.

The only thing that might help him now is the next draw.

But there are still three days before the next lottery draw. It is difficult to say whether he can survive these three days, and whether he will draw useful things in the next lottery draw, he does not know.

This is definitely the first time Qi Yun has felt such pressure.

Totally helpless!

The night is getting darker.

Many powerhouses who went out to investigate cases began to return one after another.

Another area.

A deep ancient cave.

Green flames burn.

A middle-aged man with deep eyes, quietly looked at the black iron token in his hand, played it back and forth, and whispered: "Celestial Court...Celestial Court, it has been two days now, what are you all about? Can I kill the Crown Prince...I hope I won't let this seat down..."

The voice faded away gradually.

The missing moon hangs high.

A dark cloud came silently, covering the moonlight, and the earth was plunged into darkness.

In the room, Qi Yun, who was absorbing the luck of Heaven and Earth, suddenly opened his eyes.

A bald-headed bird flew from a distance and landed on the roof of Insect Devil's Luna Sky.

The bald-headed bird's eyes were dull, as if it had no soul.

After flying, his eyes looked left and right, but his body was motionless.

But soon Qi Yun frowned, with shock in his eyes.

A strange black qi emanated from the body of the white-headed bird, silently, rushing towards the Insect Devil in the room...

This black qi The naked eye is completely invisible, only revealed in Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness.

His Divine Consciousness spread quickly, and soon more surprising.

Within the range of Divine Consciousness, three white-headed birds appeared, one landed on the roof of the Insect Devil, and the other two landed on the roofs of other powerhouses.

Without exception, after the white-headed bird fell, all eyes were dull, and a black breath rushed out of the body, rushing into the room.

What's even weirder is that the white-headed bird came flying and didn't seem to attract anyone's attention.

Most of the powerhouses in the room were Heaven Grade experts, but none were found.

Qi Yun's eyes narrowed, and his body flashed through the window, speeding to the pinnacle.

When the black air just poured into Insect Devil's room, Qi Yun appeared on the roof, and with a sweep of his hand, he came up with the Slaughtering Devil Finger.


The five demonic energies rolled over, and the murderous aura was dense, full of negative emotions of resentment, coldness, slaughter, and howling, covering the white-headed bird in an instant.

The white-headed bird seemed to find the danger, and the punt-collar hurriedly flew up, but it was too late, the body was entangled by the five demonic energies, and in just a moment, the white-headed bird instantly collapsed and turned into a strange mass Black gas.

This black gas was about to fly out, but it was instantly absorbed by the five demonic energies of the slaughtering devil finger and turned into nourishment. At the same time, it rushed towards the invisible black gas in the Insect Devil's room. , also dissipated instantly.

Insect Devil opened his eyes and instantly felt something strange on the roof.


He loudly shouted, his body disappeared in an instant, turned into countless tiny Little Gu Insects, and rushed towards the roof.

Qi Yun frowned, with a flick of sleeve, said: "It's me!"

A surge of energy poured out, instantly acting on countless Gu Insects.

Insect Devil's body was crushed uncontrollably by the energy, and it emerged again, almost falling over, his face was startled, and he said: "Young Master!"

It's here At that time, the blood-robed Old Ancestor, the Shiyao Star Monarch, and the other three demons also reacted one after another, with shocked expressions on their faces, leaping out and landing on the roof.

"What's the matter, Young Master?"

The blood-robed Old Ancestor asked.

"Someone just started, and tomorrow someone will die!"

Qi Yun whispered.


Old Ancestor and the others were surprised.

Qi Yun's eyes were deep, and Divine Consciousness looked at the other two white-headed birds.

I saw the area where the two white-headed birds fell, and the black energy had silently invaded the people in the room. In an instant, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if relieved, and then his body slowly lay down.

"You guys are waiting here!"

Qi Yun's body flashed out in an instant, speed to the pinnacle.

After the two white-headed birds killed the two people in the room, the black air that extended out rolled back again, quickly returned to their bodies, and then immediately fluttered their wings and flew away.

But at this moment, Qi Yun's body flashed from a distance, speed to the pinnacle, and it came up to [Slaughtering Demon Finger], five black qi swept past, directly towards a white-headed bird. catch.

The white-headed bird fluttered wildly, unable to break free, and hurriedly turned into a mass of black energy, but the moment its body turned into black energy, it was instantly absorbed by the slaughtering devil finger and became nourishment.

Qi Yun felt that after absorbing two white-headed birds one after another, the demonic energy of the demon in his body was directly doubled. These two white-headed birds could actually increase his demonic energy of the demon!

