Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 279 A fierce battle at a disadvantage, the tyrannical strength of the Nergigante!

A set of combination skills of the three accompanying beasts caught the Nergigante off guard. The Thunder Wolf Dragon was the main attack, and the Black Horned Dragon forcibly interrupted the action, taking advantage of the space to compensate for the damage. Each performed its duties.


The Nergigante shook his head, then roared angrily, turned around and charged towards the Black Horned Dragon.

Use Iron Tail to stop it! Thunder Wolf Dragon, use Thunder Palm to rush to the aid of Black Horned Dragon!

The black-horned dragon twisted around and swung its tail hammer, which shone with metallic luster, and struck the charging Nergigante with a roar.

But the Nergigante immediately bulged up its muscles and spread its arms. With a muffled sound, it just took two steps back to relieve its strength and hugged Iron Tail.

Then, the Nergigante held down its tail and exerted force, jumped directly onto the back of the Black Horned Dragon, and at the same time raised its claws to hit the head.

At this time, the Thunder Wolf Dragon arrived, with thunder and lightning, and the powerful thunder palm struck the Nergigante.


The Nergigante glanced at it, growled, twisted its body, and changed its direction with its claws, grabbing at the Thunder Wolf Dragon's throat.

As a last resort, Thunder Wolf Dragon also changed the attack direction of Thunder Palm, facing the Nergigante Dragon's claw attack.

With a bang, thunder exploded, and Thunder Wolf Dragon and Nergigante fell to the ground at the same time due to the impact.

At this time, the Black Horned Dragon turned around and used Tyrant Attack at the landing Nergigante, running and charging.

The Nergigante sensed the attack, flapped its wings and flew up, narrowly escaping the collision. The Black-horned Dragon immediately braked, and a few meters in front of it was the edge of the Molten Dragon's shell.

There is only so much open space behind the shell of the Lava Mountain Dragon. Three monsters (flying in the sky) standing on it is already the limit. Any more will affect the activities of the accompanying beasts.

If not, it might easily fall off the casing.

In the sky, Daikong swooped down and used his poisonous claws to attack the Nergigante from behind.

But Nergigante had already noticed the big sky in the sky. It quickly turned around, grabbed the big sky that failed to attack, and threw it against the rock shell.

Su Yi jumped up high, raised his hand and used the capture ball to take back the sky.

Seeing Da Kong suddenly disappear in the light beam, Nergigante immediately understood that the sudden appearance of these monsters was probably Su Yi's fault.

Immediately, the Nergigante swooped down from the sky and rushed towards Su Yi.

Su Yi immediately turned around and fired the hook lock, nailing it to the high rock platform behind him, pulling him over and avoiding the Nergigante's flying attack.

Immediately afterwards, he released the hook lock, kicked off the edge of the high platform, raised the Ryuken Pill high, and struck hard on the head with a fully charged Giant Slash.


The great sword that glowed with steel struck heavily on the white thorns that had just grown out of the Nergigante's head.

Click, there was a slight breaking sound, and only the part of the white thorn that was chopped opened into cracks.


Nergigante raised his head and pushed Su Yi away. Su Yi held up his shield to resist the impact, rolled and fell to the ground.

Su Yi twisted his arm to relieve the pain, gritted his teeth and said, Damn it, the attack wasn't strong enough!

Dingyin! Ryujinmaru's one eye showed a serious look, and the sword shook slightly.

The Black Horned Dragon and the Thunder Wolf Dragon cooperated to attack the Nergigant again.

The Nergigante seemed to have seen through their cooperation, and flexibly used his flying ability to dodge. In addition, the area of ​​​​the rock shell nearby was not very large, so the two land-traveling beasts were constrained everywhere.

The situation would be much better if we were on open flat land! Su Yi thought to himself.

Just like the hot spring valley where he led the Sky Comet Dragon to, which was closed on all sides and difficult to accelerate its flight, the small area behind the Molten Dragon's shell also restricted the performance of the accompanying beasts.

