Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 224 Villains also have dreams?

On a passenger ship, the Lava Team occupied the entire ship and headed towards the town of Martial Arts.

On the deck, Huo Yan was sitting on a chair, holding a tea cup, surrounded by the Lava Team who were standing guard solemnly, and across the table was a restless Ma Li.

What did your eldest brother say to you that day? Huo Yan asked.

Ma Li was silent for a while and said: What you do will bring disaster to Fengyuan.

Oh? Does he know what we are going to do? Huo Yan recalled what Su Yi said: If you try to control uncontrollable forces that do not belong to you, be careful to reap the consequences!

Now that I think about it, that person seemed to know what Team Lava was going to do.

He didn't tell me more details, but I'm willing to believe him. Ma Li shook her head.

Huo Yan shook his head and laughed: How could he know the outcome of such an unprecedented thing? He made such a rash conclusion?

After hearing this, Ma Li was secretly puzzled. Huo Yan and Su Yi's words sounded like riddles to her.

We will not give up on our dreams just because of a little scaremongering.

Ma Li, would you give up on a goal because others say, 'This is impossible, this can't be done'? Huo Yan asked.

Ma Li was a little confused as to why Huo Yan asked such a question, but thinking of people's comments about Spike Town being irredeemable, she resonated a little and subconsciously replied: No!

Huo Yan folded his palms and put them under his chin, and said with a smile: So, the dream of Boss Chiyansong and I will not be shaken.

Did you know? Ma Li, you are very similar to me in the past. You are taciturn on the face, and you can't express your emotions and anger, but there is a light of unwillingness to admit defeat in your eyes.

'You have an unyielding strong will in your eyes, just use those eyes to observe and experience all kinds of things,' Boss Chi Yansong once said to me.

And now I want to give this to you.

To build a new world, we need more like-minded people. Let's go together to witness the birth of the new world.

And I am willing to share that beautiful world with you.

Rather, we welcome all capable people to join us. The new world needs such people. Huo Yan stared directly at Ma Li.

Ma Li said: That's why you recruited me in the first place.

Yes, you are very talented, and I also planned to absorb you into the Lava Team after observing it for a period of time, but it's a pity.

But this time it's different. Next, I will try to make you believe in us. Huo Yan said while looking at the island gradually revealed in the distance.

At this time, the sound of jingling bells sounded, and Mali's cell phone Rotom flew out.

Huo Yan asked curiously: Oh? Has anyone contacted you?

Ma Li took the phone and said, It's Brother Su Yi.

Huo Yan said nonchalantly: Don't worry about anything, just put it through.

Ma Li immediately connected to the video call.

Ma Li! Where are you?

Su Yi's slightly nervous face appeared on the screen.

Is the background behind you on a boat?

Ma Li nodded and said, Brother Su Yi, I'm on the Lava Team's ship now.

What?! Su Yi's face instantly zoomed in on the screen.

They didn't hurt you, did they? Su Yi asked, his face darkening.

Ma Li shook her head and said, No, Sister Huoyan didn't hurt me, but she still wanted me to join them.

Su Yi, that's your name. I'm curious, why do you deny our dream so categorically? Huo Yan said suddenly.

Huh? Su Yi wondered, and Rotom turned the phone around thoughtfully, letting Su Yi see Huo Yan.

Because I saw the 'future'! Su Yi said bluntly.

Huo Yan sneered: See the future? Nonsense!

Then let's see which future is correct!

Your dream has nothing to do with me, but if you dare to hurt Ma Li, I will make you into stir-fried pork with ginger! Su Yi said with a gloomy face.

Ma Li: (⊙×⊙)!

Don't worry, I won't hurt her. She is qualified to enter the new world.

Wait for me! I'll be at your door right away! Su Yi pointed at her and said.

Then come on. Huo Yan smiled and reached out to click the hang up icon on the screen.

Tch! What do you mean? Villains also have dreams? Su Yi glanced at the screen, put away the Rotom phone, and then entered a store.

What do you need, customer? Before the clerk finished speaking, Su Yi slapped the counter and said, Energy cubes!

Uh, what type of Pokémon do you want to give it to? the clerk said sweating.

Su Yi pointed at himself with his thumb and said, Me!

Uh, I'd like to ask what flavor you want? the clerk asked as he opened the container.

“The sweeter the better!”

The clerk took out a box of energy cubes and said, Although both humans and Pokémon can be eaten, after all, humans and Pokémon are still different. I suggest

Su Yi immediately slapped the money on the counter, picked up the energy cube and left in a hurry.

Don't eat too much at one time. The clerk held the money and messed it up in the wind.

Su Yi poured four or five pink cubes into his hand, then slapped his wrist with his other hand and popped them into his mouth.

Well, there was a medicinal taste in my mouth before, but now I feel better. Su Yi chewed a few times, feeling the long-lost sweetness, and then swallowed it.

Since I didn't have time to have a full meal, I simply used energy cubes as a cushion.

Moreover, the nutritious energy cubes can also alleviate his current physical deficit.

After feeling that his body was no longer hungry, Su Yi released the female fire dragon, and then he and Lu Cao sat on the saddle that had been made by the workshop.

Female Fire Dragon, set off at full speed!


The female fire dragon flapped its wings and took off into the air, flying according to Su Yi's instructions.

On the island near Wudou Town, a drilling machine rumbled toward the mountain wall.

After a while, the mountain wall was cut through, revealing the space inside.

Found it. Huo Yan walked in with the members of the Lava Team.

Ma Li followed Huo Yan into the cave. In front of her eyes was a huge stone building, like some kind of altar.

There is a stone platform in front of the altar with two hemispherical depressions on it, like a place to hold some kind of spherical object.

The members of the Lava Team set up the lights, and immediately they could clearly see the carved stone carvings on the altar.

While the lava team was busy looking for something, in a pool in the cave, several people wearing diving suits quietly landed ashore.

It contains two legendary Pokémon that created the earth and ocean, Groudon and Kyogre.

They are real. As long as you control Groudon's power, you can expand the land and give humans more room for development.

Humanity's progress will not be hindered. Huo Yan looked at the stone sculpture and said with enthusiasm in his eyes.

So, is this your goal? Let the earth cover the ocean? This... is too crazy... Ma Li murmured.

Yes, the sea is the cradle of life and evolution. A woman in unrestrained clothing came from one side of the cave with a group of Marine Team members.

Team Ocean...when? Huo Yan frowned.

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