Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 160 Plan to plant ancient trees (3k)

Su Yi, who was leisurely sitting on a bench by the roadside, sat up straight with a look of astonishment on his face.

I wanted to ask about the current situation of the bird, but I didn't expect to hear such news.

Su Yi quickly asked: Doctor, are you and Tickle okay?

Dr. Omu quickly comforted him: It's okay, it's okay. He is very brave when fighting.

I didn't expect that Tick Bird, who usually looks naive but has an eccentric personality, can fight so fiercely.

The heavy blow from the solid stone almost opened the eyes of Dragon King Scorpion.

Dr. Omu couldn't help but think of what Su Yi mentioned about those Pokémon that retained their primitive wildness, and couldn't help but feel a little enlightened.

Fortunately, the Sinnoh champion, Miss Zhulan, was also there, and we drove away the Pokémon hunter.

Su Yi:? ? ?

Champion bamboo orchid?

What on earth did you encounter?

Anyway, you don't have to worry.

But I want to remind you, Su Yi, in this world, there are many people who take Pokémon for the sake of profit.

The rare Pokémon you are carrying may very well become their target, so you should be more careful.

Hearing Dr. Damu's kind advice, Su Yi thanked him first, and then coldly snorted: As long as they dare to come, they will never come back!

I believe in your strength, and now that the alliance has stepped up its crackdown on poachers, there are actually very few of these bad guys, so there is no need to worry too much. Dr. Ohmu comforted him with a smile.

I understand. Su Yi nodded.

After a brief chat, Su Yi hung up the phone.

There are many people and organizations that seize Pokémon for profit.

Organizations that use the power of Pokémon to achieve evil purposes can be found in almost every region.

Looking from a distance, they are almost all potential threats to Su Yi's plan of introducing monsters into the Pokémon world.

Even so, we should not give up eating because of choking.

Poachers, don't let me catch you!

In Chenghua City, Su Yi was planning the route for the next journey.

Going out from here is the Orange Flower Forest. Going north along the forest is Kanaz City, where the next gym is located.

Su Yi looked at the electronic map on Rotom on his mobile phone and murmured: There seems to be a group of wooden geckos in the Chenghua Forest. I heard that the wooden geckos can sense the condition of the trees and make the trees live longer and lusher.

It seems that I can... ahem, invite some wood geckos to help me take care of the ancient trees? Su Yi muttered.

Right now, he doesn't have his own place in the Pokémon world yet.

But it seems that Armor Island, which has been set up as a [stronghold], can be used as a trial planting site for ancient trees, which can be planted in the Concentration Forest.

It can be regarded as greening Ma Shide's Armored Island and repaying Mr. Ma for the help he gave him when he first entered this world.

Furthermore, if the planting can be successful, and then various kinds of tree fruits can be planted to accelerate their maturity and fruiting, won’t it be possible to realize the freedom of tree fruits by then?

You know, the specialty of the Hoenn region - nutritious energy cubes, are made from various tree fruits.

The energy cube is a powerful tool for cultivating Pokémon. Not only that, it can also satisfy the appetite of many big eaters.

But now I don't even have the seeds of the ancient tree. Let's go back and ask the director of the plantation center.

Whatever he wanted to do, Su Yi immediately returned to the star base.

aibo, you're back.

When Su Yi came from the shed in the back mountain to the circulation area of ​​the stronghold and passed by the command room, he met the receptionist.

What's wrong?

Something strange has happened in the Ancient Tree Forest recently.

Oh? Something strange? Su Yi became interested.

Haven't we already captured the Flying Thunder Dragon and the Thunderjaw Dragon? Logically speaking, most of the territory of the two should have been occupied by the Thunder jaw Dragon.

But the strange thing is that the survey team has not found any traces of Thundergnathus recently.

Su Yi touched his chin and said, In other words, you suspect that the Thunderjaw Dragon has left?

Yes, but Thundergnathus, which should have gained more territory, gave up its excellent territory. This is very suspicious. aibo said.

Su Yi said: According to common sense, the reasons for forcing monsters to leave their territory are either being driven out by more powerful monsters, or the lack of resources in the area, and the monsters are looking for other territories in order to find resources for survival.

aibo nodded and said: Your idea is the same as our analysis.

Su Yi then analyzed: But first of all, it shouldn't be due to lack of resources. The resources outside the ancient tree forest are very rich, enough to feed many large monsters and many small monsters.

As for the powerful monster, it shouldn't be an ancient dragon, right? Su Yi analyzed and looked at aibo.

aibo shook his head and said: Probably not. The investigation team did not observe any traces or abnormalities related to the ancient dragon.

In other words, it is most likely because of other powerful monsters? The black wolf bird and the blue fire dragon alone should not be enough to force the thunder jaw dragon to leave.

Su Yi suddenly had a headache and said: The Dino Tyrannosaurus, the Explosive Scale Dragon, and the Golden Lion are the only monsters left in my mind.

Hearing these famous names, aibo said with some worry: If it is them, this would be too bad.

Hunters, gatherers, researchers and scholars who go out are all at risk.

But according to the recent investigation report, it seems that there are no traces consistent with these monsters. aibo said thoughtfully.

A powerful monster like this would unabashedly mark its territory, kill its prey, and leave traces wantonly, making it difficult to avoid being discovered.

Su Yi rubbed his chin and said, In other words, are the chances of these monsters relatively low?

Su Yi asked casually: Lucao, what do you think?

