Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 280 Evolution? Evolve again!

What a powerful force! Su Yi felt the severe pain in his arm and gritted his teeth and secretly said.

At the same time, he quickly released the female fire dragon and let it catch him as he fell.

Su Yi stood firm and thought in his mind: If the Nergigant cannot be suppressed, the white thorns on its body will soon turn into black thorns with higher defense, and then it will attack unscrupulously.

At the same time, the battlefield area is too small. If another accompanying beast is released, they will interact with each other, which will be beneficial to the Nergigante.

Ryujinmaru, are you okay? Do you still have the courage to face the Nergigante again? Su Yi stroked the sword of Ryūjinmaru.

Dingyin~ Long Shenwan shook his body and conveyed his thoughts to Su Yi: As long as Su Yi has the courage to fight, then I will have the courage to face all powerful enemies!

Su Yi grinned and said with fighting spirit: Then let's go and have a good fight with the Nergigante!

Dingyin——! Long Shenwan felt Su Yi's will, and he felt a high fighting spirit along with him.


Suddenly, Ryujinmaru's body emitted white light and began to change forms.

Evolve!? Su Yi was shocked.


When the light dissipated, Ryujinmaru evolved from a single scabbard to a double scabbard, and from one sword to two swords.

Not enough! The power is not enough! Su Yi, let me evolve again! Ryujin Wan, who evolved into a double scabbard, conveyed his strong wish to Su Yi.

Okay! Become stronger! Su Yi did not hesitate and took out the Dark Stone that he had collected for a long time.

Indeed, there is nothing to hesitate about. It's not that Su Yi doesn't want to play with two swords, but it involves the current situation and the cost of learning in the future.

Ryujinmaru will eventually evolve into a shield sword monster. Instead of spending time practicing the double swords in the middle, it is better to directly decide on the weapon he will eventually use and put more energy into that weapon.

Su Yi is not a genius, and a hunter can only devote his energy to one or two weapons throughout his life, and finally he can practice them to the peak.

The katanaman is going to evolve!

On the outer shell platform, the Nergigante became more and more skilled as it fought. It attacked the Black Horned Dragon and the Thunder Wolf Dragon with ease.

It flew into the sky, pounced on the Black Horned Dragon, and bit its neck hard from the back.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon used thunder to blast the Nergigante without any scruples, and the Black Horned Dragon was also enveloped.


The Black Horned Dragon was not harmed because it was ground-based, while the Nergigant had already noticed the Thunder Wolf Dragon's movements and avoided it in advance. It is not unreasonable for the thunder's low hit rate.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon then threw out a series of lightning bug bombs. The Nergigante wrapped its wings covered with black thorns and hit the lightning bug bombs. While dispersing the attack, it hit the Thunder Wolf Dragon.


The Thunder Wolf Dragon jumped away quickly, and at the same time felt extremely troubled by the Nergigante.

Although it can cause good damage to Nergigante, its attacks are constantly dodged, or blocked by Nergigante with its black thorns, which minimizes the damage.

Furthermore, this narrow battlefield limited its agility.

Nergigante stood up from the collision, and the tips of the white thorns on its head began to turn black.


A strong wind blew, and the female fire dragon carried Su Yi onto the molten mountain dragon's shell and flew to the sky above the rock shell.


The Nergigante looked up at the female fire dragon, and at this moment, a figure jumped down from the female fire dragon's back.

Take the move, Nergigante!

Su Yi, who was falling rapidly, shouted loudly, while carrying the heavy sword and quickly accumulating power.

Holy Sword!

Jilu! Ryujinmaru, who evolved into the Strong Shield Sword Monster, groaned. The nearly one-meter-and-a-half-meter-long broad sword blade lit up with azure light and expanded outward, forming a two-meter-long sword. A huge energy blade.


The holy sword, which was like a divine weapon, struck heavily on the thorns on the Nergigante's head, causing its head to sink suddenly with huge force.


The large white thorns with a hint of black instantly shattered and flew away.

Howl! Nergigante suddenly wailed loudly.

Here comes the shield! Iron wall! Su Yi held the big sword with one hand to support his body, raised the other hand high, and shouted at the same time.

In an instant, a large shield with three eyes on his back automatically flew into his hand. At the same time, the shield's surface lit up with a silver metallic luster, becoming stronger.


Su Yi waved the shield heavily and hit the holy sword with all his strength.


The energy giant sword slashed downwards under the force, slashing into the exterminator's regeneration shell.

Howl! Nergigante roared in pain and hit his head on the ground, trying to knock Su Yi off.

Su Yi pulled out the Dragon God Pill and jumped down.

At that moment, the Nergigante launched a counterattack. It quickly raised its front body and struck hard with its claws.

Su Yi took a deep breath, and with the cooperation of Ryujinmaru, he quickly inserted the sword blade into the slot behind the shield, turned into a shield form, and used the shield to face the Nergigante's claw attack.

King's Shield!

With a buzzing sound, a light barrier composed of countless hexagons instantly lit up in front of the shield.


The Nergigante's furious blow hit the king's shield, and the huge force caused dense cracks in the barrier. At the same time, Su Yi, who was holding the Dragon God Pill, was knocked back a certain distance.

The king's shield lit up with light, and a blue light struck back at the Nergigante. The Nergigante moved its claws in displeasure as if it was being shocked.

The King's Shield can prevent attacks and at the same time reduce the physical attack of the person in contact by one level. I don't know what the effect will be on the Nergigante.

Su Yi was thinking rapidly in his mind, and at the same time, he quickly pulled out the sword blade with his hand, allowing Ryujinmaru to switch back to the sword form, and at the same time, he rushed towards the Nergigante.


The Nergigante roared unwillingly and struck with its claws again.

Su Yi used a sliding shovel to avoid the claw attack, and the Nergigante clawed at him again.

At this time, Su Yi swung his sword and hit the ground hard. Ryujinmaru threw Su Yi holding the sword hilt into the sky like a lever, avoiding the claw attack.

At the same time, Ryujin Wan adjusted his body shape and cooperated with Su Yi to form a beautiful somersault jump chop.

Holy Sword! Su Yi shouted and charged up.


The energy giant sword struck the Nergigante on the head again, causing the Nergigante to roar in pain along with the previous injuries.

At this time, the Black Horned Dragon and the Thunder Wolf Dragon regained their breath and flanked the Nergigante Dragon from both sides, causing considerable damage.


The Nergigante roared with rage.


Boom boom!

At this time, Laoshan Dragon broke free from the restraint bullets and let out a huge roar. At the same time, its body shook violently again.

Su Yi inserted the Dragon God Pill into the rock shell, stabilized his body, looked at the defense line, and murmured: I have been entangled with the Nergigante for too long. I wonder if the damage caused is enough?

Unexpectedly, he seemed to feel the heat of several small creatures on his back. The Lava Dragon slowly turned its head and faced the rock shell behind it, while boiling magma was brewing in its mouth.

It seems that the Molten Mountain Dragon is really angry! Su Yi quickly put his partner back into the ball, then used a hook to hang the claws of the female fire dragon and flew up.

Seeing the power accumulated by the Lava Dragon, the Nergigante roared unwillingly and flew into the sky. Then he took a deep look at Su Yi, then turned and flew towards the north.

If any of my friends have ever fought the Laoshan Dragon, the king of battles, they should have been sprayed by it.

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