Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 257 It’s still being tough!

A large part of the Black Wolf Bird's combat effectiveness is due to its ferocious fighting style and the fighting skills it has honed through life-and-death battles.

The life of Black Wolf Bird just explains that sentence: What doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger!

But it is undeniable that its own power is not strong, especially when facing the Tyrannosaurus Rex that has entered [Fanatical].

The Dino Tyrannosaurus, which had been pecked out with blood marks, angrily bit the black wolf bird's tail and shook it hard, and finally threw it to the ground.

The black wolf bird that was hit hard to the ground did not flinch or hesitate, and immediately took advantage of this opportunity to spit out blazing fireballs at the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

At this moment, the Dino Tyrannosaurus, whose defenses were greatly reduced, could not help but growl in pain, and relaxed its bite slightly.

The black wolf bird immediately flapped its wings and flew away to break free, and then somersaulted hard, its venomous tail spines shining on the chin of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and flicking it from bottom to top.

The Tyrannosaurus rex took two steps back, shook its head, and a mixture of venom, blood and saliva flowed out of its mouth.

The Black Wolf Bird still looked high-spirited and excited. It was not known whether he was really not seriously injured or whether he was able to endure the pain by relying on his excitement and fighting spirit.

Although the black wolf bird is small in size, the black and purple scales on its body are extremely hard, and its defensive capabilities are not inferior to those of some large flying dragon monsters.

Some researchers pointed out that the black wolf bird may be in an intermediate stage of evolution from the bird dragon species to the flying dragon species.

The Tyrannosaurus rex roared angrily and bit the black wolf bird, but the black wolf bird flew away. Seeing this, the Tyrannosaurus rex used dragon energy to blast again.

Prick, prick, prick...

The dragon's energy spurted and fired towards the black wolf bird. The black wolf bird's flying ability was not outstanding, and it was hit by the spray before it could dodge, and it fell in panic.

Next, the rhythm returned to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Facing the violent Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Black Wolf Bird was ravaged wildly. Occasionally it found a chance to fight back, but was immediately suppressed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex again.

As the saying goes, those who are aggressive are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of losing their lives. When two guys who are desperate for their lives fight, it all depends on who has higher attack and thicker blood.

But now, with its Dragon Eater and characteristics, the Tyrannosaurus Rex can recover from injuries while fighting others. It is not afraid of fighting a war of attrition with the Black Wolf Bird, and its attack power is much stronger.

If the Tyrannosaurus wasn't still tired, it would have been able to fight the black wolf all day long with its rough skin and thick flesh!

This is a battle that Black Wolf Bird simply cannot win.


Su Yi held two flying walnuts and collided with each other. With a crisp sound, the walnuts exploded, but they were held tightly by the protective hand to prevent them from flying apart.

After picking out the nuts and putting them in his mouth to finish eating, Su Yi clapped his hands and said, It's almost done. If you keep beating the black wolf bird, it will turn into a 'battle scarred' black wolf bird.

On the field, the black wolf bird was no longer as majestic as it was at the beginning, but looked like a tragic defeat of the rooster.

Its pair of wings drooped unnaturally, and the wing membranes were torn open. If Su Yi didn't stop the Dino Tyrannosaurus, the black wolf bird would really turn into a black chicken.

But even though it was covered in scars, the black wolf bird still screamed desperately.

Even if the whole body is injured, that mouth is still strong. Su Yi curled his lips.

The Dino Tyrannosaurus used the Dragonophile to bite the Black Wolf Bird, but there was not much green light pouring into its body, representing recovery. It was obvious that the Black Wolf Bird had not much energy left for the Dino Tyrannosaurus to absorb.

Su Yi immediately took out the capture ball and took back the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Seeing Black Wolf Bird lying on the ground, his body twitching slightly, Su Yi walked over slowly and threw the ball to catch the ball: Black Wolf Bird, the days of you breaking into the battle at any time are over, hurry up and score the ball for me.

Su Yi threw the catching ball towards the black wolf bird.

With a bang, a ray of light enveloped the black wolf bird and sucked it in.

At that moment, Black Wolf Bird's eyes widened slightly: This feeling! ? It's that weird thing!

The captured ball immediately shook violently, and then exploded with a bang. The black wolf bird chirped angrily, as if to say: A soldier can be killed but not humiliated!

Su Yi raised his brows, released the Ferocious Claw Dragon, and said, Go! Give it a slap!


The Ferocious Claw Dragon rushed over and slapped it with a powerful and heavy claw. The black wolf bird drooped its head and fell to the ground. Only its little breath proved that it was still alive.

Su Yi threw the capture ball again. This time the capture ball did not shake violently, and the black wolf bird was successfully captured.

Call it over and go see if the airship has successfully returned to the base.

Su Yi immediately took back the Ferocious Claw Dragon and released the steel-armored crow to fly towards the star stronghold.

At the Star Stronghold, on the shore of the circulation area, a group of people gathered there to welcome the return of the third phase of the group.

The commander-in-chief said happily: After so many years, I finally returned.

The leader of the third phase of the regiment smiled and said: Yes, I didn't expect that the stronghold is still so lively and well-organized. Thank you Commander-in-Chief for your hard work.

The captain of the dragon tribe of the investigation team pushed up his glasses and murmured in a low voice: It's good to come back safely.

But the leader of the third group heard it, so he smiled and said: Oh, I just remembered that I still have a brother.

It seems that my sister doesn't need to be rescued that much! The captain of the dragon tribe felt that it was because he invited his sister to the New World that he caused her to be trapped in the Grand Canyon. His guilt suddenly dissipated.

Master Yuanye smiled and said, It'll be good to come back.

The commander-in-chief looked at Feng Piaolong, who was blowing the sea breeze alone on the sea stacks on the coast far away from the crowd, and sighed: Thanks to that magical young man.

The third regiment leader nodded and said, I'm really curious about how he can live in harmony with the monsters. I really envy his relationship with those monsters.

If Feng Piaolong not far away hears the leader of the dragon tribe, he will definitely ask her: Do you know what I have experienced? You can't relate to me!

Su Yi helped you lure away the Explosive Scale Dragon. Will he be okay? the receptionist Aibo asked worriedly.

We have to believe in him. He may be able to do more than we think. The commander-in-chief said.

Master Yuanye looked up at the sky and said with a smile, Isn't this coming?


The steel-armored crow landed quickly, and Su Yi jumped down. Looking at the people who couldn't help but look at him, he smiled and said, What? Am I the one who deserves everyone's attention?

I knew you were fine! You are the strongest 'squad' in our stronghold! Aiden squeezed through the crowd, walked up with a smile and patted Su Yi on the shoulder.

The commander-in-chief regained his serious look and said in a deep voice: Okay, let's have a meeting next! The battle plan is about to be accelerated!

Immediately, the Commander-in-Chief led a group of important figures from the investigation team to discuss the final version of the Laoshan Dragon capture operation. The plan was generally similar to what he had discussed with Su Yi at that time.

The investigation team will evacuate the researchers and scholars from the airship, move away the research facilities and materials, and load up cannonballs, various instruments, parts of the dragon gun, and various personnel.

At the same time, I will give Su Yi some combat command rights. When there is an emergency and you cannot contact me immediately, follow Su Yi's command as much as possible!

The commander-in-chief issued an order at the end that surprised Su Yi.

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