Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 225 Violent suppression! (4K)

Team Lava, they are selfish guys who only care about the development of mankind. Aquan, a sexy and unrestrained cadre of the Ocean Team, flipped up his hair and snorted coldly.

Human beings are the leader of this world. Only when human beings develop can they better consider other things. Huo Yan looked at Aquan coldly, and the lava team behind him was ready to go.

The Ocean Team behind Aquan was not to be outdone and was gearing up.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the coastal cave became tense.

Heresy. Huo Yan snorted, waved his hand, and sent out Pokémon with the members of Team Lava behind him.

Smug! Quan sneered, and also released Pokémon with the members of Team Ocean.

Huo Yan stretched out his hand, blocked Ma Li behind him, and then said to A Quan: I see the true chapter! Fire-breathing camel, fire-breathing!

Aquan waved his hand and said: Exactly what I want! Iron-clawed lobster, crab claw hammer!

Team Lava looked cold on one side, and Team Ocean shouted loudly on the other. The Pokémon on both sides fought together, with moves flying around, and the scene became chaotic.

Ma Li, you are not needed in the battle here. Protect yourself. When Huo Cun comes with support, we can suppress the Ocean Team. Huo Yan took the time to say to Ma Li.

On the other side, Ah Quan secretly thought: Why hasn’t Ah Chao come yet?

When both sides were secretly waiting for reinforcements and trying to annihilate each other in one fell swoop, on the coast outside the cave...

Hey, you look very anxious. A pot-bellied leader of the Lava Team looked at Ah Chao with a smile.

Team Lava indeed has support! Let's annihilate you all in one fell swoop! Ah Chao stepped forward without fear.

Behind the two, members of Team Lava and Team Ocean were ready to move.

Huh? Huocun, the fat leader of the Lava Team, accidentally glanced at the sea and spotted a black shadow flying towards him at a very fast speed.

Are there any reinforcements? Ah Chao immediately looked over. Sijana, who was among them, narrowed her eyes, and then said in shock: It's that guy!

Female fire dragon, breath of flames! Su Yi's cold voice came along with the wind.


The flame wind roared, and the blazing fireball came at extremely fast speeds. The two groups of people fled in panic.


The fireball exploded, a heat wave swept across, and stirred up grains of sand all over the sky.

Huo Cun raised his head with lingering fear, patted the sand off his body, and asked loudly: Who is it?

Unexpectedly, the visitor didn't even look at him, but commanded the female fire dragon to exhale again, blasting the entrance of the cave wide, and then flew directly in.

The strong wind brought up by the female fire dragon when she flew blew the two teams of people off their feet.

Hurry in and see what's going on? Huo Cun immediately chased after him.

Don't run! Ah Chao shouted and rushed in. Xijana hesitated for a while, then gritted her teeth and followed.

In the cave, the battle between the two organizations had entered a fever pitch. At this time, a member of the Lava Team ran over and said to Huoyan: There are no orbs here, and it is not the Awakening Temple.

Huo Yan frowned and said, Is there no gain?

On the other side, Aquan also received the same news.

Tch! It's all in vain!

However, at least it is confirmed that Kyogre is real and can be controlled!

Aquan looked at the stone carvings on the altar: the simple carvings of Kyogre and Groudon were facing each other. Behind them, there were a group of people worshiping a gem respectively, with the words α and Ω respectively carved on it.

It looked like two people were controlling Kyogre and Groudon.

But is this really controlling?

At this moment, a strong wind swept through, and a huge figure rushed into the cave.

Fire Breath!


The green flying dragon roared and spit out several fireballs. In the rumbling explosion, the two groups of people fighting were all blown away and fled in confusion.


The female fire dragon glided down, and then her claws clung to the ground. The ground plowed out two gravel ravines as it glided and landed.

Behind the female fire dragon, Su Yi stretched out his hand, and Long Shenwan flew into his hand from the scabbard on his back, and followed Su Yi's movements to point the sword at the fire goose.

I! Come on!

Come so fast?! Huo Yan gritted his teeth and said in surprise.

Ma Li, are you okay? Su Yi asked.

It's okay! Ma Li shook her head and immediately ran to Su Yi's side.

Who is that person? Team Lava's rival? So strong! Quan exclaimed.

Brother, that's him! At the entrance of the cave, the captain of the Ocean Team pointed at Su Yi and said to Ah Chao.

It seems he is the one who is hindering us. A Quan looked at A Chao's murderous expression and understood something.

It seems you are determined to get in my way! Huo Yan said angrily.

At this time, Huo Cun also walked in. He looked at Su Yi with an evil look and said, You kid, how dare you break in alone!

Immediately, looking at the situation on the field, Homura said with a smile: Hey, since everyone has a grudge against him, let's deal with this guy first.

