Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 283 Celebration? The wishing star of Qiye!

Hearing Dawu's words, Su Yi was slightly startled, and subconsciously began to think: Will Dawu later have the Pokémon Big Mouth?

But what is certain is that he doesn't have it now.

Hearing that Dawu had the idea of ​​​​conquering the big-mouthed kid because of the super stone he had just acquired, Su Yi always felt that Dawu wanted to make dumplings because of this jealousy.

Su Yi estimated that this was because Dawu was now very interested in the novelty of super stones and mega evolution.

Because of Su Yi's influence, Dawu learned about and developed the mega evolution in advance, so he had an extra goal and some expectations when mining ores.

And in just one week, he had already obtained a key stone and two super stones.

However, Daigo will also give some Super Stones to trainers he values ​​in the future.

From this point of view, Daigo is not a person who values ​​his own affairs, but he knows that it is more meaningful for the right people to put this kind of thing into effect.

He should still be in the so-called three-minute heat state now.

What will a mega-mouthed baby look like? I'm looking forward to it.

If it is worthy of such a beautiful stone, then the Pokémon that gains new powers should be able to shine like Mega Metagross. Daigo said expectantly, holding the Big Mouth Mega Stone.

Su Yi remembered the information about Mega Big Mouth Baby and said: That's true. The starting characteristic is intimidation. After Mega evolves, the characteristic becomes Hercules. The moves are paired with sword dance and surprise attack. The strength is really not weak.

After hearing Su Yi's detailed information and battle ideas about Mega Big Mouth Baby, Dawu immediately said in surprise: You really know a lot about mega evolution. Are you a researcher in this field?

Facing Dawu's curious eyes, Su Yi thought for a while and asked him about the information about Mega Metagross and Mega Meg, as well as the development of these two Pokémon by players in the original world.

Although there are big differences between real-time combat and turn-based combat, some ideas can be universal, and at this point in time, research on mega evolution is still in its infancy.

I see, after Metagross mega evolves, will its characteristics change? Because I haven't fought against it, I really haven't noticed it.

Can Big Mouth Baby achieve such an effect by rationally using its characteristics and mega evolution? It's really interesting.

Dawu nodded frequently, looking like he had benefited a lot.

Finally, he sighed: It's so interesting. Well, I almost want to resign as the champion and devote myself to the search for super stones and the development of mega evolution.

Su Yi: ???

Although I know that you will resign as champion because you are addicted to digging rocks, but is it too early?

Mi Keli is in danger!

After Dawu wrote down the information provided by Su Yi, he picked up the Super Stone of Charizard X and handed it to Su Yi.

Su Yi was surprised and said: This is...?

Dawu smiled and said: I promised to give you that super stone before. Even if it is identified as Metagross' super stone, I will not regret it.

But you gave it back to me with the beauty of adulthood, and now you share the precious information about mega evolution with me without reservation. This super stone is a thank you gift, and it also serves as a way for me to make friends with you.

Su Yi was a little flattered, but Dawu was very open-minded. Maybe this was his charm. He was polite, well-spoken, and very gentlemanly. The most important thing was that he was not short of money.

Su Yi didn't hesitate and took the super stone: Then I will be disrespectful.

Although with Da Kong, Su Yi has no interest in conquering the fire-breathing dragon, but it is a gain to some extent, and perhaps, it will have unexpected uses.

In the future, I may even ask you about the Z Pure Crystal and the Wishing Star. Dawu said with a smile.

Su Yi .

By the way, you have something to do with me. Let's talk about it. Daiwu changed the subject.

Su Yi remembered the business and immediately took out the things from his backpack.

Looking at the large pile of colorful and strange stones, Dawu opened his eyes slightly and asked in surprise: What are these?

Su Yi said with some embarrassment: I have been in a tight situation recently. Last time you said you would collect some rare stones, so you brought some 'local specialties' here.

These are indeed the souvenirs of the monster hunting world.

Because in Su Yi's long-term plan, he needs to build his own stronghold, which requires the use of various equipment and a lot of money.

Su Yi asked the commander-in-chief to exchange the rewards of the mission for these ore-like gold exchange items, just so that they could be converted into money in the Pokémon world.

Most of these ores are specialties of the New World and have no value in being used in equipment, but they are very beautiful and can be made into handicrafts.

There are also some minerals and gems that were traded from the Old Continent when some members of the survey team were brought back to the Old Continent, such as Lockak ore, Barbarei quartz, Minagadi crystal, Bernardite and so on.

In short, these mineral gems are very unique and beautiful, and mainly, they are unique in the Pokémon world.

Daigo carefully examined these minerals and carefully identified them based on his rich knowledge of the matter. He immediately discovered that these minerals were different.

Dawu raised his head, his eyes lit up with excitement, and asked: Where did you dig these ores from?

Su Yi could only make up a panic and said: My friend gave it to me.

Dawu didn't believe it, but he still smiled and said, I've packed these rocks. Next time we have time, we can dig rocks together.

Su Yi: Even the way the boss invites people is so special.

It feels like a fisherman sees someone else loading up the goods, warmly invites him to dinner, and then makes an appointment to go fishing with him.

No heart, just passion!

After walking out of the Dewen Building, Su Yi looked at the deposits on the Rotom on his mobile phone and sighed: Buying and reselling, I can earn over 10,000 a day.

At this time, Rotom's cell phone rang.

Is this Ma Li's phone number?

Su Yi looked at the caller ID and answered the call.

Master? Are you done? Ma Li's calm voice came, with a hint of concern.

I'm done, I've gained a lot this time. Su Yi said with a smile.

That's great, you're just in time. Ma Li said with a sigh of relief.

Su Yi was a little confused: What can we catch up with?

Remember the celebration I mentioned last time? It starts tomorrow. Ma Li reminded.

Su Yi patted his head and said suddenly: Is it a celebration?

It’s not a bad idea to go to the festival to relax and unwind.

Well, hurry up and come here. My brother and I are almost there. The location is just north of Fuyan Town, in a place called Farnes. It is said that you can see the Millennium Comet here. Use the map of Rotom on your mobile phone. It should be able to be located.”

Farnes? Thousand-year comet? An idea flashed in Su Yi's mind.

The wishing star of the Seven Nights? Jirachi?

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