Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 256 Like to watch the fun? I recognize your courage!

Su Yi rode the steel armored crow and quickly flew over the head of the Explosive Scale Dragon, attracting its attention, and then released the Terror Tyrannosaurus at its face.


In the surprised gaze of the Explosive Scale Dragon, a huge dark green figure fell from the sky, smashed down hard, and knocked it over with a thud.


The Dino Tyrannosaurus, which had eaten well and slept well and recovered most of its injuries, roared with hunger and thirst, and its red eyes immediately stared at the Explosive Scale Dragon struggling to stand up next to it.


The Terror Tyrannosaurus made no extra moves, and immediately opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth and bit at the Explosive Scale Dragon.

Tyrannosaurus: Today’s breakfast is the Explosive Scale Dragon!


The ferocious sharp teeth of the Terror Tyrannosaurus bit the Explosive Scale Dragon's neck, embedded in its flesh and blood, and then gnawed crazily, pressing it to the ground, smashing it, and rubbing it.

The Explosive Scale Dragon immediately recovered from the shock, and then quickly generated the Explosive Scale, exploding the mouth of the Terror Tyrannosaurus with a rumble.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was hit by the explosion and leaned back slightly, but immediately opened its mouth and bit it.

The Fire Dragon couple finally stood up and looked anxiously at the two violent guys who were fighting fiercely.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the explosion of scales, Su Yi turned around and said with a smile, Happy New Year to my brother and sister-in-law!

Soon, the Fire Dragon couple resolutely joined the chaotic battle in order to defend their territory.

Anyway, the Terror Tyrannosaurus has now recovered from most of its injuries and has had enough rest, so let it vent some of its energy. The two old and new police officers will be unable to do anything to the other for a while.

In an inconspicuous corner of the ancient tree forest, the three-party war was in full swing.

Su Yi immediately took back the accompanying beast and released the bear apprentice. He Lucao ate the scattered walnuts and sighed: This is the vitality of nature.

Bah, bah, bah. Disciple Xiong was ashamed.

By the way, Disciple Xiong, has your school already taken shape? Su Yi turned around and asked.

Disciple Xiong clenched his fists, shook his head and said, Bah.

Lucao translated: It said that it has learned a lot of things, but it always feels that it is missing some kind of flash of inspiration.

Su Yi comforted: Then don't be anxious, calm down, and you can't force something like enlightenment.

Just as Su Yi was speaking, the battlefield changed again.

The hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex looked up to the sky and roared. The muscles in its neck suddenly swelled, and the scars on it glowed dark red. At the same time, bits of black smoke and dragon aura floated out of its mouth.

Have you entered fanaticism?

The Terror Tyrannosaurus, which had been strengthened to its maximum strength, launched a ferocious attack. The huge power instantly suppressed the Explosive Scale Dragon, and the Fire Dragon couple was even crushed by the power.

But they had caused a lot of damage to the Tyrannosaurus Rex before, and now the Tyrannosaurus Rex's body was covered in scars.

And because of the side effects of fanaticism, the Explosive Scale Dragon used the Explosive Scale to counterattack the explosion of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, causing considerable damage.


Feeling that the injury was getting worse, the Tyrannosaurus suddenly opened its mouth, and dark red dragon energy condensed on the upper and lower jaws, forming rows of energy fangs. The aftermath of the violent dragon energy flew from the corners of the mouth like lightning.

It's really a mouthful.

The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its mouth with surging dragon energy and bit hard on the body of the Explosive Scale Dragon. The ferocious intertwined sharp teeth of the dragon energy penetrated deeply into the flesh. Suddenly, waves of bright green light poured into the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Body.

Is it the exclusive move of Tyrannosaurus, Dragonophile?

Using the double absorption effect of moves and characteristics, the Tyrannosaurus Rex immediately recovered a certain amount of its injuries.

