Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 255 Su Yi: Hey, hey, hey, here we come!

The continuous attacks angered the Exploding Scale Dragon, so it let go of its biggest prey and flew towards Su Yi and his party.

Use high-speed movement to increase your speed and fly towards the ancient tree!

The accompanying beast accelerated instantly and distanced itself from the Explosive Scale Dragon, but kept it far behind.

Fortunately, I had the foresight to teach everyone how to move at high speed. Su Yi said thankfully.

In the sky, speed is an advantage.

Su Yi led the accompanying beast to attract the Explosive Scale Dragon. Seeing the airship gradually turning into a dot in the distance, he was temporarily relieved.

Ouch——! The Explosive Scale Dragon angrily chased Su Yi, who was playing with it, and the Explosive Scales hanging on its neck and under its tail began to glow red.

Su Yi looked at the ancient giant tree getting closer and closer in the distance, grinned and said: Hey, hey, hey! Fire dragon, my 'friends' and I are bringing fireworks and firecrackers to wish you a happy new year!

The morning sun shone on the canopy of the ancient tree. In the open-air lair, the male fire dragon squinted his eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the sun.

After the body gradually regained its energy, the male fire dragon was about to patrol its territory when a high-pitched roar disturbed it.


The male fire dragon immediately let out a threatening roar to defend its territory, and raised its head to patrol the sky, looking for intruders.

I saw a dark green figure swooping towards the nest at high speed.

The male fire dragon was a little surprised, but after understanding through perception that the person who came was not his mate, he immediately let out a roar of expulsion.

Don't be polite to this scum dragon! Breath of flames! Soaring flames! Su Yi commanded.


Hoo ho ho!

A series of flame attacks fell on the nest, rumbled and shattered countless dead branches and leaves, and flames and black smoke filled the air instantly.

The male fire dragon flapped its wings and jumped back, blowing away the smoke and roaring angrily at the intruders who landed in the lair.


At this time, another roar came from the sky, and the male fire dragon immediately looked up.

I saw a bomber carrying red explosive bombs swooping over.



A huge explosion resounded through the sky, and the entire nest was shaking. The flame wave set off countless sparks and spread around. The huge sound caused creatures for miles around to flee in panic.


In the lush plant forest northwest of the ancient tree, the black wolf bird poked its head out of the poisonous bird's nest and roared in anger.

In the center of the fire dragon's lair, giant wings blew away the gunpowder smoke. The Explosive Scale Dragon raised its head and let out a high-pitched roar. The gaps between the scales on the upper side of its body lit up with red light, as if this was its territory.

The explosive glands under its body are like a balloon attached to a faucet and filled with water. The body fluids are rapidly condensed to form new explosive glands.

The male fire dragon instantly became cautious and let out a penetrating roar.

On the coastal plain a few kilometers away, the hunting female fire dragon raised her head, responded with the same cry, and then quickly flew to her nest.

In the lair, the Exploding Scale Dragon looked left and right, and finally set its target on the female Fire Dragon. It raised its head and crushed the female Fire Dragon with the fiery Exploding Scales on its neck.


Su Yi didn't dare to let the female fire dragon use the poisonous tail flick on the explosive scale dragon. This tail flick hit the explosive scale on the chin. The explosion scale dragon was probably fine, but the female fire dragon's tail had to be injured first.

Fortunately, the high-speed movement increased the speed. The female fire dragon quickly flew up and avoided the explosion.

On the other side, the male fire dragon saw that the intruder ignored him, and immediately flew up in anger, then flashed his sharp claws and flew to tear.

The sharp claws penetrated the gaps between the scales, and the toxin seeped in. The Explosive Scale Dragon roared and moved its strong neck, flipping the male Fire Dragon down, and then lowered its head and slammed into it.

Fight slowly, I'm not in a hurry.

Su Yi was riding a steel-armored crow to watch the show in mid-air, he just had to hold him back.

At this time, the wife finally returned to the nest. She saw her husband being beaten by the Explosive Scale Dragon, and immediately wanted to help, but when she saw Su Yi's female fire dragon, she immediately cast a hostile look.

The wife let out a threatening roar, and Su Yi's female fire dragon, not to be outdone, also roared fiercely.

The wife immediately flew down from the sky and crashed into the female fire dragon.

Just use the ultimate impact to knock it down!

The female fire dragon charged hard, the light of energy wrapped around her body, and hit her like a huge cannonball.



The wife was knocked down by the huge impact and fell into the nest.

At this time, the roar of the male fire dragon came. It was the explosive scale dragon using its strong wing claws to push the male fire dragon into the dry and hard dead wood behind the nest.

Only then did the wife rush over to help the fire dragon.

The Fire Dragon couple worked together to fight against the Explosive Scale Dragon, and the Explosive Scale Dragon was also very stubborn and refused to give in. It used the Explosive Scale to frequently create explosions and fought back and forth with the couple.


The crisp sound was covered up by the sound of fighting. On the dead wood barrier behind the lair, cracks continued to open due to explosions and impacts, and water gurgled from the cracks.

The constant explosions made the creatures around the ancient giant tree restless.

In the end, the dead wood cracked completely in an explosion, snapping and flying across the sky.

The next moment, the pool of rainwater stored on the top of the ancient tree surged out along the gap in the dam and rushed towards the nest.


The Fire Dragon couple and the Explosive Scale Dragon had no time to react before they were knocked down by the surging water. Then they were washed out of the lair and fell towards the bottom of the forest.

Oh! Su Yi admired the spectacular scene of the flood bursting from the air.

Soon, the trees and branches in the pool were washed into the gap, gradually blocking it. Water flowed out of the gap, and the pool gradually dried up. Perhaps after the next heavy rain, the pool will be filled with water again.

Let's go down and take a look!

Below the fire dragon's lair was a shallow pond. The fire dragon couple fell in the pond, wailing and struggling.

The Explosive Scale Dragon relied on its wide wingspan to glide with its wings when falling, reducing the impact of the fall. Therefore, it stood up first and prepared to attack the Fire Dragon couple who had no power to resist.

Although you are diverting trouble to the east, we cannot let you kill the Fire Dragon couple at this time!

Su Yi, who flew down on the steel-armored crow, immediately planned to stop him.

In fact, Su Yi already had the ability to subdue the male fire dragon earlier. As long as he ambush and set up traps, the male fire dragon would be seriously injured in the attack of the accompanying beasts.

But Su Yi didn't do that.

First, he already has a lot of potential.

Secondly, he has conquered the Barbarian Jaw Dragon and the Flying Thunder Dragon in the nearby forest. Without the Salamander, the top predator, there would be a risk of ecological imbalance in this area.

In fact, there have been signs of this for a long time. I remember that Aiden was quite busy for a while, cleaning up the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon and the Ferocious Jackal Dragon, so that his young chickadee, Little Blue, could get a lot of exercise and quickly evolve into a blue jay.

The relationship between this is that because the Barbarian Jaw Dragon was subdued by Su Yi, their biggest threat was gone, so they hunted and expanded their territory even more unscrupulously.

Only the Barbarus, which also patrols its territory on the ground and has a wide territory, has more frequent conflicts with them, thereby reducing their number.

This is not a game. You can hunt as many as you want. Excessive hunting will destroy the ecological balance. Sustainable development is required.

If it's to deal with you, then this guy is the best! Su Yi took out a capture ball with a smile.

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