Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 197


Chapter 196 Late at night, kill

Pan Tian wailed and wanted to beg for mercy in mid-air, but But he didn't dare to say a word, his facial features were twisted, tears were flowing, it was so miserable and miserable.

I just came to Hong Tian City once to pick up the wool.

Why choose yourself?


If I knew this, how dare he come here.

The indifferent gaze casted down from the throne and fell on him, Qi Yun calmly said: "Don't be too desperate, your mission is not mortal, the deity will observe in secret, You will take action at a critical moment, and after completing this task, there are still many benefits, and you will understand the specific benefits in the future."

Pan Tian's face turned pale, looking at Qi Yun in horror, revealing that Deeply grateful.

It's good to have this great man.

If this mighty man is going to make a move, he will definitely not die.

"Lord many thanks, Lord many thanks."

He said quickly.

He wasn't interested at all about the benefits of completing the task.

All he was interested in was living.

The stronger the man, the more he wants to live.

He worked hard for wool in various places, and finally reached the current late stage of the moon. Is it easy for him?


Pan Tian's voice suddenly trembled, wanting to ask something.

But Qi Yun's indifferent voice quickly came out, saying: "The name of this deity is Lord of the Celestial Court, just remember this, you don't need to know the rest, you go back and prepare."



Pan Tian's face turned pale, just wanted to ask how to get back?

Suddenly Mysterious Force appeared all around again, swallowing towards his body.


He was again disappeared from the pylon.

Qi Yun's eyes were dark and flickering.

Another late moon class.

Although it's a little less daring, it's better than nothing.

More importantly, this product is Poison Master.

Benevolently poisonous!

This is not the poison of the mundane Martial Artist!

Pan Tian is a transcender, his poison can penetrate Power of God.

Whether you are weird or awakener, as long as the cultivation base is not enough, once you are recruited, you will inevitably die.

Qi Yun fell from the throne and appeared in front of the bubble of the third guardian of the Hunting God Palace.

The next step is to inform Zhao Biao.

Qi Yun's eyes flickered, and he pressed down hard.

In a secluded room.

Pieces of dim light came out, and Pan Tian's body appeared on the bed again.

His face was still pale before the tears dried up.

As soon as he appeared at this moment, he immediately looked all around in horror.

It wasn't until I saw that I was in the room that I began to gradually calm down.

too terrifying!


Why did the other party choose him?

Innumerable thoughts appeared in his mind quickly.

That includes running away.

But when he thought of the other party's unpredictable and mysterious methods, he felt a deep sense of despair again.

It is unimaginable that the other party can get himself from the Inn to that mysterious place silently. Even if he escapes, he will never get away.

The other party can get him back again at any time.

The next time I get him back, I'll be done.


The curse of grief in his heart.

If he knew this, he wouldn't come to this damn Hong Tian City.

The setting sun had already fallen outside, and Hong Tian City began to gradually sink into darkness.

Pan Tian's eyes struggled, he went out quickly, and bought a night clothes.

Whether the mission was successful or not, he didn't want to be missed by Netherworld Cult.

So night clothes are a must.

Wu Gang headquarters.

Qi Yun took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

Zhao Biao has also said it there.

The goods will gather outside the city at night.

A bronze-mask appeared in his hand, and after thinking about it, he specially asked someone to go out to buy a set of wide-sleeved robes like those in opera.

This wide-sleeved robe with a bronze-mask is even more mysterious.

Of course, his actions tonight were mainly plots.

You must not be the main force yourself.

Otherwise, if you slam the underworld weapon hard, I'm afraid he will explode in an instant.

The night is falling.

There are no stars or moons tonight, and an invisible gray mist covers the sky.

The whole Hong Tian City fell into an unspeakable depression.

The same goes for the wilderness outside the city.

There is not a trace of light, not a trace of sound, and even the night wind is much less.

The quiet is somewhat terrifying.

In a deserted village.

Han Yueshan, wearing a black robe, is tall, about 1.8 meters tall, with an unusually handsome face and black hair. Although he is middle-aged, he is more energetic than ordinary young people.

"It's almost time, ready to go."

Han Yueshan said solemnly.

All four around him nodded politely.

These four people, two males and one female, and the other is the one who holds a copper mirror and has an Adam's apple.

This afternoon, Han Yueshan and the others arrived.

It's just that I haven't acted rashly.

According to the information provided by Master Yan Hall, Ying Venerable, Chan Venerable, and Mister Liu were successively lost in Hong Tian City, which means that there is definitely something in the city targeting them.

It could be spooky or some other mysterious faction.

If it's weird, he's naturally not afraid, and he can wipe it out directly with a ghost weapon.

I'm afraid it's other mysterious forces.

But they are not the only ones with underworld weapons, other forces are also very likely to master such lethal weapons.

That's why he decided to wait. It was the best time to enter the city when it was late at night.

Because at this time, there is a lot of ghostly energy emanating from the cracks in the underworld, and their ghost weapons will be assisted by these ghostly auras, and their power will be stronger than during the day.

This way they don't have to worry about being ambushed.

The difference between the Divine Item and the Divine Item is here.

Divine Item, with maximum formidable power during the day.

The formidable power is the largest at night, especially in places with a ghostly atmosphere, it will be unbelievably strong.

A group of people came out of the desolate village.

The barren village is not far from Hong Tian City, about twenty miles away.

With the means of this group of people, they can go to the end if they don't even need half a stick of incense within twenty miles.

But something weird happened tonight.

A group of people walked from the village for a long time, nearly one hour, and they were still in this wilderness.


The red dressed woman said in amazement.


Han Yueshan coldly snorted, said: "act recklessly!"

His palm shook, the space seemed to be split open, and countless holes appeared, Then ka-cha sounded, and was shattered by him.


The scene in front of me changed drastically.

They appeared in front of a mountain forest, not far away, a silhouette in blue clothes and blue armor, wearing an azure mask, with a somewhat mocking smile in his eyes, watching them.


The weird laughter came from the mouth of this azure silhouette.

Suddenly there was a huge earthquake not far away.

With a bang, another silhouette jumped out.

This man was dressed in black clothed black armor, wearing a black mask, and also gave out bursts of weird laughter.


Han Yueshan’s eyes sank as he glanced at them, and a sharp arc appeared on his face.

"The Little Ones."

Today's eight chapters are even later, please come to a wave of recommended tickets~~

(end of this chapter)

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