Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 277 The Arrival of the Nergigante

On the volcano behind the Lava Dragon, Su Yi didn't notice the changes in weather and temperature at all because the volcano itself emitted amazing heat.

At this time, a red figure flew over the Grand Canyon and flew straight towards the Molten Dragon.

Sure enough, it's it, Yan Wanglong! The swordsman master took a step forward excitedly.

On the back of the Laoshan Dragon, Su Yi rode the Fengdiao Dragon, rushing to the next heat dissipation organ.

But Feng Piaolong suddenly became uneasy. Su Yi didn't notice it for a while, just thinking that it was becoming more and more uncomfortable in the hot environment.

The commander-in-chief on the defense line immediately turned on the intercom and shouted seriously: Su Yi! Pay attention to the sky, the Flame King Dragon is coming!


Su Yi looked up suddenly and saw a big lion with wings flying towards this side.


The proud Yanwang Dragon did not allow other creatures to appear in its airspace, so it flew towards it.


The explosive dust scattered around the Yanwang Dragon was contaminated by the Feng Piao Dragon, and was detonated by its blazing temperature. The Feng Piao Dragon let out a wail and fell rapidly.

The Wind Drifting Dragon didn't fly very high, so it quickly fell onto the Lava Mountain Dragon's rock shell.

But before it fell, it urgently used its flexible wings to protect Su Yi, who was suddenly shaken off the saddle.

Su Yi, who was shaken to pieces, immediately got up and checked Feng Piaolong's injuries.


Feng Piaolong managed to stand up, but one of its wings became scorched black and drooped feebly.


The Flame King Dragon landed aside and let out a majestic roar.

Su Yi quickly took Feng Piaolong back into the ball.


Such a big Feng Piaolong suddenly disappeared in front of its eyes. Yanwanglong was stunned, and only then did it discover the little Su Yi.


Yan Wanglong put down his intimidating posture and walked to a piece of lava.

The Laoshan Dragon must have felt the arrival of the Flame King Dragon, so it shook its body violently in an attempt to drive it away.

Yanwanglong just took off slightly and avoided the shock, while Su Yi hurriedly held on to the ground to prevent himself from being thrown off.

呲呲Su Yi! I saw you were knocked down, how is the situation? Do you need support? the commander-in-chief's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Beside him, the swordsman master stood ready.

No need for the moment, if my guess is correct. Although Su Yi was surprised by the appearance of Yanwang Dragon, recalling his previous contact with it, Su Yi roughly guessed its purpose.

While Su Yi was speaking, the Lava Mountain Dragon stopped shaking, and the Flame King Dragon fell down. At the same time, it flapped its wings lightly, and the red explosion dust flew onto the lava.

Then Yanwanglong gently clenched its teeth, sparks flashed, and the explosive dust was instantly detonated, making an astonishing explosion sound.

The lava was blown to pieces, and some hard ore flew out.

Su Yi raised his head, shook the dust off his head, and saw Yan Wanglong leisurely selecting the ore, then putting it into his mouth to smelt and extract it.

He smiled bitterly and said to the commander-in-chief: The Flame King Dragon probably just wants the high-quality minerals on the Laoshan Dragon's back. I hope it will leave after eating. The top priority is to destroy the third heat dissipation organ.


There was another explosion, and another piece of lava was blown to pieces. At this time, several pieces of ore flew to Su Yi's side.

Yanwanglong looked over and saw the ore rolling towards Su Yi, so he ignored it and continued to select the ore in front of him.

Su Yi picked up the ores and said with a smile: Does this count as my share of the pie? But I don't eat the ores.

This Yanwanglong still knows how to share?

But the most likely possibility is that Yanwanglong doesn't care about this, or this kind of ore is not its target.

On the defense line, the commander-in-chief breathed a sigh of relief and signaled the sword master to relax temporarily.

Now the entire defense line is concentrating on dealing with the Molten Mountain Dragon. If the Flame King Dragon is angered and it flies up to the defense line to attack the hunters above, it will probably cause a lot of trouble.

After all, not every hunter is as strong as the recommended group.

But if the Yanwang Dragon doesn't leave after the Laoshan Dragon enters the expected restraint place, it will have no choice but to attack it as well.

Seeing that Yan Wanglong ignored him, Su Yi immediately ran towards the third heat dissipation organ.

After climbing over the layers of rock shells, Su Yi entered the rock shell space that protected the heat dissipation organs.

Aiden walked up and said with concern: I heard on the intercom that the Flame King Dragon landed on the back of the Laoshan Dragon. Are you injured?

Su Yi replied: I'm fine, just be careful when you evacuate.

How can this be done? Maybe the Nergigante will come over later. Will you have to face two ancient dragons at the same time? Aiden immediately proposed to fight the Nergigante together.

Su Yi shook his head and said: If the Nergigant arrives, it will attack the Flame King Dragon as soon as possible. When both of them are injured, it will be easier to drive them away.

Destroy the heat dissipation organ first.

In order to rush for time, Su Yi could only release Feng Piaolong again.

After Su Yi quickly gave it a simple treatment, he stroked the top of its head, put his forehead against its head, looked directly into its eyes with encouragement, and said seriously: Please!


Feng Piaolong's eyes became firm, then he steeled himself and released the freezing beam with all his strength.

The heat dissipation organ was quickly frozen into ice, and then Su Yi continued to use the previous method, letting the female fire dragon break the heat dissipation organ.

Aiden, who knew that there was such a thing as a move, was surprised by the power of the ultimate impact and said: What a powerful move!

The other hunters of the fifth group who had never heard of the move looked at each other with deep surprise in their eyes: Can the female fire dragon in the New World actually know such a move?

Okay, you can evacuate!

The cooling organ on the head, just wait for the commander-in-chief and the others to restrain the Laoshan Dragon, and then let the airship drop and bomb it to destroy it. Su Yi said.


The Laoshan Dragon felt that its three heat dissipation organs were completely destroyed, and it shook its body violently in pain.

And just as everyone stabilized their bodies and prepared to evacuate, the commander-in-chief said seriously through the intercom: The Nergigante is coming!

Su Yi and Aiden looked at each other, and then immediately said: Get out of the rock shell first!

When they ran out of the rock shell that protected the heat dissipation organ, they saw the ancient dragon with devil-like horns slowly landing on the rock shell in the middle, roaring excitedly at the Flame King Dragon.

Nergigante: Any unexpected gains? !

Are you sure you want to face it alone? Aiden asked seriously again.

I proposed this battle plan, and I promised the Commander-in-Chief to ensure your safety. What's more, my partners have been preparing for this battle for a long time.

The most important thing is that without anyone else, the accompanying beasts can attack without restraint.

All right!

The hunter team walked to the back of the Molten Dragon's shell, dodged the two ancient dragons, and called the Winged Dragon to pick them up.

Su Yi cautiously approached the battlefield between the Nergigante Dragon and the Flame King Dragon, ready to take action at any time.

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