Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 259 A surprising discovery in the valley

The wind and snow in the eternal frost and frozen soil seemed to never stop. Su Yi, wearing a barbarian dragon suit, shook his body in the wind and snow.

Have a hot drink!

Su Yi took out a hot drink and gave it to Lu Cao and Disciple Xiong. After taking a sip, the spicy drink flowed from his throat into his stomach, and then turned into a warm current in his stomach and reached his whole body. His body suddenly warmed up.

Huh! Su Yi and the others let out a sigh of relief.

Let's continue heading north.

Su Yi looked to the north on the glacier, and the place further away began to gradually transform into a mountainous area. The continuous snow peaks were shrouded in the wind and snow, like a secret realm of frost and snow.

The Yongshuang frozen soil is very large, and Su Yi plans to open a few more camps by the way, because trekking in the wind and snow is really torture. If you encounter a snowstorm, it will really make it difficult to move.

By opening more teleport points, you can save a few miles while exploring.

Fly directly over the glacier and head to the mountainous area. Su Yi released the Fengdiaolong.

The Fengdiaolong unfolds its wings composed of multiple wing membranes. By fine-tuning the membranes at any time, it can fly smoothly in the cold wind.

Su Yi and his party spent some time flying over the glacier and came to the snow-capped peaks.

Get down a little so you can better observe the situation on the ground. Su Yi patted Feng Piaolong's neck and shouted loudly.


The wind drifting dragon flaps its wings, lowers its height, and flies gracefully among the undulating rock peaks.

With the mountain peaks blocking the way, the wind and snow became much lighter, and Su Yi could finally see clearly the foothills under the snowy peaks.

In the foothills covered with heavy snow, rocks stood tall. A few snow deer noticed the wind-drifting dragon above, and immediately ran and jumped among the rocks, hiding in the valleys of the peaks.

As Feng Diaolong continued to move forward, the snow on the ground melted a lot, and some dark rocky ground could be seen.

Further forward, flying over the direct rock walls of the two peaks, steam curled up in a valley.

Under the rock wall in the valley, there is a pool of steaming spring water, and several snow deer are leisurely eating the surrounding plants.

Because of the higher temperature, there is no snow around the spring, exposing khaki rocks.

From the gaps between the rocks, water columns spurt out from time to time, and then the water columns spread out in the air, forming clouds of water mist.

Su Yi said in surprise: It's a hot spring!

Although the permafrost soil is cold, some places contain rich geothermal resources, and hot springs can often be found near those places.

This valley is protected by peaks on all sides. It is not very ventilated and is less affected by wind and snow. The water mist formed by the hot springs envelopes the valley. From a distance, it looks like there is smoke.

Su Yi immediately decided: After flying for so long, even if I drink hot drinks, my hands and feet will still be frozen. Let's take a bath in the hot springs and rest.

The Fengdiaolong heard the command and flapped its wings to land.

The snow deer was frightened and fled out of the valley quickly.

When he got close to the hot spring, Su Yi saw several hot spring silver monkeys that looked like lemurs but had big fluffy tails like squirrels hurriedly escaping from the hot spring.

This is a small creature that likes to soak in hot springs to keep out the cold. However, after soaking for too long, the hot spring silver monkeys became dizzy and their hands and feet became a little slow.

But Su Yi didn't want to hurt them, so he let them run away.

Soak in the hot springs!



Su Yi took off his equipment and soaked in the hot spring water. Lu Cao and Disciple Xiong lay in the spring water, letting their bodies float slowly.

The Fengdiaolong flew to a foothold high on the cliff and enjoyed the fumigation of the warm steam.

Although it is an ice-type companion beast, the mainland coral platform has abundant sunshine all year round, and the temperature is very different from that of the ice field.

The Fengdiaolong has not yet adapted to the environment of permanent frost and frozen soil, so it needs to warm up a little and take a rest.

Su Yi, who was soaking in the hot spring, took out some snacks and gave them to Lu Cao and the others, and smelled the smell of sulfur.

Su Yi looked at the mountain wall. There were some ores exposed there, and some of the rocks looked like igneous rocks.

The rich geothermal resources mean that there may be active volcanoes nearby, but unlike the Dragon Crystal Land, you can't directly see the crater and lava lake.

The hot spring restored Su Yi's frozen hands and feet, and her body and mind began to gradually relax.

Not far away, several hot spring silver monkeys saw that Su Yi didn't seem to be aggressive, so they approached cautiously.

Su Yi did not disturb them, but slowly moved part of the way, and then observed with interest.

A bold hot spring silver monkey first stretched his legs to adapt to the water temperature, while carefully observing Su Yi's every move.

Seeing that Su Yi didn't make any movement, he slowly immersed his body into the hot spring.

Afterwards, the hot spring silver monkey soaking in the spring water completely relaxed. The big tail behind it was pressed against the back, and then draped over the head like a hot spring bath towel. A pair of small ears drooped due to relaxation, and the pink face began to be affected by the spring water. temperature and slowly turn red.

I saw this bold hot spring silver monkey soaking in the hot spring peacefully and enjoying it. Other hot spring silver monkeys could not bear the cold, so they bravely took a dip in the spring water, and then curled up into a ball comfortably.

It's really cute. It's a pity that we didn't see the rare hot spring golden monkey. Su Yi said with a smile.

The hot spring golden monkey is a small monkey with dazzling golden hair. It looks very similar to the hot spring silver monkey, but has some different details and is much rarer than the hot spring silver monkey.

But it easily reminds Su Yi of a golden lion.

Meow, let me try to get in touch with these little guys, meow. Lucao lowered his voice and asked for some tree fruits from Su Yi.

Lucao broke the fruit into small pieces and then slowly approached the hot spring silver monkey.

The little ones immediately became vigilant, but Lucao's gentle movements and small stature prevented them from immediately frightening them away.

Meow~ Lucao called softly, stretched out his paw and handed over the fragrant tree fruit.

A little guy approached cautiously, and then cautiously grabbed the fruit piece.

It sniffed first, then stretched out its little tongue and licked it like a dragonfly.

Tasting the sweet taste, the little guy hugged the fruit pieces and started to eat them with great joy.

Chi Chi!

Seeing this, the other hot spring silver monkeys immediately gathered around. Disciple Xiong also became interested, and together with Lucao, they started feeding the hot spring silver monkeys.

Su Yi looked at the cute little guy and felt itchy. He immediately cut off a small piece of fruit and wanted to feed it.

But as soon as he moved, the spring water rippled, and the hot spring silver monkeys immediately backed away for a distance on alert.

Su Yi suddenly felt helpless.

Chi Chi!

At this moment, something fell on Su Yi's head, then jumped down and snatched the fruit piece from Su Yi's hand.


The water splashed, Su Yi wiped the water on his face and looked at it in surprise.

I saw a golden little guy holding a piece of tree fruit and chewing it without hesitation. A pair of big eyes looked at him with curiosity and vigilance.

Hot spring golden monkey! Su Yi exclaimed in his heart.

At the same time, he slowly swam to the shore and took out a capture ball.

Cute little guy, hey hey hey!

However, just when Su Yi held the capture ball and was about to approach the hot spring golden monkey and throw the ball, a harsh hissing sound echoed through the valley.


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