Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 275 The tranquility before dawn, the battle begins!

The Ice-Toothed Dragon roared and struggled, looking like it couldn't listen to what was said. Su Yi could only take the Ice-Toothed Dragon back helplessly.

Su Yi sighed and said: Seeing the Ice Tooth Dragon looks like I saw you in the past, Thunder Wolf Dragon.

That means that the method of subduing the Fengdiao Dragon cannot be used on the Ice Tooth Dragon.

Snort! Thunder Wolf Dragon snorted: I couldn't forgive you at that time. That guy might just want to kill you.

Take it slow and wait until it calms down before trying to communicate. It is probably still angry now, but it seems that it can't catch up with this battle. Su Yi shook his head.

The restless Ice Tooth Dragon can be calmed down by being locked in a quiet capture ball for a period of time.

Returning to the mountain behind the stronghold, Su Yi was changing the dressing on the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon.

Although Aiden and Master Yuanye had already treated it, the injuries caused by Sulfur Dragon's Corrosive Blade were troublesome, so Su Yi could only carefully debridement and apply medicine to its wounds.

The leader is really ruthless. Su Yi painfully sprayed wound medicine on the head of the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon. The scales there were cracked and the blood that seeped out had dried up.

Su Yi bandaged the wound, and then encouraged: The battle in Miasma Valley was really well done!

Hiss. The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon neighed softly. Although it was scarred, it looked calm and indifferent, showing a commanding demeanor.

The Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon dies, then its territory and its little brother will be under your control. Your power in the Valley of Miasma has expanded. Su Yi touched its head, feeling a deep feeling for the Big Ferocious Jaw Dragon in his heart. There are better plans for the future.

Later, in order to prepare for the battle, Su Yi took a group of accompanying beasts who were the main battlers to train, mainly practicing moves and coordinating tactics.

By the way, the move learner sent by Nemo has also arrived.

What surprised Su Yi was that in addition to Shunfeng, she also sent four learning tools for changing moves in the electric field, the mist field, the spiritual field, and the green grass field.

Each venue has its own effect, but currently the only one Su Yi can use is the electric venue.

In addition to increasing the power of electric-type moves by 30% for Pokémon standing on the field, the Electric Field can also prevent hypnosis and sleep, which is perfect for Thunder Wolf.

There are two new moves here that can strengthen you. Let's try them and try to use them normally before fighting. Su Yi shook the move learner in his hand.



Thunder Wolf Dragon and Feng Piao Dragon responded loudly, full of fighting spirit.

After that, Su Yi was not busy with anything else, and time passed quietly as he led the accompanying beasts for special training.

Looking at the accompanying beasts who were becoming more and more proficient in their moves, Su Yi nodded and said with satisfaction: The accompanying beasts have no shortage of offensive moves, and these changing moves can bring them a good increase.

Hey! Su Yi, the explosives are ready! We're just waiting for you to make the final trap layout! Aiden came to the back mountain and informed Su Yi of the mission.

Is the battle about to begin?

With the help of the accompanying beasts, the explosives were set up smoothly.

The roots of the rock peaks on both sides of the Grand Canyon were partially dug out and explosive barrels were stuffed into them. When the time came, they would collapse as long as they were detonated.

In the passage in front of the defense line, part of the ground was hollowed out by the Black Horned Dragon and filled with explosives.

Although these potholes are just like a human stepping on a staircase to the Lava Mountain Dragon, they are enough to cause some obstacles to this bulky big guy.

Cannons and crossbows have already been set up on the rock platforms in the Grand Canyon. Hunters are coming and going, carrying shells, crossbows and other ammunition and materials, and making preparations in an orderly manner.

In the sky, the airship flew low at the edge of the mountain and was on standby.

Below the canyon, two dragon-killing guns were installed in the rock wall between the two lines of defense.

According to Su Yi's estimation, when the Laoshan Dragon is in this position, its physical strength should have declined, and its movement speed will decrease, which may give the dragon gun a chance to fire a second shot.

Everything is ready, all that's left is to do our best and obey fate. Su Yi jumped off the back of the steel-armored crow and walked to the commander-in-chief.

The commander-in-chief nodded and said, Thank you for your hard work!

Commander-in-Chief, how long is expected? Su Yi asked.

The commander-in-chief said: According to the researchers' speculation, it should be like this tomorrow.

That means we have to spend the night in the canyon. Su Yi said while looking at the dusk sky.

By the way, I bought these walkie-talkies newly, as well as these batteries, so that you can command the entire battlefield in detail at all times.

Several of the previous walkie-talkies were damaged due to accidents, so when Su Yi went back to get the move learner, he bought a few by the way.

Thank you. This thing is really useful, but it breaks too easily.

After thanking the commander, he handed it to the hunter who had used the walkie-talkie before and asked him to distribute it and teach other hunters to use it.

Su Yi was helpless. How could such a sophisticated thing withstand the torture of a hunter?

Hahaha, so the simpler and stronger something is, the easier it is to use! With a hearty laugh, the man who looked like a golden lion strode over.

Seeing the Grand Commander walking over with bare hands, Su Yi was a little surprised: Grand Commander, aren't you going to participate in the battle? Where are your weapons?

Having said that, among the veterans of the first phase of the regiment, the Commander-in-Chief was originally an excellent hunter, but later withdrew from the front line of hunting due to injury. It is unclear what weapons he used at that time.

The Sword Master is a hunter who clearly uses the sword, and has been shown doing so.

The dragon tribe hunters use insect sticks, but there are no hunting insects.

The grand leader is also a hunter, and he once fought on the front line of hunting, but I just don't know what weapons he uses.

However, given his straightforward and forthright personality, and the fact that he does not use projectiles, some speculate that he might use a powerful weapon such as a sword or a sledgehammer that can work miracles.

Hahaha, I haven't officially hunted for a long time. Most of the time I've been exploring in the wilderness. Carrying weapons is too much of a hindrance. I'll leave the battle to you. I believe in you. The leader smiled boldly.

Okay. Su Yi still wanted to see the leader show off his power.

As night falls, countless torches light up around the Grand Canyon, and countless hunters stand ready.

The canyon was quiet, with the only sound of the wind blowing over the rocks.

The hunters slept lightly and were always prepared.

Finally, the long night ended, and the first light of morning shone in the sky.

Su Yi stretched out and looked at the rising sun in the distance through the peaks of the canyon, while the other hunters were already ready and were all looking at the direction of the canyon attentively.

Suddenly, guide insects emitting blue light flew out of the hunters' insect cages, and then flew fluttering toward the bottom of the canyon.

Here we come! Su Yi was shocked.

The next moment, all the guide insects turned red and flew back into the guide insect tank.


The huge sound was accompanied by violent vibrations, the mountain peaks collapsed, the earth cracked, sand and rocks flew, a majestic volcano rose from the ground, and the late dragon let out a long roar.

The commander-in-chief waved his hand and shouted seriously: The battle begins!

When I first read the set, the developers also mentioned in secret talks that they had imagined a scene where a large group of monsters would pass through the Grand Canyon like Hyakki Night Parade.

I wonder if this is the prototype of the long and smelly Night Parade of One Hundred Demons in The Rise.

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