Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 284 Cooperation with Team Rocket

The Wind Drifting Dragon spread out its beautiful giant wings and flew on the way to Farnes.

Su Yi, who was sitting behind it, murmured to himself: Qiye's Wishing Star, this is the first big event I have participated in, and Jirachi is indeed a rare Pokémon. I just want to go and see it. .”

There's a celebration, meow! What fun things will there be, meow? Lucao lay on the saddle, eyes flashing with anticipation.

Ang? The Wind Drifter was flying in the air, and several bird Pokémon flew boldly and curiously beside it. The Wind Drifter, which had never seen such Pokémon before, was a little surprised: They are not afraid of me. What? I am the dangerous giant wing of the platform!

At the same time, the groups of vehicles on the road in the distance made Feng Piaolong very curious.

Su Yi patted Feng Piaolong on the back and said: Feng Piaolong, this is your first time in the Pokémon world. There are many interesting things in this world, but let's make it clear first that you won't be allowed to leave without my permission. Attack without permission!

Alas! Feng Piaolong agreed as he enjoyed a rare leisure time.

Those vehicles must be rushing to the celebration.

Su Yi looked up into the distance, only to find a meow-shaped hot air balloon floating in the air, flying in the direction of the traffic.

That's Team Rocket? What a coincidence! I'm looking for something to do with them!

Su Yi immediately asked Feng Piaolong to speed up and fly over.

I'm so hungry, Meow. How far is it, Meow? Meow said weakly as he lay on the edge of the hot air balloon basket.

Why did Little Ghost and the others suddenly run so far away? We've all eaten all the food. Musashi stood on the edge with the same sluggishness.

Kojiro touched his belly and suggested, How about we go work at the celebration? Otherwise, we won't have the energy to catch Pikachu.

So-Nas. Sure enough, Weng suddenly appeared and yelled at first, but his subsequent voice became weak in an instant.

I have to work again. Musashi's expression was somewhat resistant.


A sharp and high-pitched neighing suddenly made them jump to their feet. They saw a large black shadow covering the hot air balloon. The huge flying dragon flew down and looked at the hot air balloon with interest.

Wow! What kind of Pokémon is this? It's so big! Kojiro was shocked.

Oh no, meow! Because I have no money, this hot air balloon has no protective measures, meow! Meow was shocked.

Musashi took out the elf ball and said reluctantly: Although I am very hungry, I can only use my momentum!

But the dangerous-looking Pokémon did not attack. Instead, it descended a little further, allowing them to see the person on its back.

Su Yi smiled and waved: Hey, everyone, we meet again!


It's that guy, meow!

In the forest, Su Yi set up a barbecue grill and grilled meat leisurely. Feng Piaolong lay aside to rest while curiously watching the Pokémon passing by in the forest.

Aww! Aww! It's delicious! It's delicious! Kojiro picked up a piece of fragrant barbecue steak and ate it without forgetting to make a sound.

Meow! It's meat! I haven't eaten it for a long time, meow! And it's so tender and juicy! It's so delicious, meow! Meow puffed out his cheeks and chewed hard, with a happy expression on his face.

Musashi peeled off the paper cup of a cupcake and stuffed it into his mouth: Wow. And there's dessert! It's so good!

On the picnic cloth in front of them, the pile of food disappeared quickly as they ate in a hurry. Team Rocket was racing against time, holding on to it, for fear that it would be gone if they were slow.

Su Yi said helplessly: Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, and have a drink, don't choke.

With that said, Su Yi took out some drinks and handed them over.

Then we're welcome!

The Team Rocket trio took the drinks, drank heavily, and finally let out a sigh of contentment.

Next, Su Yi helped their Pokémon prepare some food. Even if the trio were full, they were still stuffing small desserts into their mouths happily.

Su Yi asked funnyly: How long have you not eaten?

Kojiro swallowed a piece of candy cake, touched his belly with satisfaction and said, We each had a cup of instant noodles last night, burp!

I'm alive, meow~ Meow meowed happily as he lay on the picnic cloth.

My life was really saved, Musashi sighed.

Afterwards, the Rocket trio sat in front of Su Yi and said loudly: Thanks for the hospitality (meow)!

Sure enough, Weng reacted quickly, and while swallowing the dessert in his mouth, he shouted: Soumunnas!

Kojiro touched his head and said with a silly smile: I thought you were going to attack us again? I didn't expect you to entertain us like this. You are such a nice person.

Su Yi said speechlessly: As long as you don't do bad things, why should I attack you?

If they hadn't attacked Lu Cao when they first met, Su Yi wouldn't have been angry. He still liked the Rockets trio.

Su Yi said bluntly: Actually, I came to you because I want to cooperate with you.

Kojiro immediately asked: What do we need to do?

Su Yi shook his finger and corrected: I'm not asking you to do anything, but to cooperate! Do you understand cooperation? Mutual benefit and win-win!

The trio looked at each other and asked doubtfully: Cooperation?

Su Yi simply took a backpack, opened it, and a lot of golden minerals fell out.

Gold?! Musashi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Kojiro took a small piece and looked at it: It should be gold with lower purity, and there are many impurities in it.

So the cooperation we are going to have is related to these golds? Meow asked.

Partly yes.

Part of it?

When Team Rocket was confused, Su Yi picked up a gold nugget and said, As you can see, this gold has low purity and contains impurities, so it cannot be sold at a good price, but if it is purified, its value will increase. It’s improved a lot.”

In other words, I hope you can help me make equipment that can extract and purify gold, and the reward will be.

Su Yi pointed to the large pile of low-purity gold.

Are these our rewards? Musashi asked happily.

Although this gold contains impurities, it is estimated that about one kilogram of gold can be extracted.

If we take the gold beads in the game as a reference, a pearl-sized gold bead can be sold for 5,000 yuan, and these are estimated to be hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Su Yi shook his head and said, These are just deposits.

Just a deposit?! The Rocket trio were shocked.

Su Yi smiled and said: We will have more cooperation in the future. As I said, we are mutually beneficial and win-win.

I'm very optimistic about your ability to invent and create. Su Yi said seriously.

Hehehe! A mere instrument for refining gold is a piece of cake for us! Kojiro said enthusiastically.

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