Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 260 “Special Projects” of Permafrost Permafrost

The sharp and piercing cry immediately frightened the little guys. They ran out of the hot spring in a hurry and stumbled into the rock crevices of the valley.

Su Yi quickly threw the capture ball at the hot spring golden monkey.

It's just that the little guy seemed to have eyes on his back. He avoided it with extraordinary agility and then disappeared into the valley.

Fuck! Su Yi angrily waved his hand and hammered the spring water, causing a huge splash.

It feels like you are enjoying a leisurely holiday, but are suddenly pulled back to work overtime by a call from your boss, which is very annoying.

The key is that Su Yi really likes this bold and clever little guy.

It is estimated that the little guy had been secretly observing from the side. After he found out that Su Yi and his party were not threatening, and even took out food to share, and that the hot spring silver monkey had no problem eating it, the little guy jumped out and ate Su Yi without hesitation. something in hand.

Su Yi raised his head angrily and looked at the sky.

Ah?! The Feng Piaolong on the cliff suddenly spread its wings innocently: I'm not! I don't! It has nothing to do with me!

Of course Su Yi knew that it had nothing to do with it. The cry came from the east side of the valley.

However, a few seconds later, a figure with huge wings spread out and covered with frost flew across the valley, flying from west to east.

Su Yi whispered: It's the Frost Winged Wind Drifting Dragon.

This is a special individual of the Wind-Drifting Dragon, a form that is completely adapted to the ever-frozen soil environment. Compared with the original species, the Frost-Winged Wind-Drifting Dragon has better flight, movement, and ability to use air conditioning.

Their bodies are generally larger than the original species, the blue patterns on their bodies become darker, almost black, and the color of other parts is whiter.

There is more and colder frost on the wings, chest, abdomen and tail, hence the name Frost Wings.

Although they are special individuals, this may be their most primitive posture when they originally lived in this frozen soil.

At this time, the sharp cry of the Fengdiao Dragon came again from the east.

The first cry should be from the wind-drifting dragon in the east calling for its companions. I remember that the wind-drifting dragon in the ever-frozen soil will call for friends.

Wind-drifting dragons in the Everfrost Land sometimes cooperate in hunting, and will call their companions under certain circumstances.

The Wind-Drifting Dragon will call its companions when it is angry or in crisis, while the Frost-winged Wind-Drifting Dragon will call the Wind-Drifting Dragon for help when it is about to return to its nest.

But whether they are original species or special individuals, they will actively respond to the call and go to help.

From this point of view, Frostwing Wind Piaolong is like a reserved, arrogant, but extremely responsible big brother. He will respond to the calls of his subordinates, but he will never take the initiative to call for Feng Piaolong's help unless he is in a major crisis.

Of course, the wind-drifting dragons in the frozen soil live a collective life. If you rashly break into their territory, whether you attack the original species or a special individual, you will inevitably be attacked by a group of wind-drifting dragons.

If you want to face only one Wind-Drifting Dragon, you must either find a guy who lives alone, or you must seize the opportunity when it goes out hunting alone and resolve the battle quickly.

Su Yi immediately put on his equipment and rode the Feng Piaolong with Lu Cao and the others.

Follow us and see what's going on!

Flying across the valley to the east, you can see two wind-drifting dragons flying and circling in the distant sky, and they swoop down from time to time, launching turns to attack an enemy.

The addition of the Frostwing Wind Drifting Dragon makes them even more imposing.


A roar came from the wide frozen glacier in the valley.

When Su Yi arrived on the Feng Piaolong, he only saw a white-shelled flying dragon running steadily on the smooth ice, avoiding the Feng Piaolong's surprise attack.

It turns out to be the Ice Tooth Dragon. I finally found you!

On the ice, the Ice-toothed Dragon ran quickly, using the thorns on its limbs to quickly fix and climb onto the towering ice wall. Then it jumped off the wall, spread its wings, flew up, and pounced on the Wind-Drifting Dragon in the sky.

The pair of amber fangs that grew out of the upper jaw, like serrated daggers, bit into the fragile neck of the Wind Drifting Dragon.


The Wind-Drifting Dragon was unable to dodge, and was bitten on the neck by the Ice-Toothed Dragon and pounced from the sky. The Wind-Drifting Dragon had severe lacerations on its wings, which resulted in reduced mobility.

Su Yi, who was watching the battle, analyzed: It should be that the Wind-Drifting Dragon encountered the Ice-Toothed Dragon and was beaten violently. It knew it was outmatched and then sent out a distress signal.

At this time, another wind-drifting dragon and frost-winged wind-drifting dragon immediately came to help.

Although the Ice-toothed Dragon is brave, it can't beat four hands with its two fists, not to mention the Frost-winged Wind-drifting Dragon's combat power is not low at all. Now it's the Ice-Toothed Dragon's turn to be in trouble.

I can watch a show again, great! Su Yi asked Feng Piaolong to stop on the mountain peak. While watching the battle, he drank hot drinks and ate barbecue.

In the game, when players open up the ice field, their weapons and equipment are not strong enough. Ice-tooth dragon and frost-winged wind drifting dragon are two characteristics of the ice field. One has ADHD, and the other cannot stand in the sky and will call friends. Leading companions, the entire hunting process tortured the players beyond words.

Therefore, in the game, these two are called dung monsters by players. If this scene were to be put in the game, the players would have to do some butterfly swimming in the dung pit.

Naturally, Su Yi could not escape the fate of being tortured. At that time, he still stubbornly insisted on surviving the first meeting by himself until he met the golden lion.

On the glacier, the Ice-toothed Dragon fought bravely against three, causing considerable injuries to the relatively fragile Wind Drifting Dragons. It was also scarred and panting.

Angaoao——! ?

At this time, the Frostwing Wind Drifting Dragon found the motionless Feng Drifting Dragon on the distant mountain peak. It felt a little confused, so it called out.

Frostwing Wind Floating Dragon: Why are you just watching? !

Feng Piaolong: I’m not a local, so I’m not familiar with you.

In the game, most of the wind-drifting dragons that players hunt in the frozen soil should have flown over from the coral plateau after experiencing events, and some individuals have transformed into frost-winged wind-drifting dragons.

But these wind-drifting dragons in front of them are native to the eternal frost-frozen land.

It can be clearly seen that compared to the Fengdiaolong on the mesa, the blue patterns on their bodies are darker and the white parts are also whiter.

After all, there is a big difference between the environments of permafrost and platform. There will naturally be some differences between the two who live in the two places all year round.

Looking at the maverick Wind-Drifting Dragon, the Frost-Winged Wind-Drifting Dragon roared low, but focused on the Ice-Toothed Dragon first.

The Ice Tooth Dragon knew that he was outmatched and that fighting would be detrimental to him, so he immediately sprayed out a ball of ice crystal cold air.

The ice crystal cold air exploded immediately after touching the ground, forming a frost whirlwind that blocked the attack of the Wind Drifting Dragon. Taking this opportunity, the Ice Tooth Dragon immediately turned around and fled into the glacier not far away.

Su Yi put away the food and said: Feng Piaolong, let's go!

At this time, Frostwing Wind Piaolong and his younger brother planned to question the foreign dragon who was watching the show, so they flew towards Su Yi and his party menacingly.

Su Yi turned around and fired flash bombs, dodging them immediately.

No need to give it away!

Immediately, Fengdiaolong followed the figure of Icetooth Dragon along the glacier.

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