Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 276 Destroyed organs, strange weather

Following the commander-in-chief's order, all combatants immediately arrived at their posts, with crossbows and cannons ready to fire at any time.

Please! Su Yi! The commander-in-chief said to Su Yi solemnly.

Su Yi nodded and said seriously: I will do my best.

With that said, Su Yi released the Fengdiao Dragon and rode up with Lucao. The hunters of the fifth group hung on the claws of the Winged Dragon and flew up to the Laoshan Dragon crawling on all fours.

The team successfully landed on the back of the Lava Dragon. Suddenly, the hot breath hit their faces, and the magma tissue fluid flowing from the volcano flowed on the rock shell like a stream.

The hot environment made Feng Piaolong very uncomfortable.

Split up and act according to the plan! Su Yi released the Swift Meow and the Ferocious Claw Dragon.

The Lava Dragon has a total of four heat dissipation organs, three of which are on the back. One is exposed in the middle of the back, which is best solved. The other two are protected in the rock shells on the front and rear of the back.

The last one is at the tip of the nose of the head, and it is the heat dissipation organ that is the most difficult to get. It is difficult for hunters to climb up, and it is easy to be thrown off by the Molten Dragon.

Su Yi's plan was for the hunters to be divided into two teams, and take the Swift Meow and the Ferocious Claw respectively to destroy the two most easily damaged heat-dissipating organs at the back and in the middle to cool them down.

And he led Feng Piaolong to get rid of the heat dissipation organ hidden in the high volcanic rock shell in front, and completely destroyed it.

He then returned and completely destroyed the hunters' cooling organs.

The hunters who knew the battle plan acted quickly.

Let's go! Su Yi rode the Fengdiao Dragon and flew to the tall volcano behind the Laoshan Dragon.

In the volcano's rock shell, there is a downward slope channel, and the innermost part of the channel is a heat dissipation organ that lights up red.

First try to use the freezing beam to cool directly! Su Yi commanded.

Ouch! Feng Piaolong endured the high temperature and opened his mouth to shoot cold light at the heat dissipation organ.

In an instant, a squeaking sound was heard, and the cold beam of light fell on the hot organ, causing a burst of water vapor.

The effect doesn't seem to be obvious. Or do we need to roughly destroy it first to temporarily stop its function before freezing it?

Su Yi immediately released the Dragon God Pill and Tickling Bird, and Lu Cao took out the elegant sword with ice attribute.

Tick the bird, hit hard with the water attribute stone! Su Yi commanded, while wielding the Dragon God Pill to chop at the heat dissipation organ.

The scratching bird stirred for a while, absorbing the water attribute energy from the water stone pendant hanging around its neck. Suddenly, a water-blue energy rock condensed.

Under the combined attacks of Su Yi, Tick Bird, Lu Cao, and Feng Piao Long, the heat dissipation organ peeled off large pieces of carapace, the temperature slowly dropped, and small cracks appeared.

From time to time, magma erupts from the cavity of the heat dissipation organ to dissipate heat for the slow-moving Lava Dragon.

As if he sensed that a creature was attacking him, the Lava Mountain Dragon stopped and began to accumulate strength.

呲呲. The Molten Mountain Dragon has begun to accumulate power. Be careful of its sudden attack! After a burst of electric sound, the receptionist's voice came from the intercom.

Su Yi felt that Laoshan Dragon stopped moving, as if it was brewing something.

After another round of attacks, Su Yi immediately put away his partner and hung them on the Fengdiaolong's claws.

Fly out first!

Feng Piaolong immediately took Su Yi out of the rock shell.

At that moment, there was a loud rumble, and the volcano behind the Lava Dragon shook violently, like an earthquake. Countless rock shells were shaken off and fell down with a rumble.

Su Yi, who was condescending in the sky, saw that the team that destroyed the heat dissipation organ in the middle was shocked, but soon they regained their composure and continued to destroy the heat dissipation organ with Xun Miao.

The Molten Dragon's attack seemed to have consumed a lot of energy, and it would not do it again in a short time, so it continued to crawl forward.

Su Yi returned to the heat dissipation organ again and continued the attack.

Gradually, the heat dissipation organ became pitted, the firelight inside dimmed, and the Lava Dragon let out an uncomfortable howl.

Okay! Fengdiaolong, use the freezing beam!

Feng Piaolong used the freezing beam this time, and the cooled heat dissipation organs were quickly frozen. Laoshan Dragon stopped again and slowly shook its body. Su Yi was suddenly shaken to the point of losing his balance.

Continue to freeze and lower the temperature to the lowest level! Su Yi commanded without panic.

hold head high--!

Feng Piaolong tried his best to freeze the heat dissipation organ into ice cubes, but the surrounding heat continued to heat up, causing the ice cubes to gradually heat up and melt.

Since there was not much space in the rock shell to protect the heat dissipation organs, Su Yi could only find the right moment to take back the Fengdiao Dragon, and then quickly release the female Fire Dragon and Da Kong.

Use fire attribute attacks! Su Yiyan ordered concisely and concisely.

The female fire dragon and Da Kong immediately used their strongest fire-attribute moves. The blazing flames bombarded the ice, causing the ice to shatter and melt.

And under the influence of cold and heat, the cracks on the heat dissipation organ spread rapidly and became larger.

At this time, Su Yi ordered again: Female Fire Dragon, use ultimate impact!

The female fire dragon flapped her wings and retreated, landing on the top of the ramp. Then her strong hind limbs exerted force. Finally, the female fire dragon wrapped in huge energy rushed down the slope towards the heat dissipation organ.


The devastating impact hit the heat dissipation organ, and with a click, the tooth-shaped heat dissipation organ broke directly from the root and was completely destroyed.


The Lava Dragon roared in pain and paused in its progress.

At this time, it had already entered the first line of defense. The hunters on the rock platforms at both ends of the canyon immediately fired cannons and crossbow arrows to attack the Laoshan Dragon.

Seeing that the plan worked, Su Yi immediately took back his companions and rode Feng Piaolong to the heat dissipation organ in the middle.

The hunter team and Xun Miao worked together to destroy the heat dissipation organ until it cooled down. Su Yi followed suit and completely destroyed a heat dissipation organ again.

The first phase of the mission is half done! Su Yi rushed to the heat dissipation organ at the rear without stopping.

The group of hunters quickly called the pterosaurs and flew back to the canyon to participate in the blocking operations on the defensive line.

In the sky, the sun was shining brightly, and the heat emitted by Laoshan Dragon's volcano made Fengdiao Dragon very uncomfortable.

Keep on holding on! Su Yi encouraged.

On the defense line of the canyon, the commander-in-chief used the walkie-talkie to command the overall situation in an orderly manner.

After Su Yi and the others finish destroying the heat dissipation organs on their backs, they can fire restraint bombs! The commander-in-chief looked at the team of hunters flying back and understood that at least two heat dissipation organs had been completely destroyed.

Its speed was so fast that the Molten Mountain Dragon had just entered the attack range of the first line of defense.

Okay! It seems that the Lava Mountain Dragon's physical strength is exhausted very quickly! the commander-in-chief said excitedly.

Beside, the swordsman sitting on the pillar suddenly stood up and held the female fire dragon sword tightly.

No, the weather is abnormal. It's just early morning. Why is the sun shining so brightly and the temperature rising so much! It's definitely not the Laoshan Dragon's fault!

The swordsman master felt a long-lost feeling: It's that guy, he can't be wrong!

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