Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 223 Ma Li’s Bizarre Adventure

The three Pokémon used their freezing rays with all their strength. For a moment, the forest was filled with cold air. The grass under their feet was covered with ice, and frost hung on the trees in the distance.

Howling! The voice of the Ferocious Claw Dragon gradually weakened in the frosty sky.

After a while, the cold air dissipated, leaving only a huge ice sculpture. Inside the ice sculpture, the Ferocious Claw Dragon maintained the posture of waving its claws, and its eyes lost their red light.

It's such a difficult Pokémon. A'Du looked at the Direclaw inside the ice sculpture and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a long time since he had encountered a Pokémon that put such pressure on him.

Ferocious Claw Dragon! Ma Li shouted in panic.

It's over, come back with me to accept the investigation! A'Du walked towards Ma Li with a serious face.


Huh?! A'Du suddenly turned his head to look at the ice sculpture.

In the ice sculpture, the eyes of the Ferocious Claw Dragon flashed red again, and then dark red dragon energy spread from its claws and mouth, and the ice sculpture made a clicking sound.

A'Du said in shock: He hasn't fallen down yet?!

The next moment, there was a bang and the ice sculpture shattered.

In the ice crystals that filled the sky, the Vicious Claw Dragon roared crazily and charged towards A'Du.

Ouch! Kuailong was the first to react and used his divine speed to rush towards the Ferocious Claw Dragon at an extremely fast speed.

With a bang, the already overwhelmed body of the Fierce Claw Dragon shook.

A'Du seized the opportunity and quickly backed away.

Gyarados took this opportunity to use its frozen teeth to bite the Vicious Claws, intending to restrain it.

Howl! The Vicious Claw Dragon swung its claws angrily, knocking back the Gyarados, then fired a series of dragon energy bombs at Kuai Long, and finally ran towards A'Du staggeringly.

Hakeron, freezing ray! A'Du shouted.

He was really shocked by the ferocity and fighting will of Direclaw. What kind of Pokémon is this?

Hackron emitted a freezing light, and the Ferocious Claw Dragon had no energy left to dodge, so it could only walk towards Adu step by step under the freezing light.

The pair of red eyes staring straight at him, and the ferocious mouth that continuously exhaled white steam, made it look like an evil ghost seeking life.

Just then, a beam of light hit the Vicious Claw Dragon and retracted it into the ball.

That's enough, Fierce Claw Dragon, thank you so much. Ma Li held the Fier Claw Dragon's capture ball and said softly.

Have you given up? A'Du thought to himself and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Adu breathed a sigh of relief, Ma Li quickly threw something out.

The moment A'Du and his Pokémon couldn't react, a dazzling flash of light erupted, and A'Du and his Pokémon were instantly blinded.

Oops! Does the other party have a back-up plan? A'Du secretly shouted that it was difficult to deal with.

And Ma Li immediately ran away with all her strength.

By the time A'Du regained consciousness, Ma Li had long disappeared.

At this time, A'du's communicator rang. When he saw that it was Junsha, he immediately connected the call.

Junsha's urgent voice came: Your Excellency, Investigator, we have discovered and are following the traces of the Ocean Team, and we have also found some clues about the Lava Team!

A'Du looked at his seriously injured partner, took a deep breath, and then said seriously: I understand, I'll be there soon!

His Pokémon was seriously injured, and the opponent was obviously not just a simple peripheral soldier.

But the opponent has already run far away, and his side is in poor condition. It is safer to simply treat him and then go to support Junsha's large forces.

Huhahuha! Ma Li was out of breath.

She pulled off the stuffy mask, took off the sunglasses that blocked her vision, and took off the hat that made her sweat profusely.

Where should we run? They are in this city! Ma Li was secretly anxious.

We have to leave this city, by the way! Go directly to the dock and take a boat to Martial Town!

Ma Li immediately paid attention and quickly headed to the dock.

As Ma Li approached the pier, she found that the surroundings were a little quiet.

Shouldn't this be the center of freight, with people coming and going?

Ma Li walked into the pier with some doubts. What she didn't know was that not long after she walked into the pier, Miss Junsha and a group of policemen surrounded the place.

Where is the ticket window? Ma Li looked left and right, looking for a place to buy tickets.

As she turned a corner, she came across a group of people.

It's you?!

The gangster in the sailor suit yelled angrily: It's you and your big brother who made us lose face in the Marine Team!

The Marine Team that day?! Why are they here?! Ma Li was secretly shocked and nervous.

Big wolfdog! Bite her! the captain of the Marine Team pointed at Ma Li and shouted.

At the same time, other members of the Ocean Team behind him were also ready to make a move.

The opponent was outnumbered and the Ferocious Claw Dragon was exhausted, so Ma Li decisively chose to retreat.

She turned her head sideways, covered her mouth and nose with one hand, and threw out the smoke bomb with the other hand.

With a bang, thick smoke filled the air, and the big wolfhound stopped and sneezed again and again.

The squad leader yelled and cursed: Cough, cough, cough! Cunning little girl! Rush out of the smoke and give chase!

Ma Li turned her head and looked behind her while running. After seeing several people cover their mouths and noses and rush out of the smoke, she repeated her old trick and threw out smoke bombs again.


Wow! Ma Li accidentally hit something because she didn't look at the road ahead.

When she rubbed her face and looked up, a big sister in a Lava team uniform looked down at her with a smile.

Sister Huo Huoyan? Ma Li took a step back, looking surprised.

Huo Yan grabbed Ma Li, then slowly lowered her body, rubbed Ma Li's little face, and said with a smile: Little Ma Li, we are really destined, are you reluctant to leave me?

Ma Li broke free from Huo Yan's hand, turned her head and said, No! I hit it by mistake!

I don't know what your eldest brother said to you that day, but I think you have some misunderstandings about us. Huo Yan said slowly.

At this time, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the members of the Ocean Team chased after them, cursing.

Huo Yan waved his hand and said: Repel them.

After saying that, the members of Team Lava behind her immediately took action and released their Pokémon to attack head-on.

We have time to resolve the misunderstanding, and I have not deceived you, but you have not yet touched our core.

When you fully understand what we are trying to do, maybe you will understand us. Come on, come with me. Huo Yan stretched out his hand, with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

Ma Li gritted her teeth secretly as she looked at the lava team behind Huo Yan, who was giving orders and forbidding orders.

In a secluded place in Karnaz City, Su Yi suddenly appeared, but after landing, his steps faltered and he almost fell.

Ryujinmaru and Asakusa appeared from the ball at the same time, looking at him with concern.

Are you okay, meow? Do you want to take a rest, meow? Lucao asked worriedly.

The Dragon God Pill floated into Su Yi's hand, using itself as a crutch to support Su Yi's body.

I'm a little worried about Ma Li. It's okay to recuperate here. Su Yi said.

At this time, he seemed to be recovering from a serious illness. His steps were sluggish and his hands were unable to lift.

After all, the secret medicine is not a magical medicine that replenishes fundamental vitality.

Let me take a look. Su Yi picked up the Hunting Guide and checked the location of the Fierce Claw Dragon.

Although the [Map] only records the map of the Monster Hunting World, in the Pokémon World, even though the map is completely white, the relative position between him and the accompanying beasts is still marked.

Huh?! Su Yi stared.

It shows that the Direclaw is far away from him and is still moving away.

The place where it left was the vast sea. Apparently, Ma Li was taking it across the sea.

Where is my apprentice? Su Yi quickly took out his cell phone Rotom.

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