Meow? Lucao raised his head, touched the cat's ears, and said uncertainly: Is it possible that the Thunderjaw dragon was beaten away by us?

Huh? Su Yi paused his hand, raised his brows, and then said: Don't say it yet, maybe we should analyze it from the perspective of a monster.

The ones who fought the Thunderjaw Dragon head-on were the accompanying beasts.

The Thunderjaw Dragon will naturally think that Swift Meow and the others are territorial competitors. It will only wonder why so many different monsters are attacking it in groups.

The black wolf bird, the blue fire dragon, the fire dragon couple, Xun Miao, and the Barbarian Jaw Dragon that he didn't know had been subdued...

If you think about it carefully, it probably thinks that there are too many competitors in this area, and it was severely punished by Xun Miao, so it is planning to leave this place and find a new territory?

It does seem possible, but something feels wrong... aibo hesitated.

Just guessing can't lead to any accurate conclusion. It's better to wait for the investigation team to find more information and then discuss it. Su Yi said.

Since the main body of the stronghold was transformed from a huge ship, walking through the circulation area on the first floor of the stronghold is like walking through the wide deck of the ship.

In the circulation area, some members of the investigation team set up stalls to sell materials or props. Hunters walked through it and purchased what they needed. It felt like a seaside market.

There are sporadic hunters who form teams in twos and threes beside the mission board, and then set off from the gate of the stronghold to investigate the wilderness.

With the participation of nearly 500 people in the fifth phase of the group, the Star Stronghold became more and more lively and became more and more like a town.

Passing through the crowd, Su Yi and Lu Cao arrived at the Botanical Research Institute, which was like a greenhouse garden.

Before I even get close, the complex scent of various plants floods into my nose, with green as the base and a picture of various other colors dotted together.

A bespectacled dragon researcher was recording something on a plant seedling.

Hey, Director, do you still remember me? Su Yi waved and said hello.

The director of the Plant Plant Research Institute raised his head, pushed up his glasses, and said in surprise: It's you, the hunter who saved me from the fierce jackal dragon.

The director quickly recorded the data, invited Su Yi to the side, made him and Lu Cao each a cup of special scented tea, and asked, What do you want to see me for?

Su Yi took a sip of the fresh scented scented tea and said, Actually, I want to ask you for an ancient tree seed.

Seeds of ancient trees? The director was a little surprised. He pushed up his glasses and said, What? Do you want to study ancient trees with me?

Su Yi quickly waved his hand and said: No, no, no! Actually, I want to plant ancient trees.

You must know that cultivating ancient trees is not easy. For example, you need fertilizer containing ancient dragon energy to make it germinate.

I brought those lava dragon shells back, and I still have some here. Su Yi interrupted the director's tirade.

Moreover, the director seemed not to know Su Yi's identity as a foreigner, and thought he was a hunter from the stronghold. He was really deaf to what was happening outside the window.

Is this so? Thank you so much. Although I want to repay you, we just don't have the seeds of the ancient tree.

The director spread his hands helplessly and said: Originally, we didn't have many ancient tree seeds. We got them under the guidance of the ancient dragon people here when we first came to the New World.

I couldn't find a way to make it germinate before, so I wasted two seedlings. Now there is only one seedling in the experimental field.

Ah this. Su Yi said with a headache.

Sorry, you have no choice but to search in the upper layers of the ancient tree.

The director told Su Yi some possible places where seeds could be grown. Unsurprisingly, they were all at the top of the ancient tree, or even the crown.

There is the territory of the Sky King.

Does this also mean that we may encounter a fire dragon? Su Yi frowned slightly.

Speaking of Fire Dragon, with his current configuration, it is actually completely true.

However, if we analyze the specific situation carefully, if we encounter a male fire dragon on the winding and narrow branches of the ancient giant tree, the opponent will be able to defeat them by relying on air superiority.

However, the fire dragon must go out sometimes. Besides, the shining light is not a vegetarian. Su Yi thought to himself.

For Su Yi, ancient trees are an important part of realizing his vision.

Its presence allows surrounding plants to flourish, creating an environment lush enough to support the survival of many large creatures.

So he is bound to get the seeds of the ancient tree!

Fire Dragon? We'll be at your door right away!

aibo, we're leaving. Su Yi stood up and drank the scented tea in one gulp.

Meow? Lucao, who was sipping the scented tea, stuck out the cat's tongue, but was still burned by the scented tea. It reluctantly put down the scented tea that it had just taken a few sips, and followed Su Yi.

I see some friends are confused about the plot of Pokémon Hunter, so I’ll explain it here:

Pokémon Hunter itself is at odds with the alliance. People like Hunter J will not be afraid of the champion.

Furthermore, although Zhulan is the champion, he doesn't show up as often as Dandi. In addition, he has nothing to do with Pokémon hunters, so it is understandable that he was not recognized for a while.

After all, there are many people in the original book who failed to recognize the champion at first sight. We cannot start from God's perspective and take it for granted that everyone should be able to recognize the champion at first sight.

Moreover, Hunter J also has a somewhat arrogant character and doesn't care who you are.

Secondly, Zhulan is a champion, but she is not an investigator like Watanabe. She has almost zero experience in fighting criminals. Hunter J has a prison light and is a hunter who does everything he can. What other difficulties will she have? Zhulan didn’t know anything about Pokémon’s methods or dangerous and weird abilities. How could she dare to rush into the smoke and chase after it?

Furthermore, the primary goal should be to protect Yeyibu and the two doctors from making a rash attack.

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