After Su Yi left his contact information with the Rocket trio, he generously gave them the gold. Anyway, these were just some of the gold he dug up casually.

Hey hey hey! Shining gold! Musashi was overjoyed and collected the gold fragments.

Kojiro said expectantly: With this gold, we can eat whatever we want!

Meow meow excitedly answered: And with this money, we can build better equipment, and then go catch the little devil Pikachu, meow!

Su Yi tilted his head in confusion: Hey, hey, I'm still here!

Seeing their happy faces, Su Yi felt a little emotional.

Although Sakaki's instructions to the Rocket trio were usually to promote Team Rocket's reputation, capture Pokémon in the current area, or thwart a villain organization in a certain area, the Rocket trio often failed, and Sakaki did not Blame them too much.

They were as if they were being taken care of by Sakaki. Although he would give them instructions, Sakaki himself didn't seem to care much about how well they completed the task.

At most, just say a few words of greeting or encouragement.

But the Rocket trio were motivated, having fun, and aiming to make Sakaki happy.

To be honest, with their abilities, doing these things is a bit humiliating.

But if Su Yi wants to recruit them now, it is basically impossible.

If you want them to leave Team Rocket and follow him, unless Sakaki personally orders it, and the reason makes them willing.

Otherwise, after experiencing countless places and events, they finally gave up their obsession and wanted to do something else.

Just like Yamado and Kosaburo who left Team Rocket in the future and ran their own shops.

And by then, if Su Yi can give them new goals and motivation, it may be possible to recruit them.

Some people may think that the Rockets are no longer the Rockets without the Rockets, but when they are tired of such a busy life, a new start may also be a good choice for them.

Of course, it's still too early to think about this now.

Okay, I have made my sincerity very clear. I look forward to your results and future cooperation with you. Su Yi patted his butt and stood up.

The current cooperation model is very good.

Just stay tuned (meow)! the Rocket trio said confidently.

On the great plain where the Millennium Comet can be seen according to legend, Xiaozhi and his party came here, but Xiaozhi said with some confusion: There is nothing here.

Xiaogang looked at the booklet and said, Maybe the time has not come yet.

Huh? There are already people there, let's go ask them. Xiaoyao pointed at the two figures not far away and said.

And when they got closer, they realized they were people they knew.

Xiaozhi said in surprise: You are the girl who was with Su Yi that day!

Nie Zi, who was next to Ma Li, asked, Is he someone you know?

Ma Li shook her head and said, I should know Brother Su Yi.

Hey! Hello, are you also waiting for the Millennium Comet and the celebration? Xiaozhi asked generously.

Yeah. Ma Li nodded without any extra words.

Xiaoyao muttered secretly: You are really cold and cold.

Xiao Sheng, who was on the side, noticed Molubek next to Ma Li, and squatted down to look at it curiously: It's a Pokémon I've never seen before!

Let me take a look! Xiaozhi immediately opened the illustrated book and pointed it at Morubeko, but got a notification that it was not included.

Mari explained: We are from the Galar region, and Morube is not a Pokémon from this region.


Unexpectedly, Xiaozhi suddenly grinned, picked up Pikachu, and said, I'm just waiting for something to do, let's fight!

Xiaoyao held his forehead and sighed: I really don't know how his thoughts can turn to the battle all at once.

Xiaogang smiled and said: This is Xiaozhi.

Ma Li turned around, looked at Xiaozhi, and murmured: A battle?

Then, with a serious look in her eyes, she said, Then let's fight!

Xiaogang took the initiative to walk aside and said, Then I will be the referee!

Great! Pikachu, it's up to you! As soon as Xiaozhi raised his hand, Pikachu ran out along his arm and jumped down.

Pika! Pikachu's cheeks flashed with lightning.

Ma Li looked at Molu Beke and said, Moru Beke, prepare to fight!

Mo Bai! Mo Lubeike trotted forward, the cheek pouches on both sides of his face flashing with lightning.

Xiaosheng said in surprise: Looking at it this way, the types of these two Pokémon are very similar!

Xiaoyao's eyes lit up and he said, Indeed, these two Pokémon are very cute.

Then, the two Pokémon started a fierce electric duel under the command of the trainer.

Soon after, Pikachu and Molbeko stood on both sides, panting heavily.


At this moment, little bits of fluorescent light drifted out.

Pika? Pikachu looked curiously.

Among the countless light spots, a firefly-like creature flew onto its cheek. Then, amid its surprised cry, the insect stirred up a handful of electric light and flew back as if frightened. In the group of light points.

Xiaozhi said curiously: What is this?

Xiao Zhi, behind you! Xiao Gang immediately reminded.

Everyone looked around and saw a large group of light spots surrounding a huge black shadow in the dark trees behind, slowly approaching with the sound of footsteps.


The strong figure stepped out of the grass, and then shouted to the moon and the sky: Ouch——!

What kind of Pokémon is this? It's so handsome! Xiaozhi said in surprise.

Xiao Sheng praised: So handsome!

Is this such a huge and strong Pokémon? Ma Li immediately realized something.

Mobei? Mo Lubeike suddenly smiled and trotted over there.

I'm not late, am I? Su Yi walked forward from Thunder Wolf Dragon with Lucao.

It turns out to be Brother Su Yi! You're here too! Xiaozhi suddenly realized.

Mo Bai! Mo Lubeike trotted to Su Yi's feet, raised his head, smiled and stretched out his hand: I just fought, I'm hungry, give me something delicious!

Here you go! Su Yi handed it a bag of snacks, dumbfounded.

Then, Su Yi looked at Pikachu, and he noticed that it was fighting against Molubeko, but it seemed that the two were evenly matched. Su Yi couldn't help but complain in his heart: Pi Shen is letting it go again!

Thunder Wolf Dragon lowered his head curiously and looked at the electric mouse and electric hamster in front of him. How could those two small bodies release such amazing electricity?

Is this Brother Su Yi's Pokémon? Xiaozhi came over curiously, making Thunder Wolf Dragon a little restless.

Su Yi patted the Thunder Wolf Dragon's head comfortingly and said, It rarely comes into contact with people other than me, so it may be a little wary.

The celebration hasn't started yet, we seem to be here early. Ma Li said, looking at the empty plain.

Su Yi looked into the distance and said, Don't worry, aren't they coming now?

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