Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 196


Chapter 195 loose cultivator Pan Tian

But he also knows that if Elder Lu is alone, he wants to burn both jade and stone are simply sleep talk.

Jade is sure to be broken, but stone is sure not to burn.

After all, the opponent holds a ghost weapon in his hand.

He turned around again and entered the Holy Land space.

If a wooden Elder Lu can't do it, then get Zhao Biao too.

Then hold the deformed card and help in the dark.

If the person who can destroy the Netherworld Cult is the best, the weapon will definitely fall into his own hands.

If it can't be destroyed, let them suffer from both sides.

Qi Yun walked towards the crystal tower.

However, after entering this time, there are some surprises.


Besides the previous Mu Elder Lu and the third guardian of the God-hunting Mansion, there was another bubble.

[loose cultivator: Pan Tian].

The above line of writing flickered faintly, completely exceeding Qi Yun's expectations.

Is God helping me too?

"loose cultivator?"

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, wondering how strong this person is?

However this bubble is formed, he still has no idea.

The bubbles appear as soon as they come out, and there seems to be no regularity at all.

Qi Yun stretched out a palm and pressed it hard against the bubble in front of Pan Tian.

The bubbles are rapidly dented, deformed, and pu' sound, suddenly broken after the dent reaches the extreme.

Innumerable information rushed into Qi Yun's mind.

A secluded Inn.

Pan Tian's face is indifferent, his body is short and thin, his back is high and hunched, and his facial features are ugly.

He is a Poison Master, who is in the company of poison insects and poisons every day, a Major Perfection of poisonous cultivation.

As long as he wants, he can poison to death half a city in an instant.

But he couldn't.

The situation in this city is quite complicated. Many mysterious forces are intertwined and confronted in secret, and there are cracks in the underworld.

Once he really made a move and poisoned to death the people in this half city, these mysterious forces would be the first to let him go.

Although the ordinary person can only be regarded as blood food and cattle and sheep in their eyes.

But he killed other people's sheep, how could others give up.

A loose cultivator like him, who wants to obtain blood energy for cultivation, can only do it secretly and use the method of scouring wool.

He appeared in this Hong Tian City this time, just to pick up the wool.

There is a crack in the underworld under Hong Tian City, strange events occur frequently, and people continue to die and disappear. This is a good time for him to act.

As long as he doesn't move too much, there is absolutely no problem.

Pan Tian's mind recalled the seven or eight pieces of blood food he devoured at noon, and he was still a little unfinished.

This Hongtian City is worthy of being the largest city in Yubao Country, and there are many Martial Arts experts. Although it is not as good as the Level 2 country [Zhao State], compared with other small cities around it, it exceeds know how much.

Pan Tian decided to wait until after he had refined the blood energy in his body, and then absorbed another wave late at night.

It is rare to encounter chaos in this city. After this village, there is no such shop.

The other cities are basically divided up by various mysterious forces. No matter where he goes, he can no longer encounter such a good place as Hong Tian City.

While Pan Tian was thinking about it, a strange force suddenly radiated from his side, wrapping his body gradually.

Pan Tian suddenly widened his eyes and looked all around.



The body was completely engulfed and disappeared from the room.

When Pan Tian returned to Qingming again, he was completely stunned.

This time, the lead clouds are rolling, the baleful aura is mighty, and the four fields are boundless.

A hard to describe panic and loneliness suddenly came into his heart from all directions.

"This... what is this place? How did I get here? Who, who brought me here?" Confused.


Suddenly, the lead cloud rolled in front of me, and a huge throne slowly rose from the depths of the lead cloud, sitting on it was a silhouette wearing a black robe, with a blurred face and indifferent eyes.

Pan Tiangang was shocked when he saw that person, lost one's head out of fear, and quickly stepped back.

"Who, who are you?"

He waved his palms subconsciously, and one after another poisonous surged out.

He is an outlaw, and he has gone through countless crises. At this moment, even though he feels endless fear, he still can't control his palm.