The Terror Tyrannosaurus became more and more courageous as it fought. It bit the Explosive Scale Dragon, raised it high, and then smashed it down three times in a row, and then threw it away fiercely, causing it to hit the giant tree with a bang.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex let out an excited roar, and the Fire Dragon couple couldn't help but retreat, and could only attack by spitting flames in the air.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is not without long-range attacks. It opens its mouth and spits out dark red dragon air pillars, and it blasts the Fire Dragon couple in the sky with a burst of dragon air.

The Fire Dragon couple who were caught off guard were sprayed with anger. Both of them were weak dragons, so they couldn't bear it. The Fire Dragon couple, who were completely helpless, immediately wanted to retreat.

On the other side, the Explosive Scale Dragon took the opportunity to take off, spraying a large number of Explosive Scales and constantly bombarding the Terror Tyrannosaurus.

While the Terror Tyrannosaurus tried its best to dodge, it stared at the Explosive Scale Dragon in the light of the explosion, and saliva was secreted from its mouth.

Finally, the Explosive Scale Dragon condensed its Explosive Scales again, swooped down from the sky, and launched a life-saving bombing attack.

Ouch. The Tyrannosaurus rex roared impatiently, and used the Dragonophile to catch the explosion of the Explosive Scale Dragon and land.


The Explosive Scale Dragon pressed down heavily, and the numerous Explosive Scales under its neck detonated together, causing a terrifying explosion.


Ouch? !

The Explosive Scale Dragon roared in fright. The Tyrannosaurus Rex used the energy of Dragonophile's moves to block part of the damage from the explosion, and then took the opportunity to bite the relatively fragile neck of the Explosive Scale Dragon.

The sharp teeth were embedded in the flesh, biting it tightly, and then the Terror Tyrannosaurus suddenly exerted its force, and with a thud, it slammed the Explosive Scale Dragon to the ground again.


The Terror Tyrannosaurus stepped on the dizzy Explosive Scale Dragon and let out a victorious roar. Seeing this, the Fire Dragon couple immediately flew back to the lair with their badly injured bodies.

Su Yi was dumbfounded and said: So strong! Agua! This Abao is so inferior!

The ultimate enhancement brought by [Frenzy], coupled with the endurance of the move [Dragonophile] and the characteristic [Gluttonous Terror King], directly make the Tyrannosaurus invincible in melee combat.

If I let Agua continue to fight like this, wouldn't I be able to capture the Explosive Scale Dragon? Su Yi's mind immediately became active.

Just when the Tyrannosaurus Rex was roaring again and again, venting the grievances it had experienced before, a dark and fierce wind suddenly broke in.


A sharp scream rang in the ears of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, causing its steps to tremble and its body to sway. The Explosive Scale Dragon took the opportunity to stand up and sprayed its explosive breath towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


The Terror Tyrannosaurus retreated continuously, and the Explosive Scale Dragon directly spread its wings and flew towards the Grand Canyon without looking back.

Su Yi bared his teeth, rubbed his ears vigorously, and said viciously to the black wolf who suddenly broke in: Like to join in the fun? Okay! I'll take you in today!

The Tyrannosaurus Rex came back to its senses and roared furiously at the black wolf bird. Not to be outdone, the black wolf bird roared, then flapped its wings and flew down.

Black Wolf Bird: I know, no monster thinks highly of me, I understand better than anyone else.

The bird dragon species has no reputation at all. We are not as talented as the beast dragon species, nor are we as skilled as the flying dragon species. I am not like the golden lion brother who can recast the glory of this species.

I know how weak I am, no one knows it better than me. I can't beat you!

The Tyrannosaurus rex bit the Black Wolfbird's tail, and the Black Wolfbird immediately grabbed the Tyrannosaurus's head with its sharp claws, and then pecked its head fiercely with its hard and sharp beak.

Black Wolf Bird: But! I can only do this. This is not a matter of winning or not, but that I must stand in front of you!

I want to tell those unique and arrogant flying dragons that even if I am a bird dragon, I still have the responsibility to protect everyone!

Seeing the Black Wolf Bird fighting back ferociously regardless of his injuries, Su Yi had to exclaim: The Black Wolf Bird is truly brave!

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