The Black Horned Dragon cannot unleash the charged Tyrant Attack without restraint, and the Thunder Wolf Dragon is also restricted from jumping and dodging.

If you are in the sky, you will be thrown down by the Nergigante.


All the white thorns on Nergigante's body turned black, and it flew into the air again, intending to use the extremely destructive Spiner Destroyer, Nergigante Sky.

At this time, a series of crossbow arrows flew over, interrupting the movement of the Nergigante in the air.


Su Yi turned around and saw that Laoshan Dragon had been restrained. The airship flew to the head of Laoshan Dragon and began to drop bombs. The defenses on the defense line finally had a chance to support this side.

The Nergigante roared angrily and pulled out the crossbow bolt from his body. Su Yi made a prompt decision and fired a flash bomb, causing the Nergigante to lose consciousness for a moment.

Then the Thunder Wolf Dragon jumped up high and knocked down Akira God's Nergigante with a thunderous palm.

Thunder Palm is a move that becomes more powerful the more it is used. This move has already reached its maximum power. This solid blow directly shattered part of the black thorns on the Nergigante's body, causing it to let out a howl of pain.

The Black Horned Dragon used the Hell Swinging Fist on the fallen Nergigante and once again shattered some of the black thorns.

At this moment, the Lava Dragon recovered from the bombardment and struggled violently. The ropes that restrained the bombs suddenly straightened, making an overwhelming sound, and the arrows were pulled out little by little.

The violent shaking made the accompanying beast and Su Yi on the shell unstable, and they could only find a way to maintain balance immediately.

The Nergigante seized the opportunity and took the lead in maintaining its balance with its strong body. Then he pounced in front of the Thunder Wolf Dragon that had just stood firm. With a fierce slap of its strong claws, the Thunder Wolf Dragon was pushed back to the edge of the rock shell.

The Laoshan Dragon's struggle did not stop, and the shell behind it tilted with the shaking. The Thunder Wolf Dragon instantly slipped from the edge of the shell, and only had time to grab the edge with its strong forelimbs.

Just when Nergigante was about to completely knock down the Thunder Wolf Dragon, Su Yi rushed over and took the Thunder Wolf Dragon back into the ball in time.

The Nergigante's ferocious dragon eyes turned, and he raised his hand to strike. Su Yi rolled around in a hurry, and the Nergigante's continuous scratching made Su Yi dangerous.

The Black Horned Dragon came over and tried to push away the Nergigante, but the Nergigant had already noticed it, stood up and dodged, then pressed down hard, holding the Black Horned Dragon's head, and then slapped the Black Horned Dragon over. Go aside.

Su Yi took the opportunity to open the capture ball and released the Thunder Wolf Dragon again.

The Nergigante reacted very quickly and dodged the thunder wolf dragon's thunder palm. Then he held down the thunder wolf dragon with one claw of his backhand, and at the same time raised the other claw high, trying to smash the thunder wolf dragon's head.

At the critical moment, Su Yi hooked the Nergigante's head with his flying claw, and swung the Dragon God Pill to execute four consecutive slashes.

But these attacks were not painful to the Nergigante, but instead annoyed it.

The Nergigante knocked down the Thunder Wolf Dragon again, raised its head and tossed it around, trying to throw Su Yi off, while its sharp claws were about to move.

Su Yi quickly found an opportunity and jumped off the Nergigante Dragon with a kick on its head.

But the Nergigante was waiting for this opportunity. It immediately stood up and grabbed it with its claws.


Su Yi reacted quickly, holding Long Shenwan in front of him, and a translucent barrier appeared in front of him.

But the Nergigante smashed the barrier with one claw, and the claw attack, which had taken away most of the force, still hit the Dragon God Pill, and immediately knocked the Dragon God Pill and Su Yi away from the back of the molten mountain.

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