Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 281 Change history, successful interception!


After accumulating power, the Lava Dragon erupted like a waterfall of magma from its mouth, washing away the rock shell on its back, just like a volcanic eruption. The flowing red magma reflected the Grand Canyon red.

The commander-in-chief put down the telescope and said to the sword master: The Nergigante was driven away, and the boy returned safely.

As soon as he finished speaking, the female fire dragon grabbed the rope and flew over, taking Su Yi to the defense line.

Well done, young man, it seems we can no longer accept our old age. The swordsman master chuckled and sat on the pier holding the sword.

Beside, the steel-armored crow chirped, expressing that he had always believed in Su Yi's ability.

It is on standby here in case of any accidents. It can quickly carry the sword master to come for support. It is an insurance, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

Thanks to the Dragon God Pill evolving at the critical moment. Su Yi tilted his head, and the Dragon God Pill attached to his back flew out and hung in the air, looking very motivated.

Su Yi patted the Dragon God Pill and said with a smile: Because it can communicate with my mind, I can use it temporarily to successfully drive away the Nergigante.

Jilu~ Long Shenwan shook his body, his eyes on the sword grid narrowed happily, and at the same time he wrapped Su Yi's arm with his ribbon-like hand.

The shield sword monster's racial value is far lower than that of the quasi-gods, and its physical and speed racial values ​​are very low, but it has a characteristic that suits it very well, called [combat switching].

The Shield Sword Monster can switch between [Sword Form] and [Shield Form].

In [Sword Form], the double attack will become very powerful, far more powerful than the single scabbard. Whether it is the physical output of the holy sword or the special attack of the iron hoof beam, it can be used in close combat or long range, and both are powerful.

In [Shield Form], double defense will become very reliable, coupled with the exclusive move [King's Shield] that can defend against most attacks and reduce the physical attack of the person in contact.

As long as it can cooperate well with Su Yi, it can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

Moreover, the Shield Sword Monster can float and fly autonomously, and its power is much greater than that of a single sword scabbard. There is no problem in flying with the fully armed Su Yi's sword.

Even just a word or thought is conveyed to Ryujinmaru, and the weapon can be quickly equipped and put away.

Evolution? Is this sword an evolution from that dagger? It's unbelievable, the changes are so drastic. The commander-in-chief looked at Ryujinmaru and marveled.

Su Yi released the lucky eggs and dew grass and said, I also want to thank you for supporting me.

Without the buffs and healing from Dewweed and Gilly Eggs, it would be difficult for Blackhorn and Thunderwolf to fight against Nergigante's offensive for so long.


As he spoke, there was a loud noise, and the Molten Mountain Dragon broke through the first line of defense and continued to walk towards the second line of defense, but its movements were much slower now.

Su Yi picked up the telescope and looked at the head of Laoshan Dragon: Has the fourth heat dissipation organ been destroyed?

The airship had already flown away from the battlefield, and it had obviously dropped all the bombs. The Laoshan Dragon's head was blasted with craters, and the heat dissipation organ at the tip of its nose had broken and no longer flickered with fire.

The heat dissipation organ of Laoshanosaurus is not solid like its horns or claws. Because tissue fluid needs to be discharged from the heat dissipation organ, it is hollow inside and relatively fragile.

Without heat dissipation organs to help dissipate heat, the heat accumulated in its body will burden the body. Coupled with its aging body, the current Laoshan Dragon is probably extremely uncomfortable.

But now that there is no interference from other monsters, the investigation team can devote all its energy to dealing with the Molten Dragon.

With the continuous sound of cannons and the sound of crossbows piercing the air, countless attacks poured on the Laoshan Dragon.

The Lava Dragon tried to fight back with its breath and claws, but its body was now too burdened and it became weaker after a few attacks.

At this time, it had already entered the attack range of the dragon gun.

The commander-in-chief immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: Fire the dragon gun!

The next moment, the dragon-killing guns installed on both sides of the canyon ejected with a clang. The spears more than 20 meters long with sharp spearheads rotated and stabbed out. Driven by strong kinetic energy, they drilled through the rock shell and twisted into the rock. The sides of Laoshan Dragon's body.


The Lava Mountain Dragon whined, transformed into a four-legged state, and lay on the ground, panting to relieve the pain.

Should we continue the attack? the commander-in-chief asked.

Su Yi said: No, let it breathe, just to give the dragon-killing gun time to reload.

When it tries to move forward again, blow up the rock peaks on both sides to stop it from moving forward. If you can fire the dragon gun again, you will be more confident in stopping it!

The dragon-killing guns on both sides of the canyon slowly retracted and started charging for the next time.

The next step is to see if the damage caused by the investigation team's all-out tactics can stop the Molten Mountain Dragon.

At this time, the valley became quiet, with only the low moan of the Lava Mountain Dragon remaining. Everyone was waiting for the Lava Mountain Dragon to advance again, and then tried their best to stop it.

The truly decisive attack depends on the Dragon Spear.

The Commander-in-Chief's mentality has also calmed down. Now, they have used all the strength of the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team.

Airships, dragon guns, countless explosives and traps completely destroyed the four heat dissipation organs and eliminated the interference of the Nergigante. The firepower resources of the entire stronghold have been almost exhausted.

It can be said that they have done their best with Su Yi's help.

As Su Yi said: do your best and obey fate.

The Laoshan Dragon was panting, and the combatants were also taking the time to rest and reorganize.

About ten minutes later, the Lava Mountain Dragon let out a low roar and stepped forward again.

Blow up the rock peak. Others, open fire with all your strength and aim for me! We must stop it! the commander-in-chief ordered loudly into the intercom. There were still two minutes left before the dragon gun was loaded.

With a bang, the roots of the rock peaks on both sides were blown off, and the tall rock peaks collapsed and hit the Lava Mountain Dragon.

The falling rock peaks caused the Lava Dragon's shell to constantly shake, causing it to wail repeatedly. The artillery and crossbows on the defense line opened fire again. Because there was not much ammunition left, they had to aim as much as possible to cause damage.

The Molten Dragon was struggling, and the Commander-in-Chief was holding the walkie-talkie with a frown on his face, waiting for the news that the dragon gun had been loaded.

The commander-in-chief stood on the platform of the second line of defense, facing the slowly moving Molten Dragon.

Bah! The dragon gun is loaded! A shout came from the intercom.

The commander-in-chief's eyes flashed and he shouted: Launch!

Bang, clang, clang!

The huge dragon-slaying spear spun and ejected with a terrifying clang, and pierced into the body of the molten mountain dragon with a loud bang.

hold head high--!

The Molten Dragon roared in pain and slowly fell down in front of the second line of defense amid the gunfire, motionless.

The canyon suddenly became quiet.

The commander-in-chief took a deep breath and roared: The battle to capture the Molten Dragon was successful!!!


Suddenly, huge cheers sounded in the canyon, and the shouts echoed in the canyon.

This is a memorable moment, and at the same time, it is also one of the goals that the Gulong Investigation Team has been trying to achieve for more than 40 years.

And this is also one of the goals that batch after batch of people with lofty ideals have rushed to this unknown new continent over the years to strive for it.

Now, they have accomplished this glorious feat!

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