Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 195


Chapter 194 Wolf Star Monarch

In the Holy Land space.

Qi Yun is long relaxed.

In one afternoon, he drew fifty-four pieces of jade talisman.

Even him, the spirit strength was a bit too much at the moment, he dropped the pen in his hand, got up and moved his body.

These manufactured jade talismans were all solemnly placed in a safe place by him, so as not to accidentally crush the big azure snakes and black foxes.

He rubbed the temple, walked out of the Holy Land space, lay down on the chair, closed his eyes, and started the Body Metamorphose Scripture.

True Qi flows in the body, and an indescribable comfort gradually spreads from the limbs.

"Gang Lord."

Suddenly someone rushed outside in a panic, shouting at the door: "There is a guy called the black tiger Star Monarch outside asking to see you."

Within the price, Qi Yun suddenly opened his eyes.

Wood Elder Lu!

He came so soon.

Has he found out what's going on with the Netherworld Cult?

"Take him to the living room."

Qi Yun said in a low voice.

"Yes, Gang Lord."

The gang quickly retreated.

Qi Yun looked at the tragic appearance of his room being bombed by thunder not long ago, frowned, called someone over, repaired it as soon as possible, started and walked towards the living room.

In the spacious living room.

Mu Elder Lu was led all the way towards here.

When he came, his heart was still violently surging, secretly guessing that this Lord of the Celestial Court made him see who Qi Yun would be?

In his history, this Qi Yun must also be a strong cultivation base, a deep and unmeasurable existence.

But absolutely didn't expect it to be a Gang Lord?

He naturally knows what the martial arts gang is.

This is a group of blood food raised by the proud family.

Not long ago, the proud family fled, and this martial arts gang was also brutally harvested.

How could he, the Gang Lord, avoid it?

Elder Lu doesn't know much about martial arts, so many problems are hard to figure out.

I was led all the way by the previous gang, and soon came to the great hall.

As soon as he entered the great hall, he saw Qi Yun in the hall, his face was slightly startled, and his heart was dark.

This man...

He's a burly man!

This head is probably one of the very best in the secular world.

Soon, Elder Lu's eyes flashed again.

He couldn't sense Qi Yun's blood and heartbeat?

Is there a rare treasure in this person?

When he was suspicious, Qi Yun waved his hand and told the gang members to retreat.

Qi Yun sat in the main seat, looking indifferently at the wooden Elder Lu in front of him, his eyes were bright light glittering, piercing like steel needles.

Wood Elder Lu was surprised again.

This person is not a spiritual awakener, right?

Facing Qi Yun's gaze, he was somewhat uncomfortable, opened the mouth and said: "Little Brother, you...are you really Qi Yun?"

He was going to open the mouth first .

"I received the order from the Lord of the Celestial Court."

Qi Yun said calmly.

Mu Elder Lu was shocked.

It's that Qi Yun!

Knowing about the Lord of the Celestial Court, this is definitely not going away.

Wood Elder Lu breathed deeply, said solemnly: "Brother Qi, I just found out about Netherworld Cult, one of their Vice-Sect Masters brought three Hall Masters and another Hall Master, I've already met outside the city, I'm afraid the night will come."

Qi Yun's eyes flashed slightly.

I guessed it by myself.

Netherworld Cult coming so soon?

"Brother Qi, this matter... Should I report this matter to the Lord of the Celestial Court?"

Mu Elder Lu looked at Qi Yun and asked.

Qi Yun nods and said: "Lord of the Celestial Court has just passed the order to me, let us kill the people of Netherworld Cult at night."

"Cut... Kill?"

Mu Elder Lu was stunned, his eyes widened, and he said, "This...they have a ghost weapon on them."

"Don't worry, it's not just the two of us. People, and others will join us in this mission, and the Lord of the Celestial Court will be secretly guarding, so we won't worry about our lives."

Qi Yun said calmly.

Mu Elder Lu's face softened a little, nodded and said: "That's good, that's good."

In the face of the ghost weapon, he really has no certainty.

Even a first-grade Early-Stage person can easily wipe out a late first-grade person with a ghost weapon.

If it is held by someone in the late moon stage, the formidable power is even more unimaginable.

Even if a Japanese-level powerhouse arrives, it's hard to help him.

And this is still the case when the formidable power of the underworld cannot be fully exerted.

It is said that if you want a ghost or Divine Item to fully exert formidable power, you need Power of God unimaginable.

This is the reason why once the Divine Item and Divine Item appear, it can quickly cause all influence to go crazy.

Suddenly, Elder Lu moved again in his heart. He was curious about Qi Yun in front of him, and asked, "Brother Qi, I don't know if I should ask it or not?"


Qi Yun said.

"Brother Qi doesn't know where he is now? Has he become an official?"

Wood Elder Lu said with a smile.

"Well, my code name is Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, and I only need this last mission. After this last mission is completed, I can officially become the real Greedy Wolf Star Monarch."


Qi Yun said.

The greedy wolf Star Monarch?

Mu Elder Lu was secretly surprised.

Your status should be comparable to your own black tiger Star Monarch, right?

More importantly, he can't see through Qi Yun at all now.

I don't know what kind of ability you are?

"Congratulations to Brother Qi, congratulations to Brother Qi."

Mu Elder Lu's face suddenly had a hint of smirk, and said: "If you encounter a mistake when you act at night, please also ask Brother Qi can assist on one side."

He, as it should be by rights, thinks that Qi Yun is stronger than him.

After all, Qi Yun will soon become an official.

And he's just a code name.

So who is weak and who is strong, it is easy to judge.

"Well, yes."

Qi Yun said calmly.

Still a deep and unmeasurable look.

Mu Elder Lu got his promise and was secretly happy, and he was able to conclude that Qi Yun was stronger than him.

“many thanks Brother Qi, Brother Qi will use the old man in the future, and the old man must die.”

Mu Elder Lu said with a smile.

You have to be so cautious, after all, you have to face a powerhouse holding a ghost instrument at night.

If there is no powerhouse around to take care of him, he will become a fly ash if he meets him.

"Brother Qi, when will I start at night?"

Mu Elder Lu asked.

"Has the Netherworld Cult's location been found out?"

Qi Yun asked.

"They are now in a deserted village outside the city, preparing for a late night process to reduce attention."

Wood Elder Lu.

"Then at the second watch, there will be an ambush outside the city."

Qi Yun said.

"Second shift? Good."

Wood Elder Lu hurriedly nodded.

Suddenly a thought popped into his mind again, and he couldn't help saying with a laugh: "Brother Qi, how many people are there at night?"

He still wanted to ask more questions. In a word, it is related to one's own life after all.

Although the Lord of the Celestial Court will be keeping an eye out, it's good to be cautious.

"I'll know then."

Qi Yun indifferently said: "Just remember to keep your identity hidden."

"Okay, okay. "

Wood Elder Lu was nodded again, and he didn't dare to struggle too much.

"Well, then you can go back."

Qi Yun said.

Wooden Elder Lu bowed his hands again and again, walked out of here with a smile on his face.

Qi Yun's eyes were deep and deep, and his heart was surging as he watched the silhouette of Elder Lu leaving.

He really hoped that the two groups of people could burn both jade and stone at night.

In this way, a batch of parasites can be reduced.

There are two chapters left, and it will be after twelve o'clock~~

(end of this chapter)

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