Just as he was about to hunt down the third white-headed bird, the fluctuations caused by the Slaughtering Devil Fingers had already alarmed the powerhouses in other rooms and swept them out one after another.

Qi Yun frowned, made a decisive decision and hid in the Holy Land space in an instant.

Now he doesn't want people to know that he's found the bald-headed bird.

That will definitely get you into trouble.

The person who secretly casts the art of living sacrifice will definitely pay more attention to dealing with himself.

Now that the situation is unclear, he must ensure absolute secrecy.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

The silhouette flashes.

Powerhouses rushed out of each room, all of them were Heaven Grade experts with keen spiritual sense, and there were many experts with spiritual department. Dozens experts appeared in an instant and gathered on this roof.

"What's going on?"

"What a gloomy aura! Full of resentment and killing!"

"Does anyone else do it again?"

Suddenly, a spirit-type awakener rolled his spirit strength downward, and immediately started, saying, "The Corpse Sect Sect Master is dead!"

His The body fell instantly, directly shaking the room.

A group of powerhouse startleds descended one after another and came to the room.

The remaining few Corpse Sect experts have also all complexion greatly changed, and they rushed in.

In the interior of the room, a thin-faced middle-aged man with a smile on his lips fell to the ground, seemingly freed, and died silently.

“Sect Master!”

These Tibetan Corpse Sect experts cried out in grief.

"It's exactly the same as the daytime, and it's the same way to die!"

"What the hell is going on? Damn it, who's shooting!"

"Just now we felt an aura of resentment and killing in the air, the murderer must be the Corpse Sect Sect Master who killed at that time!"

The expressions of all powerhouses changed.

This way of killing is too fast!

A deadly move!

No resistance was encountered!

In mid-air, Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness swept out through the cracks in the holy soil space, and saw that no one was paying attention, his body flashed, emerged, and then landed in this courtyard. , pretending to have just arrived.

"Sect Lord, you're here too!"

Fan Mu found Qi Yun and walked over quickly with a suspicious look on his face, "Someone died again, it was the Corpse of Northern Tibet. Sect Master of Sect."

"The thief is too vicious!"

Qi Yun sighed.

"Everyone, I don't know if anyone else has an accident, please check quickly!"

Suddenly, Ye Xuntian said.

Everyone was shocked, reacted, and immediately dispersed, each went to check his doorman.

Fan Mu also hurriedly said: "Sect Lord, you also go to check on your people, and I will return as soon as possible!"

He returned quickly.

Qi Yun glanced at Ye Xuntian and the others, then left.

Inside the courtyard.

The blood-robed Old Ancestor and the others quickly gathered when they saw Qi Yun descend.

"Young Master!"

"What's going on, it looks like someone died again!"

they whispered.

Qi Yun's face was solemn, Divine Consciousness spread, and found that no one was paying attention all around, sound transmission said: "Come in with me!"

He turned and walked towards the room.

A group of demons followed.

The door was closed.

A powerful true essence and Divine Consciousness enveloped the room, preventing anyone from prying.

"Now tell me all your fates, but those who have Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements and Yin-Yang fates are not allowed to hide!"

Qi Yun whispered solemnly.

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Young Master, I have two fates of Jinshui, does that count?"

The blood-robed Old Ancestor asked.

“Two kinds of gold and water? No, only one!”

Qi Yun said.

"Young Master, I am the Wood Attribute!"

Insect Devil said solemnly.

"What do you think, what about the others?"

Qi Yun asked in a low voice.

Everyone opened their mouths one after another, each stating their own destiny.

Qi Yun's heart gradually sank.

Except Insect Devil is Wood Attribute, Demon Monarch White Bone is Yin Attribute.

This time they have Heavenspan Church occupied two kinds of fate.

This is trouble!

And this is not your own, what is your destiny?

"Everyone, listen carefully to what I'm saying next, no one is allowed to spread the word..."

Qi Yun's face was solemn, and he started sound transmission to the group of demons with Divine Consciousness , told them all about the art of living sacrifice...

Another place in the imperial city.

The mysterious palace.

In the depths of a dark room.

A white-headed bird flew through the wall silently, landed on the hand of a black silhouette, and melted into the body of the black silhouette.

"Only one came back?"

A cold voice sounded: "Who, who killed my remaining two sacrificial spirits..."

The gloomy wind blows, and the whole room is icy cold.

"Someone found them."

Suddenly, another voice sounded, extremely strange, like the friction of metal, with strange power, "Among the people who came over, There is unimaginable existence..."

(end of this chapter)

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