Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 159 Pokémon Hunter Appears

Su Yi carefully put away the badge box.

Although with his current full strength, there should be no resistance if he just fights in the gym, but this badge is a necessary certificate to enter the alliance conference.

And it’s also a monumental thing.

Su Yi also likes to collect such things.

The same is true in games, like completing achievements. I don’t have to use any suits, rare props, accessories, etc., but I must have them.

I, Su Yi, a collector.

In EMI Forest, Tickbird exchanged the Leaf Stone for Ibrahimovic, but later Ibrahimovic used it to evolve into Leaf Eevee, confirming Dr. Yamanashi's conjecture.

Dr. Oak took out the equipment, collected the energy extracted by Tickle Bird, and exchanged a whole box of egg-flavored energy cubes for a leaf stone dug out by Tickle Bird.

Okay, the materials for research have been collected. Dr. Ohmu said with satisfaction.

Miss Zhulan, if you are still not sure, you can go to Xuefeng City with us. Near there, there are frozen rocks that we want to study next.

That's the place where Eevee can evolve into Ice Eevee. We still have another Eevee to evolve. It's not too late for you to make a choice when the time comes. Dr. Yamanashi said.

I'm sorry to bother you. Zhulan thought for a while and accepted the invitation.

Hey~ The bamboo orchid Eevee and the wild leaf Eevee waved their paws goodbye.

At this moment, the new wind surged, and with a roar, a jet of flame roared in.


The two Yeibs were seriously injured and fell to the ground instantly.

Who is it!? Zhulan frowned and turned to look.

It seems there is an unexpected harvest. In the sky, a woman wearing goggles stood on the back of the Tyrannosaurus, slowly lowering its height.

Hey! The two Yeibs scrambled to their feet and ran towards the forest.

Don't even think about running away, you are valuable cargo.

As she spoke, the woman raised her left hand, and the device on her hand emitted a beam of light, accurately hitting two Yeibs.

Huh?! Yeib screamed in horror, and within a few seconds, he turned into an immobile bronze statue.

What!? Dr. Omu was shocked.

Are you a Pokémon hunter? Such cruel methods! Dr. Yamanashi said angrily.

Target achieved.

The Pokémon hunter released two bases, and the bases flew under Yeeb, who had turned into a statue, and then formed a glass cover to close it up.

Yeyibu was like a specimen locked in a container at the moment.

Don't even think about taking them away, biting land sharks and dragon claws! Zhulan looked solemn and waved her hands fiercely.

Ouch! Biting Land Shark spread its claws, jumped and took off, rushing towards the Pokémon hunter like a jet plane.

The Tyrannosaurus immediately raised its height to avoid the claws that bit the land shark.

Bite Land Shark is also a rare Pokémon. If you catch it, you won't have to worry about finding a buyer.

The Pokémon hunter took the opportunity to use the confinement device to target the Biting Land Shark.

Dragon Wave! Zhulan ordered.

Ouch! Liebite Land Shark roared, and powerful dragon-shaped energy waves spurted out.

Cut! The hunter put away the device, and the Tyrannosaurus dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the dragon's wave.

At this moment, a rapid whistling sound sounded below the Tyrannosaurus.

A solid energy stone was thrown at extremely high speed, hitting the Tyrannosaurus' belly with a bang, and then shattered.

Roar! The Tyrannosaurus roared in pain and looked down with furious eyes.

Gah! The bird was not afraid of that look, and once again condensed a solid stone.

Oh? What kind of Pokémon is this? It must be very rare. Maybe it can be sold for a good price. The hunter said, throwing two Pokémon balls.

A poisonous spider Pokémon and a poisonous scorpion Pokémon fell to the ground.

It's Alidos and Dragon King Scorpion. Dr. Yamanashi said.

Alidos, Spider Web, Dragon King Scorpion, Cross Poison Blade. The hunter ordered.

Zhulan's beautiful eyes narrowed and she said: How dare you do two things at once? You don't take me seriously!

Bite the land shark fiercely, the dragon dives!

The next moment, the biting land shark was wrapped in murderous dragon energy and rushed towards the violent flying dragon.

Difficult! The hunter gritted his teeth.

On the other side, facing Alidos and Dragon King Scorpion, Tiaoniao quickly picked up an energy rock.

Gah! Bird Bird scratched its neck, roared, fiercely jumped up high with the rock in its arms, and threw it at the two Pokémon.

The scene suddenly became intense, and Liebite Land Shark launched a ferocious attack.

The special attack of the Tyrannosaurus can't stop it, and in close combat, you have to take into account the hunter on its back.

The hunters discovered that the bite of this land shark was particularly powerful and suppressed them until they were breathless. It was only a matter of time before they were defeated.

On the other side, Tick Bird used the Divine Bird Strike to break Alidos' spider web, wrestled with the Dragon King Scorpion, and gradually gained the upper hand.

Alidos tried to sneak attack Dr. Oki and his party and take them hostage, but was knocked to the ground by an angry hard stone from Tick Bird.

The Dragon King and the Scorpion cannot face the Tickling Bird alone, who is holding a solid rock and can both attack and defend. It seems that he will be defeated in a short time.

We've encountered a tough situation! the hunter said unwillingly.

Gah! Taking advantage of the hunter's daze, he bit the land shark tightly and swung his claws. The Tyrannosaurus was attacked and leaned back in pain. The hunter almost fell off his back.

You...! Take a closer look. Are you the champion of Sinnoh?! No wonder he is so strong!

The hunter was surprised by the strength of this biting land shark. At the same time, he stared at Zhulan's face and thought carefully, and finally recognized her.

Zhulan snorted coldly and said, I just recognized it now, is it too late?

The hunter said with a cold face: I'm not interested in people who can't produce benefits!

It's over! Bite the land shark, dragon swoop! Zhulan saw the right moment and launched a decisive attack.

Bang! The hunter took out something and threw it away. It exploded with a bang, and the sky was filled with smoke that obscured his vision.

Then, not far away, there was the hum of an engine.

Ahem! How are the Yeibs? Dr. Omu fanned the smoke and said worriedly.

Zhulan looked at Liejie Lusha, who carried the two containers containing Ye Yibu back, and said, It's okay, Ye Yibu has been snatched back.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone discovered that a spaceship was quickly moving away.

The technology that turns Pokémon into statues looks scary, but it's not that difficult to remove. You only need to flip the switch on the base of the container to remove it.

After Dr. Omu asked the frightened Yeib to leave the place, he sighed and said, I didn't expect to meet such a Pokémon hunter.

The opponent not only has the terrifying technology of turning Pokémon into statues, but also has a large aircraft that can transport them. This is no longer an ordinary poacher.

This matter is serious and must be reported to the Alliance immediately. Dr. Yamanashi's already serious face became extremely serious.

At this moment, Dr. Omu's cell phone rang, and it was Su Yi's call.

Hey, Dr. Damu, are you not causing trouble by scratching the birds? Su Yi's brisk voice sounded.

Dr. Oak glanced at Tickle Bird, who was still full of energy, and said, Tickle Bird was a big help. It saved us from the attack of the Pokémon Hunter.

Su Yi: Ah?!

I never thought that allergies could be so serious that I would need to be hospitalized. This is the second time in my life that I have been so worried. The first time was when my father became seriously ill.

I heard that there is a serious risk of shock, and I really don’t have the energy or mood to type in the past few days.

I originally wanted to make an announcement, but I actually wanted to make a chapter announcing it in the author's words, like now.

The update may be unstable in the past few days. Let’s wait until my mother gets better.

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