Ma Li, come up first. Where's the Ferocious Claw Dragon? Su Yi released the steel armored crow and asked Ma Li to sit on the saddle behind it.

Ma Li handed the capture ball of the Ferocious Claw to Su Yi and said remorsefully: I didn't have the ability to command the Ferocious Claw, which caused the Ferocious Claw to be seriously injured by a weirdo.

Su Yi was a little surprised: Weird?!

It felt like he was from the Ocean Team, but now that I think about it, it seems a little different. He was wearing a cape, with fierce eyes and red hair. Ma Li recalled.

Does the Ocean team have this person? Su Yi looked at the two teams in front of him.

Except for some members who are with the leader, all the internal members of Team Ocean and Team Lava should be here.

But there is no one like the person Ma Li described. Besides, does anyone from the Lava Team or the Ocean Team have this strength?

Deal with that flying dragon Pokémon! Seeing Su Yi ignoring them so much, Huo Cun shouted angrily.

The opponent is very strong, let's deal with him first! Ah Chao, who knew Su Yi's strength from his subordinates, said to Ah Quan.

You actually want two organizations to join forces to deal with him? Aquan said in surprise, but did not hesitate.

For a moment, all members of Team Ocean and Team Lava released their Pokémon.

Most of them are common big wolf dogs, big-mouthed bats, gas bombs and so on.

Team Lava occasionally has some fire-type Pokémon such as Slowpoke and Helga, while Team Ocean has some water-type Pokémon such as Lobster Minion and Diga Sea Lion.

Fire-breathing camel, flame jet!

Iron-clawed lobster, foam ray!

As the leaders of both parties took the lead in giving the order, a group of members followed and directed the Pokémon to attack Su Yi.

Climb up! Su Yi shouted.

The female fire dragon and the steel-armored crow flapped their wings and took off. Countless attacks bombarded the ruins of the altar behind them, and countless rubbles fell and flew.

Steel-armored crow, fly in the air and protect Ma Li. Su Yi ordered, then patted the female fire dragon and said: Suppress them with the breath of flames!


The female fire dragon roared low, spread her wings and accelerated, flying around the field at high speed against the stone wall of the cave, leaving all attacks far behind.

At the same time, the female fire dragon continuously sprayed fireballs to attack the field, and suddenly fireworks rose from the field.

The opponent's mobility is too strong! The firepower is also fierce! Huo Yan said with a solemn expression.

More than thirty Pokémon present were unable to attack the terrifying flying dragon, and were even suppressed.

Iron-clawed lobster, crab claw hammer! Ah Quan and Ah Chao commanded at the same time.

The two iron-clawed lobsters predicted the trajectory of the female fire dragon's dodge attack, and swung their large crab claws with aqua blue light to smash at her.

When Su Yi saw this, he shouted: Vicious tail flick!


The female fire dragon suddenly opened its wings to slow down, then flapped its wings again, its slender tail whipping fiercely from bottom to top as it flipped.

With a bang, the two iron-clawed lobsters were knocked out like rubber balls, and then hit the rock wall with a bang, and broken stones fell one after another behind them.

The two iron-clawed lobsters were cut with lavender scars on their bodies, and their faces showed pain.

Just one blow, Ah Chao said in surprise.

Boom boom boom!

The bombing in the cave continued, and as the fireball exploded, thick smoke and dust filled the cave.

Ahem! Huo Cun coughed, looking at the phantom that kept passing through the smoke, and then shouted: Let the big-mouthed bat blow away the smoke, and then fly over and interfere with him with ultrasonic waves!

Team Lava immediately commanded the Big Mouth Bat to use its moves.

At this time, the sound of whizzing wind sounded, and feather thorns like flying shuttles flew out from the smoke, aggressively shooting down all the big-mouthed bats.

There's something in the smoke! Huo Yan shouted.

Hoo ho ho.

There was a sound of wind, and the smoke was dispersed in lumps by some creatures, spreading out, and a pair of red light spots shimmered and shuffled around.


A dark sharp blade broke through the smoke first, knocking several large wolfhounds away with one blow, and then a slender tail like a hammer broke through the smoke and struck.

With a bang, Huoyan's fire-breathing camel was hit hard and fell to the ground. The ground was sunken and cracks spread.


The jet-black swift dragon walked out of the smoke step by step, staring closely at the remaining members of Team Lava with a great sense of oppression.

On the other side, the marine team commanded the Diga sea lion to blow out fine snow and disperse the smoke.

After suddenly hearing the tragic wails of Pokémon from Team Lava, Team Ocean couldn't help but tense up.

The fine icy blue snow blew away the smoke. At this time, there seemed to be a faint red light shining in the smoke.

Jingle Bell.

The ice crystal blew away the smoke and hit a thick hind limb covered with scales.