It was almost an instinctive reaction. When he came up, he was poison qi hiding the sky and covering the earth, and rushed towards Qi Yun.

Qi Yun's eyes showed a strange color.

This loose cultivator is beyond my expectations.

I was dragged to such a place by mysterious power and dared to do it.

If nothing else, this psychological quality is far superior to Zhao Biao and Mu Elder Lu.

It's ruthless!


Qi Yun swept it away, Heaven and Earth turned upside down, blood surged, and the entire area became violent.

Poison qi photographed by Pan Tian was immediately affected by a powerful force, and went straight backwards.

Pan Tian's face was horrified, and he hurriedly flew backwards.

But at this moment, a powerful terrifying force instantly imprisoned his body, making his body unable to move, as if it had become a sculpture, and he could only watch it helplessly. A terrifying poison qi rushed towards his body.

His eyes were full of horror and he began to whimper.

"Forgive your life, Lord, spare your life, spare me..."

This is the poison he shot himself, and he knows how strong the poison is.

Once attacked into the body, even awakener and transcender can instantly turn into poisonous water.

At this moment, his body is imprisoned, even if he wants to serve Detoxification Pill, it is impossible.

Facing Qi Yun, he could only mourn mournfully.

Qi Yun showed a hint of ridicule, and swung the palm of his hand again, the layer of poison mist surging towards Pan Tian suddenly twisted and turned into a huge Poison Dragon, surrounding Pan Tian, tangled in the middle.

Poison Dragon seems to have consciousness, two red eyes flashing, terrifying roar.

Pan Tian was even more horrified, his face contorted together, and he begged for mercy again.

"Shout one more word and I'll crush you to death."

The cold terrifying voice came ruthlessly from the throne.

Pan Tian's face turned pale, he was silent for a moment, and looked at Qi Yun in horror.

He just didn't want to shoot.

But he couldn't control it at all.

This is an instinctive reaction brought about by the perennial desperate life. When encountering danger, I subconsciously shoot poison qi...

What kind of existence did I encounter at this time?

"Pan Tian, I know all about your deeds, including several meridian injuries that occurred in your body during your cultivation of poison. The deity has all of it. I called you here this time because I have a good thing for you.

Your personality is not too good, it suits the deity's appetite very well. The deity gave you a code name, called Black Tortoise Star Monarch. You will go out of the city tonight and kill a few people. If you do it successfully Now, you will be considered half of your deity from now on.

Remember, you are not allowed to tell anyone about this, you can only rot in your stomach forever, as long as you dare to say half of it The character, the deity will know in an instant, with the deity's means, you should be crushed to death with no difficulty."

Qi Yun's tone was flat, his left hand was gently raised, and a cloud of lead rolled on one side, and appeared He grabbed a huge gray palm and slammed it towards the middle.


The breath of one after another destroying heaven extinguishing earth, sweeping all around, grandiose.

Pan Tian's eyes were terrified, his body was still imprisoned in mid-air, and he quickly nodded vigorously.

"Remember, the person who asked you to hunt down is the Vice-Sect Master Han Yueshan of Netherworld Cult. He has a ghost weapon in his hand. In the second watch tonight, you attacked him outside the city, except You, and a few others.

They are the same as you, and they are all chosen by the deity. The people who will be assessed tonight are called Azure Dragon, Black Tiger, and Greedy Wolf. You will meet them at night. Yes,

Don't question the ability of the deity. The deity can select you from hundreds of millions of living beings, and will naturally know whether you will run away at night.

Anyone who runs away will The deity regards it as a mission failure and will kill it."

Qi Yun said indifferently.

Pan Tian's face was distorted and even more frightened.

Chasing down Han Yueshan?

Han Yueshan has a ghost weapon in his hand!

This is almost a certain death situation.

Who is this guy?

Why did you choose him?

Pan Tian was about to cry.

(end of this chapter)

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