Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 261 In the Tianchi at the top of the mountain, the evil star appears! (3K)

Compared to snowy coniferous forests with relatively dense trees, Icetooth Dragon prefers to wander in glaciers and other terrains, and its lair also likes to choose icy caves.

As the Fengdiaolong followed the Icetooth Dragon into the depths of the glacier, a huge and continuous iceberg stood on the ground.

The far side of the glacier is the coast, and ice cubes fall from the huge glacier cliffs into the ice sea below from time to time.

The rugged glaciers and rock peaks made it difficult to track the Fengdiaolong in the sky.

From time to time, there are dark mountains blocking the view, and the scattered icicles can easily make people lose their way. Some interconnected caves make it difficult to know where they lead.

The Ice-toothed Dragon used its strong gripping ability to climb and jump flexibly in these places, and relied on its familiarity with the nearby terrain to quickly disappear from the sight of Su Yi and his party.

Aww? Feng Diaolong murmured doubtfully, looking for the Ice Tooth Dragon among the icebergs.

Su Yi frowned and said: I lost track of him, but it's a bit strange. I always feel that the Ice Tooth Dragon is deliberately running into these complicated terrains.

The Fengdiaolong slowed down and flew slowly while carefully observing the surrounding environment.

Just as it flew over a towering ice rock, Su Yi with sharp eyes caught a glimpse of a piece of white color that was different from the ice and snow.

When Su Yi realized what it was, he was suddenly startled, and immediately shouted and reminded: The dragon drifts in the wind, the frost rushes into the diamond!

The Fengdiaolong was stunned for a moment, then flapped its wings and accelerated, throwing out ice crystals while spinning its body and sprinting forward.

At the same moment, a white figure behind the ice rock roared and flew towards Feng Diaolong.

However, due to Fengdiaolong's accelerated sprint, the sneak attack failed.

The Ice-toothed Dragon is actually looking for an opportunity to ambush us! Su Yi shook his dizzy head and said in surprise.

Obviously, just as Su Yi suspected at the beginning, the Ice-toothed Dragon noticed the Fengdiao Dragon's tracking, so it used its familiarity with the terrain to ambush them.

Feng Piaolong was also shocked when he reacted.

Behind him, the Ice-toothed Dragon flapped its wings, stabilized its falling body, and then flew after it with fluttering wings.

Su Yi immediately commanded: Wind Drifting Dragon, increase the height and fly according to my command. The Ice Tooth Dragon's flight maneuverability is not very strong, we can completely get rid of it!

Aha——! Feng Piaolong calmed down immediately, and then under Su Yi's command, it used its excellent flying ability to draw complex flight trajectories in the air.

The Ice-toothed Dragon flapped its wings vigorously and chased in a hurry, but was soon confused by the Wind-Drifting Dragon that flashed left and right, and was thrown away for a long distance.

We have won this flying duel! The Wind Drifting Dragon takes off into the air at high speed, and then uses the tearing claw to attack from the air!


The Fengdiao Dragon rose into the air very quickly. After noticing it, the Ice-toothed Dragon steadied its body slightly before looking up in surprise.

But the next moment, the Fengdiaolong's sharp claws shrouded in white light and its swooping figure quickly magnified in its field of vision.


The Fengdiaolong struck down the Icetooth Dragon from the air with a full blow.

In the air, the rapidly falling Ice Tooth Dragon Cang howled in panic, trying hard to flap its wings in an attempt to maintain balance.

Su Yi once again commanded Feng Piaolong to catch up, using the freezing wind to continuously interfere with it while increasing its speed.

In the end, the Ice-toothed Dragon fell in embarrassment onto the frozen Tianchi at the top of a mountain peak.

Ang Ao Ao——!

The Fengdiao Dragon flew high into the sky above the Frozen Tianchi, and looked proudly at the Ice Tooth Dragon that smashed a hole in the ice below.

Well done, Feng Piaolong! Su Yi patted Feng Piaolong on the back, encouraging it to perform well.

Ouch! Feng Piaolong neighed proudly and responded to Su Yi happily.

The dazzling and thrilling air battle just now made him feel high, and at the same time it deepened his trust in Su Yi's command.

It's our turn to attack next. The venue has been chosen secretly! Su Yi took out the capture ball.

The center of the top of this mountain peak is sunken and surrounded by ring-shaped mountains. In the center, the Tianchi that has existed for some time has been frozen into a hard and flat ice field.

It's not easy for the Blackhorned Dragon and the Barbarian Jaw Dragon to perform in the frozen field. Su Yi murmured.

Most of Su Yi's accompanying beasts have difficulty exerting their full strength on slippery ice, and may even slip and fall and find it difficult to stand up.

On the other hand, Icetooth Dragon has spikes like spikes on its limbs, which can firmly grasp the ice.

Then it's up to you! The female fire dragon, and Sky!

Su Yi released the flying dragons, and then the Steel Armored Crow, and together with Lucao and Xiong Disciple, they transferred from Feng Piaolong to the Steel Armored Crow.


The ice-toothed dragon struggled to get up, its ice-blue eyes turning amber due to anger and blood.

Su Yi quickly commanded: Big sky, soaring flames, female fire dragon, breath of flames, wind drifting dragon, storm wind!

Two flame breaths blasted towards the Ice-toothed Dragon from two directions. At the same time, the Wind-Drifting Dragon flapped its wings to stir up strong winds, obstructing the Ice-toothed Dragon's flight.


The Ice-Toothed Dragon nimbly dodged left and right, rushing out of the flames and violent wind, and then continuously spit out ice crystals filled with cold air.

With a few pops, the ice crystals shattered, and then several cold frost tornadoes blew up, attacking the flying dragons in the sky.

Su Yi immediately commanded: Feng Diaolong, use the blizzard to offset the whirlwind!

