Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 254 Dangerous Giant Wings

[Volcanic Silence: Stopping the Lava Dragon in the Canyon

Remaining time: until the Lava Dragon leaves the canyon

Mission Support: Ancient Secret Medicine*10

Mission reward: two sets of Molten Dragon materials, Life Dragon Vein Stone*3, Upper Orb*30]

Three life dragon vein stones!

If it can be used rationally, then Su Yi will have the capital to completely fight against ordinary ancient dragons!

The land of gold was still so quiet. Su Yi stuffed a large number of failed energy cubes into a pile of sleeping raw meat and threw two vitality fragments into it.

Okay, now you don't have to worry about how to get rid of the strange-smelling energy cube.

Su Yi found a place to hide, and then released the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Ouch ouch——!

The Tyrannosaurus Rex's eyes were scarlet and it roared furiously, its voice echoing in the Golden Land.

Since the territory of Houshan was expanded, Su Yi moved the Black Horned Dragon and its eggs there. This silent golden land was like a prison. Staying there for a long time was not good for the spirit.

Seeing that there was no movement, the Dino Tyrannosaurus breathed heavily, stood up with difficulty, and staggered around to check the surrounding situation.


Soon, the smell of flesh and blood attracted it. The Dino Tyrannosaurus discovered the meat on the ground and opened its mouth to bite it without saying a word.

The raw sleeping meat mixed with colorful energy cubes was swallowed whole by it.

After the meat was eaten, the Tyrannosaurus rex smashed its mouth and felt a sense of satisfaction in its belly. This was a feeling it had not experienced for a long time.


When the Tyrannosaurus Rex was still trying to find more meat, it felt drowsy. It lay down to rest, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

As long as he's not dead. Su Yi immediately stepped out and took the Tyrannosaurus back into the ball.

Early the next morning, Su Yi teleported to the camp on Lu Coral Terrace.

Today is the time when the airship is ready to take off as estimated by the leader of the third phase of the regiment. Su Yi has to escort the airship to take off, and at the same time convey the latest instructions from the commander-in-chief.

Su Yi immediately rode Feng Piaolong to the location of the airship.

The arrival of Fengdiaolong brought quite a commotion to the personnel in the airship.

Don't be afraid, it's that young man here! It's really amazing. Did you tame the Fengdiao Dragon so quickly? Master Yuanye put down the telescope and sighed.

Auntie, I brought a new mission from the Commander-in-Chief! Su Yi jumped off Feng Piao Long and told Master Yuanye the final plan he and the Commander-in-Chief had perfected together.

Master Yuanye immediately took Su Yi to discuss the matter with the leader of the third group.

The third regiment leader pondered for a moment and said: In this case, we will return to the stronghold immediately, so we have to ask you to escort us.

no problem.

Su Yi agreed. At this time, the Hunting Guide trembled slightly. He found an opportunity to open it and found that the Hunting Guide reminded Su Yi that there was a [stronghold] that could be set up.

Using the airship as a base? By the way, the airship is indeed one of the bases of the investigation team, specifically called a research base. Su Yi suddenly realized.

Although the research base is only the size of a ship, the facilities inside are very complete, otherwise they would not be able to support their research here for more than ten years.

Hiss! This airship is a movable stronghold! When can I build one? Su Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

It doesn't seem to be difficult? Su Yi immediately had a prototype in his mind, but the various key points were not something he could complete in a short time alone.

Let's talk about it after completing this mission.

The airship took off smoothly. After debugging various functions, the airship flew in the direction of the star base.

The researchers suddenly became happy and were finally able to return to their base and share their research.

In the sky, Su Yi followed the airship on a steel-armored crow, surrounded by the Fengdiao Dragon, the female Fire Dragon, and Da Kong.

On the observation deck of the airship, Master Wilderness and the Third Captain looked down at the earth, admiring the magnificent scenery of the New World.

It's great to be able to fly freely in the air. Master Yuanye glanced at Su Yi, and then was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery below.

If you pass through the canyon from here, you can avoid the center of the ancient tree forest. You don't have to worry about the attack of the male fire dragon. Su Yi murmured.

Although Su Yi's current air power can fight against the male fire dragon, the airship cannot. It may crash if there is a slight accident, so it is best to avoid it.


The morning wind was very cool, and Su Yi enjoyed the morning breeze comfortably.

Da Kong and Feng Diaolong looked at the scenery from the canyon to the forest curiously, while the female fire dragon was wary of the sky with experience.

In the canyon, the shadow cast by the airship passed quickly. Under the shadow of a rock peak, a pair of giant wings slowly opened.

Su Yi reminded: We are about to enter the forest area, everyone should be careful.

Ouch! The female fire dragon nodded and looked at the lush forest in the distance. She knew exactly what kind of opponents she would encounter in the forest.

what is that?

On the sentry post behind the airship, a Dragonite researcher saw a figure flying up from the canyon, and then the figure quickly enlarged.

He quickly sounded the alarm and shouted: A flying monster is approaching!

After being reminded, Master Yuanye immediately fired a signal flare to alert Su Yi in the air.

A monster is coming?! Su Yi immediately looked back and saw a huge flying dragon spreading its wings and flying quietly in the air.

Su Yi was shocked and said: It's actually a Exploding Scale Dragon!

The broad, slender wings of the Explosive Scale can minimize air resistance, so it rarely flaps its wings in the air, but spreads its wings to glide in the air.

This allows it to make less noise when flying, allowing it to approach its prey silently.


Seeing that its prey had discovered itself, the Explosive Scale Dragon immediately let out a high-pitched roar and accelerated towards it.

Steel-armored crow, use high-speed movement, let's get closer! Su Yi said immediately.


Although the huge flying dragon surprised the steel-armored crow, it still turned around and charged forward without fear.

When the Explosive Scale Dragon saw the steel-armored crow flying over, it breathed fire in its mouth.

Continue to accelerate with high-speed movement and approach from the side! Su Yi commanded.

The wind was howling, and Su Yi held on to the saddle tightly. Seeing the steel-armored crow avoid the flame breath and go around from the side, Su Yi immediately raised the projector and fired the prepared flash bomb.



The Explosive Scale Dragon roared in anger, but it only shook its body, flapped its wings a few times in panic, and immediately adjusted its wingspan, gliding steadily in the sky.

No, I can't dodge. The flying ability of the Explosive Scale Dragon is too strong, and the speed of the airship is not very fast. It will be caught up soon.

And the more flash bombs are used, the more defensive the Explosive Scale Dragon becomes.

We can only intercept it! Let the airship fly away first, but the airship also needs escort.

Su Yi looked at the tall ancient giant tree in the distance, and an idea came to his mind: We can only divert the trouble away!

Fengdiaolong, you are responsible for escorting the airship. The female fire dragon, myself, and Da Kong will lure away the Explosive Scale Dragon!

Ang! Feng Piaolong immediately responded to Su Yi.

Su Yi immediately told Master Yuanye the plan, and then while the Explosive Scale Dragon was recovering its eyesight, he rode the Steel Armored Crow and flew over with the accompanying beast.

Female fire dragon, breath of flames, sky, soaring flames!

Boom boom!

Two attacks fell on the Explosive Scale Dragon, immediately attracting it which had just regained its sight.

Continue to attack and completely attract its attention!

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