Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 258 Black Wolf Bird: Is there such a good thing? !

The commander-in-chief said solemnly: Su Yi, I understand that you have a deep understanding of the monsters and various ancient dragons in the New World. It can be seen from the various intelligence you continue to provide us.

Besides, you have perfected this plan and are also responsible for several major tasks.

You not only helped us solve several surrounding troubles and gave us a lot of important information, but also helped us bring back the third phase of the regiment. There is no doubt about your combat effectiveness.

Although you are not a member of the investigation team, you have made a lot of contributions. All of these make me willing to believe you.

I don't know where you are from, but our goal of exploring the New World should be the same.

Su Yi looked serious and said, I will do my best!

Next, the stronghold entered a state of war preparation, and the dragon-killing guns on the fifth group ship were being unloaded bit by bit and disassembled into several parts.

Some personnel began to partially modify the airship for use in combat plans.

The modification of the airship and the disassembly and disassembly of the dragon gun will take a long time, but once these tasks are completed, the next preparations will be much faster.

At this time, Su Yi was free.

The work I have to do doesn't take much time. After they finish their work, we can go to the site together to conduct survey and layout.

Su Yi thought for a while and said to himself: Let's go back to the Pokémon world and make some preparations. The Tyrannosaurus is an unexpected harvest. Although it doesn't distinguish between friend and foe at the moment, it is still useful. The correct way is to let it out for a one-on-one challenge.

Although [fanaticism] is very powerful, the side effects are equally deadly.

But I remember that there is an item in the Pokémon world called White Vanilla. Its function is that when the Pokémon carrying it has a reduced ability, it can consume the item and return to its previous state.

Buy a few of these things and let the Tyrannosaurus consume a wave of Nergigante, and you'll be happy.

Su Yi immediately planned to go back to Pokémon World for some shopping.

There's news Lotto.

When Su Yi returned to the Pokémon world, Rotom immediately reminded him on his mobile phone.

Let me see.

Su Yi picked up the phone and looked through the messages.

Oh? Is there actually a skill machine for Shunfeng in the Padia area?

Su Yi immediately sent a message: Sorry, sorry, I have been busy these days. Thank you for your help in advance. The skill machine can be sent to the Pokémon Center in Kanaz City in the Hoenn region.

After a while, Nemo replied: No problem! But if you have time, remember to come to the Padia region. By the way, I heard that the Galar region is preparing a Pokémon school, and you will also come to our academy to visit and study.

Su Yi was a little surprised that President Luozi was so resolute in these matters that he mentioned casually.

Then there was news about Ma Li. She was preparing for the Zijin Gym and invited him to participate in a celebration soon.

After the battle is completed, there should be time to participate.

Back at the base, Su Yi began to think: Should we go to the Everfrost Frozen Land to search again and see if we could capture an Ice-toothed Dragon?

One of the heat dissipation organs of the Lava Dragon is on the head, and that location is best destroyed by air units.

And Su Yi wanted to completely destroy the heat dissipation organ, not the kind of staged destruction that temporarily disabled its function.

And the speed of destruction must be fast, it is best to destroy it before the Nergigante arrives.

Otherwise, the Lava Mountain Dragon's physical strength cannot be consumed quickly.

Su Yi's plan was to have the Fengdiao Dragon and Ice Tooth Dragon use powerful ice-type attacks to rapidly cool down the heat-dissipating organs, causing them to become brittle and then completely destroyed.

Moreover, on the rugged and undulating back of the Lava Mountain Dragon, some accompanying beasts cannot perform at their normal level, so it is best to breed them from flying dragons.

At present, Feng Diaolong alone does not have enough offensive capabilities in terms of ice attributes.

Su Yi immediately decided: Let's go and have a look, there is still time anyway.

But before that, we still have to go back to the back mountain to treat the black wolf bird, but don't let it die in the ball, otherwise Su Yi will have to make black chicken soup with tears in his eyes.

In the training ground, Su Yi released the black wolf bird. The black wolf bird got a breather, staggered to its feet, and wanted to attack.

Su Yi shouted: Hold it!

The Thunder Wolf Dragon and the Ferocious Claw Dragon held down the Black Wolf Bird on the left and right.

The black wolf bird immediately screamed.

Su Yi saw the opportunity and threw a vitality fragment into its mouth.

Wow. Kaka!

The black wolf bird felt something fall into its throat, and immediately coughed, trying to spit the thing out, but before it could react, the vitality fragments had been subconsciously swallowed into its belly.

Black Wolf Bird: Ga! What did you feed me? !

But soon, it found that its body quickly regained its strength and the pain on its body also dissipated a lot.

Don't let it move around, I'm going to stitch its wing membrane!

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon immediately came over, bit the black wolf bird's neck, and restrained it.

Barbarian Jaw Dragon: It was you who slapped my chin last time, right?

Su Yi immediately took out the medical needle and thread and sewed up the damaged wing membrane of the black wolf bird.

During the whole process, the black wolf bird was restless and tried to break free. When Su Yi stitched it up and ordered the accompanying beasts to let it go, the black wolf bird immediately flapped its wings and roared with claws and teeth.

Hoo Ao Ao

The accompanying beasts were disturbed by its noise, and they all roared and gathered around.


Facing so many powerful enemies, the black wolf bird not only showed no fear, but became extremely excited. At the same time, it was also very surprised by its current situation.

The black wolf bird is crazy when fighting, but this guy is not stupid. The more excited he is, the clearer his mind becomes. The manifestation of this is that when he is angry, he can jump out of a trap the moment he falls into it.

At this moment, its brain begins to connect everything currently.

The guy who locked me in a strange space gave me something that could quickly restore my physical strength. There were so many powerful enemies here that I could enjoy fighting.

Black Wolf Bird was immediately overjoyed: Is there such a good thing? !

The Black Wolf Bird was so excited that he randomly picked a powerful-looking opponent and pounced on it, launching a life-threatening attack.

The black horned dragon knocked it away in anger, and the black wolf bird immediately adjusted its posture and flew up, and then flew towards the fierce claw dragon closest to it.

The Vicious Claws roared low, jumped up high to avoid the flying attack, and jumped behind it, in turn biting the Black Wolf Bird.

After biting and biting, the Vicious Claw Dragon threw the black wolf bird away.

At this time, a dark light flashed on the black wolf bird, and then the black wolf bird stood up quickly and roared excitedly.

When it wanted to randomly pick an opponent to fight, the Black Horned Dragon rushed over and hit it hard with its tail hammer, sending it into sleep.

Su Yi scratched his head and said distressedly: It seems that the Black Wolf Bird is more troublesome than the Dread Tyrannosaurus!

After feeding the black wolf bird another vitality fragment, Su Yi put it back into the ball before it became excited again.

You idiot, you really think of me as a fountain! You think of this as a training room, but that's okay!

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