The Wind Drifting Dragon then flapped its wings and blew up a powerful blizzard, which collided with the ice whirlwind and offset it.

The Ice Tooth Dragon took advantage of the ice whirlwind that hindered them for a while, and immediately jumped to take off with help, and pounced on the female Fire Dragon.

Su Yi took charge of the overall situation and commanded in an orderly manner: Da Kong, take the opportunity to pursue with the flying flames, while the female fire dragon uses her dragon claws to attack!

Da Kong immediately aimed at the Ice Tooth Dragon in the air and breathed out the sky-high flames with all his strength. The female Fire Dragon spread her wings and flew down, swooping down with her dragon claws to meet the attack.


The blazing fireball hit the Ice Tooth Dragon that was still in mid-air.

The ice-toothed dragon roared in pain, and its flying movements were unstable. The female fire dragon seized the opportunity and used its claws to clasp the ice-tooth dragon's head, and then the female fire dragon smashed it down from the sky.


The Ice-Toothed Dragon crashed onto the ice lake again, splashing countless pieces of ice.


The Ice Tooth Dragon roared unwillingly and angrily, tensed its muscles and jumped up again, then spread its wings and took off, while constantly spitting out cold ice crystals from its mouth.

Female Fire Dragon, use your flame breath to attack!

The next moment, the flames and ice crystals collided violently, constantly canceling each other out, and a symphony of ice and fire seemed to play in the sky.

Bah! Apprentice Bear watched intently, gaining a deeper understanding of the monsters' battles.

Lucao, on the other hand, was excited. She looked up at the sky. Something seemed to be flying in the sky covered with ice and snow, and the light faintly penetrated through the ice and snow, which surprised Lucao.

Seeing that the Ice Tooth Dragon was still resisting, Su Yi immediately planned to increase his firepower: Da Kong, use Da Sunny!


The sky roared up to the sky, spitting out a dazzling ball of light. The small ball of light shot straight into the sky, and then exploded in the wind and snow.


The power of the sunny day burst out, centered on the explosion point, dispersing large tracts of ice and snow in the sky, revealing a clear sky.

The dazzling sunlight shines down, making Da Kong's figure particularly brilliant.

Aww?! Both Ice-toothed Dragon and Fengdiao Dragon looked at the changes in the sky in surprise.

Ice-toothed dragon has never seen such power, while Fengdiaolong is amazed that the move can have such ability.


At this time, Lucao finally saw clearly that under the clear sky, a red comet was flying towards the east with a long trail.

Su Yi was always paying attention to the field. He took out the colorful spar and planned to strike hard: To deal with you, it is better to use this move! Da Kong, are you ready?


The sky roared passionately.


Su Yi and Da Kong touched the spar at the same time. At that moment, blue-white light shone from Da Kong's reverse scales, and then the light lit up the wings along the silver-white feather patterns.

At the same time, Lucao discovered something strange.

When the sunny day cleared up the sky, the speed of the comet in the sky seemed to slow down. But when Su Yi and Da Kong used the crystals to complete the shape change, the comet turned directly and flew towards this side.

At this time, Su Yi felt the power connected with Da Kong, and suddenly said loudly: Da Kong, the calamity flames are burning!

Da Kong took a deep breath, and the next moment, blue-white calamity flames burst out.

The Ice-toothed Dragon came back to its senses and was about to jump away, but the big explosion caused by the calamity flames set off a wave of flames, and the roar spread to the Ice-toothed Dragon.

Suddenly, blue-white flames burned its body, causing it endless pain.

Su Yi shouted again: Do it again!

Da Kong took another deep breath and spit out the blazing calamity flames towards the Ice Tooth Dragon.

At this time. Only then did Lucao come back to his senses from the strangeness that puzzled him, and shouted loudly: Su Yi, meow! This is incredible, meow! The comet in the sky is turning around and falling towards us, meow!

Huh?! Su Yi was stunned by Lu Cao's words and immediately looked up at the sky.

I saw a red evil star rushing towards this side dragging a long trail.

Su Yi shouted in shock: It's actually Gundam!?

He immediately broke off the hot crystal from his hand, quickly put it into the backpack behind him, returned Da Kong to his normal state, and then quickly took back the accompanying beasts who became uneasy because they sensed the ancient dragon's aura.

Steel-armored crow, fly towards the mountain peak at high speed! Su Yi said hurriedly.

Maga! The steel-armored crow immediately flapped its wings and accelerated, flying towards the mountain peak.

At this time, the rumbling sound gradually became louder.

call out--!

The silver-winged evil star tore through the air, broke through the sound barrier, and crashed down like a comet.

Boom boom boom.

A long hole was opened in the frozen Tianchi, and countless broken ice was blown away. Then it was melted by the high temperature caused by the friction of the air, and turned into mist that filled the frozen lake.


A roar similar to that of an eagle, but with a metallic sound, echoed throughout Tianchi.

The streamlined ancient dragon with a silver-white carapace held a claw against the dying Icetooth Dragon. A pair of three-fingered spear wings on its back spread forward, and white smoke was still coming out of the six jets.

Su Yi said excitedly: The evil star of Silver Wings, Tian Hui Long! I didn't expect to meet it here!

But why did it come specifically to prey on the Icetooth Dragon? Was it discovered because of the high altitude here? Or...

Su Yi looked up at the sky and suddenly understood when he saw the clear sky here that was completely different from that in the distance.

However, Tian Huilong did not look at the Ice Tooth Dragon, which was already like a fish on an anvil. Instead, he raised his head and looked at Su Yi who flew to the edge of the mountain.


Tian Huilong stretched its wings, and sprayed out scarlet dragon energy from its nozzle, aiming at Su Yi.

Holy crap! Why are you chasing me!?

Su Yi suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

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