Then, a tall Pokémon like a tyrannosaurus stepped towards the fine snow. It had a strange nose crown on its head, a sail on its back, and a firelight lit up its throat.

Is this!? Aquan was shocked, and all the members of the Ocean Team were so shocked that they backed away as the Barbarian Jaw Dragon stepped forward.


The Barbarian Jaw Dragon let out a deafening roar, and flames floated out of its throat.

The heat wave hit the faces of everyone in the Ocean Team, but the people in the Ocean Team had no time to care. They could only cover their ears in pain and horror.

Dediya sea lion! Blizzard! Ah Chao reluctantly commanded.

The Diya sea lion barely recovered from the shock, opened its mouth and spit out a large amount of ice and snow.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon opened its mouth and burned it all away. While melting all the snowstorm, it bombarded the Diya Sea Lion and sent it flying away.

Seeing this scene, Quan anxiously shouted to the members of the Ocean Team: Don't stay still! Organize an attack!

Everyone reacted and commanded the big wolf dogs to launch shadow balls to attack the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Boom boom boom!

A dozen shadow balls bombarded the black fur of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon. The Barbarian Jaw Dragon swayed, took a step back, and disappeared into the smoke of the attack.

Shijana saw the ferocious look in the Manjadon's eyes as it retreated into the smoke, and shouted in panic: No, a more violent attack is coming!

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud running sound, and the Barbarian Jaw Dragon opened its big mouth and rushed out of the smoke with terrifying force. The dragon-type energy coiled between its sharp teeth like flames.

It used its bravery and bites like a speeding forklift, rushing towards the marine team close to the ground.

The big wolf dogs were frightened by the intimidating characteristics of the Barbarian jaws. Their legs that used to bark ferociously suddenly became weak, and they watched helplessly as the ferocious mouth bit them and threw them away.

Bang bang

The big wolfhounds fell to the ground like rag bags, and the Barbarian Jaw Dragon stood up, with an even more fierce look in its eyes!

It's not good, it's not good! Are you still thinking about defeating that man? Try to think of how to escape! Shijana murmured in panic. At the same time, while not being noticed, she stepped closer to the cave wall, trying to find an opportunity to escape.


She suddenly bumped into something furry, and the sound of electric current was heard in her ears.

Shijana turned her head to look in panic. She saw a blue-white Pokémon with a big tail clinging to the rock wall. The white hair on its body exploded, and electric current swam between the feathers and electrode needles.

Flying Dragon! Shijana immediately threw the elf ball.

As soon as the Tyrannosaurus fired the ball, the Thunder Dragon jumped off the rock wall and hit it head-on with its tail filled with lightning.


The roar of the female fire dragon sounded, and the accompanying beasts also roared loudly, and the breathtaking roar echoed in the cave.

The smoke dissipated completely, and everyone was able to see clearly what was going on inside the cave.

Many Pokémon fell under Swift Meowth's wing blades. Barbarian Dragon stepped on the lost Diya Sea Lion with one foot. Behind him, a group of large wolfhounds lay on the ground in a mess, and Flying Thunder Dragon was once again on the rock wall. on the ground, swaying its body and tail to store electricity.


The female fire dragon landed on the pillar at the top of the altar.

And what was engraved on that stone tablet was something that both Team Lava and Team Ocean ignored. A twisted dragon looked down at Groudon and Kyogre, intimidating them both, and mediating the battle.

At this moment, Team Lava and Team Ocean were standing on opposite sides, defeated and silenced by those fierce Pokémon.

The knight riding the green flying dragon stands at the top with a sword and controls the battlefield.

The scene at this moment is like a replica of the scene carved on the stone sculpture.

Shijana couldn't help but be stunned.

It's so awesome! Ma Li, who was sitting on the back of the steel-armored crow, was stunned and admiring.

That's it, you also want to control Groudon and Kyogre? Su Yi's voice echoed in the cave.

The people from Team Lava and Team Ocean secretly gritted their teeth and were shocked at the same time.

This man single-handedly defeated most of the main players of their two major organizations, and it seems that he still has some strength left.

Bang! Huo Cun made a low, unhappy sound, quietly took out a remote control in his hand, and started to operate it.


The huge drilling machine that was digging the cave suddenly started to move. The drill bit at its front rotated rapidly, and then it quickly hit Xunmiao.

Ouch?! Xunmiao quickly dodged.

Upon seeing this, Huo Cun shouted: Run away!

At the same time, he continued to ram the remote-controlled drilling machine into the accompanying beasts. The huge steel meat grinder roared, breaking the stone pillars in the cave entrance one by one, and rocks began to fall from the top of the cave.

Technology is mankind's greatest weapon. Su Yi frowned and threw the capture ball.

Although it's not tamed yet, I'll let you vent it out.

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