Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 158 I am the collector

Oh! It's Miss Takelan. What a coincidence, I meet you here. Dr. Yamanashi was a little surprised, but he still had that serious expression on his face.

If I remember correctly, this is the current champion of the Sinnoh region. Nice to meet you. Dr. Ohki greeted cheerfully.

Hello, Dr. Yamanashi, Dr. Omu, I have long admired your name. Zhulan responded politely.

This Pokémon, I think it's called Biting Land Shark. I heard it can fly like a jet plane. I really want to know how it does it.

In a blink of an eye, Dr. Omu's attention was attracted by a tall gray-blue dragon-shaped Pokémon next to Zhulan.

Gah?! Liejie Lusha took a step back and looked at Dr. Omu who suddenly came over with some confusion.

Hahaha, because I saw a rare Pokémon, I couldn't help but... Dr. Oak scratched his head and laughed.

It doesn't matter. Zhulan touched Liebite Lu Shark.

Then this Pokémon is... Zhulan set her sights on the equally tall Tachibana.

Tickling Bird also looked at Biting Land Shark with some curiosity.

This is not my Pokémon, it belongs to one of my collaborators. It is the latest Pokémon discovered. It has not been recorded before in the entire alliance. Dr. Ohmu patted the bird and said.

The scratching bird turned its head, called out, and stretched out its paws in front of Dr. Oak.

Dr. Omu was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: I know, I'll give it to you.

As he spoke, Dr. Omu took out three crystal clear golden energy cubes from a small box and placed them in the scratching bird's talons.

Gah! Tickle Bird happily threw three small energy cubes into his mouth.

In an instant, the unique taste of eggs spreads in the mouth, leaving the scratching bird with endless aftertaste, and the stomach immediately feels full.

Gah~ Tickled Bird narrowed his eyes in contentment, and the feathers on his head swayed slightly.

Haha, what an interesting Pokémon. Zhulan said with a smile.

It's obviously a tall Pokémon, but it looks lively and naughty.

Miss Takelan, why are you here? Dr. Yamanashi asked.

That's it, come out, Eevee. Zhulan released a cute Eevee.

Hey~ Ibrahimovic threw himself into Zhulan's arms, wagging his big tail.

I want this child to evolve. I heard that there is a moss stone in the Pathai Forest that can allow Eevee to evolve, so I came over to take a look out of curiosity. Zhulan said while stroking Eevee's soft hair.

Oh? It seems that our goals are the same. Dr. Omu said unexpectedly.

We are studying the evolution of Leaf Eevee and Ice Eevee, Dr. Yamanashi explained.

That's a coincidence. Zhulan said in surprise.

And the target seems to be right ahead. Dr. Oki said, pointing to the green open space in the distance.

I saw a moss-covered boulder standing in the middle of the dense grassland in the forest clearing not far away.

I'll trouble you next. Just use local materials to tickle the bird. Dr. Omu patted the bird and said.

Does this Pokémon have any special abilities? Zhulan looked over curiously.

Gah~ I saw the scratching bird running to the side of the moss stone, pawing quickly with both hands.

Suddenly, green energy was extracted from the ground and attached to an energy rock.

Sure enough, this characteristic allows the scratching bird to extract the attribute power contained in matter. Dr. Ohmu said in surprise.

Next, let's test whether these energies are the key for Ibrahimovic to evolve into Yeibei.

Dr. Oak threw the Poké Ball and released an Eevee, a volunteer who wanted to evolve into a Yeevee.

Go and touch the stone, said Dr. Oak.

Hey~ Ibrahimovic ran over curiously and stretched out his little paw to touch the energy rock.


Ibrahimovic's whole body suddenly lit up with the light of evolution.

Evolved actually? Zhulan asked in surprise.

It's really possible! Dr. Omu said in surprise.


The light faded, and a green elf appeared on the grass.

Hey~ Ye Yibu cried out happily.

Gah?! Cainiao was surprised by the sudden change of the little guy in front of him.

In other words, is this moss stone and the grass-attributed energy contained in the nearby ground the key to evolution? Dr. Yamanashi thought thoughtfully.

What is the difference between the energy in this and the energy contained in the grass-type moves used by Pokémon?

Why can't the energy released by the moves allow Ibrahimovic to evolve? Dr. Oki immediately thought of many questions.

These are all worthy of study. After hearing this, Dr. Yamanashi nodded repeatedly.

The two doctors were discussing and putting forward various hypotheses. Zhulan squatted down and observed Ye Yibu carefully.

The scratching bird looked at the heavy blow of the hard stone with the grass property in his hand, first scattered it, and then pecked the ground with his beak, constantly testing for something.

Miss Zhulan, if you want your Eevee to evolve into a Leaf Eevee, you can ask the Tickling Bird to help you.

The energy it extracts can immediately evolve Ibrahimovic into Yeibei. Dr. Yamanashi said after finishing the discussion with Dr. Ohki.

I'm not sure. Before that, I also looked for other evolution stones that can evolve Ibrahimovic.

Zhulan reached out and took out three evolution stones, namely fire, water, and thunder.

Actually, I'm still thinking about what kind of Eevee it should evolve into. Zhulan held her chin and thought deeply.

Zhulan's Ibrahimovic ran to Ye Ibu and looked at it curiously. Soon after, the two little guys started playing carefree.

Hey... At this time, in the grass not far away, several small figures looked over.

It's Ye Yibu and Yibu! Dr. Ohmu said in surprise.

I saw Ye Yibu yelling and walking over cautiously with a few Yibu, but his eyes were looking to the other side.


The bird scratched the earth for a moment and dug out a dark green stone with leaf patterns. At the same time, there were several other similar stones placed beside it.

It's the Leaf Stone. Is it formed by the condensation of energy concentrated here? Dr. Ohmu said.

Wait a minute, can it be said that the Leaf Stone can allow Ibrahimovic to evolve into a Leaf Ibrahimovic? Dr. Yamanashi suddenly guessed.

Uh-huh? Little Eevee looked at Ye Zhishi and then at Tickling Bird, feeling a little hesitant.

Gah! Zhuniao looked at Ye Zhishi in his arms, then hugged him tightly and twisted to the side.

Tickling Bird: I dug it, it’s mine!

Hey~ An Eevee held an orange-red stone shaped like the sun in its mouth, placed it in front of the bird, then pointed at the stone, and then pointed at the leaf stone.

It's the Sun Stone. Do you want to exchange it? Dr. Omu watched this scene with interest.

Wow!? The scratching bird looked at the Sun Stone with great interest. It looked at the several Leaf Stones and decisively exchanged one for it.

The scratching bird picked up the remaining two leaf stones and the sun stone, and looked at them with joy.

I, Tickle Bird, am a collector.

In Chenghua City, Su Yi sat on a bench by the roadside and put the Libra badge into the badge box.

Yeah! Plus one for the collection! Su Yi said happily.

My mother was sick. She was in the hospital during the day. After dinner at night, she took a shower and went to bed to check her mobile phone for a while. She fell asleep before she knew it and woke up in the middle of the night. I finished typing this chapter and rested first. I will make up for the rest later. Bar.

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