Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 282 The volcano sleeps forever?

Looking at the motionless Lava Dragon and listening to the cheers filling the canyon, Su Yi let out a long breath. Has he changed history?

Success! aibo!! The receptionist ran over excitedly, raised his palms, and looked at Su Yi expectantly.

Yes, we succeeded! Su Yi smiled and high-fived the receptionist.

Hahaha, I didn't expect to witness this historic moment. Young man, you have contributed a lot! The leader came over from nowhere, laughed and patted Su Yi on the shoulder, making a bang bang sound. .

Su Yi rubbed his shoulders with bared teeth.

Hey! Su Yi! We succeeded! Aiden rushed over and gave Su Yi a hug. Behind him, Xiaolan, the blue crow, excitedly shared his activity on the defense line with the steel armored crow.

The swordsman master sat on the pier and said with a smile: The world will be dominated by young people next!

Up and down the canyon, all combatants excitedly shared their feelings with their teammates.

For a time, the entire canyon was immersed in joy.

Su Yi picked up the Hunting Guide from his waist, looked at the faint blue stars on it, and murmured in a low voice: Is this what you want me to do?

It's not a bad feeling.

Su Yi.

At this time, the commander-in-chief came over and recalled Su Yi's thoughts.

This battle is really thanks to you. From the perfection of the plan, to the arrangement of traps, to destroying organs and driving away the Nergigante, these factors have been combined to create today's success. The commander-in-chief praised.

Su Yi said modestly: This is also the result of the hard work of everyone in the investigation team.

The commander-in-chief said: In short, without your help, my original plan alone would never be possible.

Logically, there should be a celebration banquet, but now we have to get busy instead.

The Lava Mountain Dragon did not die, nor did it completely lose its ability to move, but was in a short dormant state.

It is slowly recovering its strength by relying on its aging body functions, waiting to wake up again and continue moving towards its destination.

As for the size of Laoshan Dragon, it is impossible to completely capture it with the capabilities of the investigation team.

In the final analysis, the so-called Laoshanosaurus capture operation was just to restrain it, and then let researchers sample and investigate its body.

The ultimate goal is to let humans know more about the mysteries of ancient dragons, so that humans can better fight against the ancient dragons that threaten humans.

The Molten Dragon will eventually wake up again and move forward, so the investigation team needs to carry out investigations non-stop, because the investigation team no longer has the resources to conduct another capture operation.

You can only study it as much as possible before it wakes up and moves.

In addition, the people of the investigation team must stay in the canyon to strengthen the defenses to prevent the attack of the Nergigante and other ancient dragons.

In short, now the entire stronghold has to work at full capacity for the research of Laoshan Dragon.

I can't get involved in researching this kind of thing. Just share the information with me when the time comes. Su Yi stretched.

Anyway, the celebration banquet will wait until the research is over. The commander-in-chief nodded.

Hahaha, the star ship should be decorated by then. You should have a few drinks with me then! the leader laughed boldly.

At this time, the Hunting Guide on Su Yi's waist shook slightly, and the blue star on the cover flickered slightly.

Su Yi found a deserted place and opened the Hunting Guide.

He found that in addition to the temporarily difficult to complete tasks triggered by encountering the Flame King Dragon and the Nergigante Dragon, there was also a task about the Molten Mountain Dragon.

[Eternal Sleep of Volcanoes: Burying the Lava Dragon

Mission time: After the death of Molten Dragon

Mission Support: Volcano Ball*1

Mission reward: Life Dragon Vein Stone*1, Capture Ball*60, Upper Ball*30, M Ball*15]

Su Yi scratched his head and said, Do you want me to arrange this funeral?

Then, he took out the supporting volcano ball and inspected it. It was a dreamy ball with lava flowing on its outer shell.

[Volcano Ball: A capture ball that can capture a dragon carrying a volcano. It is an extremely special capture ball with a mission. It can only be captured by throwing the ball when it is about to die. 】

Doesn't that mean I can be buried wherever I want? Su Yi said to himself doubtfully.

But, is it really that simple?

Su Yi always felt that this task had an indescribable feeling.

No matter what, this task is actually very simple. Just wait until the Molten Dragon is about to die, and then throw the ball to capture it.

As soon as Su Yi returned to the Pokémon world, he received a series of messages.

For example, Shijana sent a message saying that recently the alliance sent people to focus on the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, and listed them as extremely dangerous organizations.

The two organizations were originally stimulated by him to actively recruit capable members, but because of this incident, they began to be cautious.

Shijana also asked him if he had any clues?

Su Yi was confused. The alliance seemed to be paying more attention to it, but what clue could he have? Could it be that they attacked some doctor? Or did you provoke some important people?

What surprised Su Yi was that the noble son Dawu Ye sent him a message.

Daigo: I bought two stones here that are suspected of being Super Stones. Can you help me find out which Pokémon's Super Stones they belong to? This thing is still in the research stage, and there is no detailed information. I can only ask you. My intuition tells me that you understand this thing very well.

Su Yi happened to have something to do with Da Wu, so he called him to get in touch. Coincidentally, he was now in Karnaz City, where Su Yi was located.

Su Yi had only seen the Dewen Company building in Karnaz City from a distance, and this was the first time he entered it.

Long time no see. Dawu, wearing formal clothes, smiled and invited Su Yi to his office in the company building.

Su Yi asked in confusion: Where did you acquire two super stones from?

Daigo smiled and said: Ever since I heard about stones like Super Stone, I started paying attention on the Internet and found that there is a lot of relevant information in the Carlos area, so my client there started paying attention to similar things.

While talking, Su Yi noticed the lapel pin on Dawu's chest and asked in surprise: Have you obtained the keystone?

That's right, I also tried to make Metagross mega evolve. Pokémon is really amazing. It can actually improve its strength again after completing the evolution. Daigo fondly stroked the key stone on the lapel pin.

Here, these are the two super stones I acquired.

Dawu took Su Yi into a room with many display cabinets, and then took out two uncarved super stones.

Let me take a look. Su Yi came forward curiously, carefully looked at the patterns inside, and thought about the Pokémon corresponding to the two Super Stones from his long-standing memory.

Is there a super stone from Boscodora? Daigo asked curiously.

Well, it's a pity that there is no Super Stone from Boscordora. These two are Charizard X's Super Stone and Big Mouth Baby's Super Stone. Su Yi said.

Daigo's eyes lit up and he said with interest: I remember that Big Mouth is also a Steel-type Pokémon.

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