Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 126 World line changes?

Chapter 126 World Line Changes

Both parties have the intention to cooperate, and the next thing will be much simpler.

On behalf of the New World Investigation Team, the Commander-in-Chief discussed cooperation matters with Su Yi in detail.

For example, Su Yi can obtain various intelligence collected by the investigation team, can use the facilities in the stronghold, and even has certain priority in using some functions.

In addition, accommodation will be provided, and a shed for Su Yi to house the accompanying beasts will be built near the back mountain of the stronghold, etc.

Correspondingly, Su Yi needs to share information about the New World and monsters.

As long as the accompanying beast will not be harmed and does not violate its wishes, it will cooperate with the scholars to conduct a certain degree of ecological investigation. Some tasks require Su Yi to provide support within his ability, etc.

In short, this is a mutually beneficial treaty for both parties and can be supplemented and improved at any time.

Next, the stronghold will become busy. I will send an editor to contact you. She will handle all matters of our cooperation on our behalf. the commander-in-chief said.

Because Su Yi is relatively free, it is impossible for people from the corresponding department to go to him every time something happens, so he needs a communication messenger.

No problem. Su Yi nodded.

Then let this editor act with you. The commander-in-chief said, looking outside the headquarters.

Outside the crowd surrounding the headquarters, a lively girl wearing editor's clothing jumped up from the crowd, looked this way, and then squeezed in.

Hi! I'm here! The girl with a heavy book on her waist raised her hand and said youthfully.

It's you?! Su Yi was surprised, isn't this aibo?

In the game, she is the player's maid, editor, and partner. She always likes to call the player aibo (partner), so she is also called an important figure of aibo by the players.

At the same time, the three accompanying beasts behind Su Yi turned to look at the little girl who dared to ride the Thunderjaw Dragon.

Uh, hello, thank you for saving me before. Seeing a few monsters looking at her, the little girl smiled and waved her hand.

The three accompanying beasts nodded, as if in response to her thanks.

You really understand what I say? It's amazing! the little girl said in surprise.

You guys have met, right? This editor was originally going to form a partnership with a hunter I'm looking forward to.

But as the departure date approached, I was notified that the hunter was assigned a more important mission by the guild, so he did not board the ship and come to the New World. The commander-in-chief said with some regret.

Su Yi was startled. The world line has changed? The future Blue Star is not on board?

No no no! Games are games, reality is reality.

After all, the future Blue Star is the player himself. In this real world, he can actually be any member of the recommendation group who boards the ship.

But the commander-in-chief said again that the hunter existed, but he just didn't get on the boat.

Was it because of his own arrival that the butterfly effect was created?

Su Yi's brain was overloaded instantly. He didn't know if there was such a powerful future star and how much influence he had brought to the world.

It seems that his arrival has no direct impact, and it is impossible to affect the fifth phase of the group far away in the Old Continent.

But just like the term butterfly effect, seemingly insignificant and small changes may bring huge changes to the future.

“Her ability as an editor is unquestionable and should be of help to you as you explore and investigate.”

The commander-in-chief noticed Su Yi's frowning expression, thinking that Su Yi was dissatisfied with the editor, so he explained.

The arrangement of the editor and the hunter being paired up was proposed by the wilderness master.

The purpose is to allow hunters to focus on hunting, while other things, such as information collection and investigative reporting, are left to the editor.

But not just anyone can be an editor.

First of all, the editor himself needs a high level of knowledge, and secondly, he must be willing to follow the hunter to the front line of hunting, which is dangerous and hard.

So currently only members of the recommendation group have such a combination.

It can be said that every editor has real skills and can truly help hunters.

Su Yi came back to his senses, saw the commander-in-chief's explanation tone and the editor's uneasy expression, and immediately said: I have no objection to this arrangement.

The commander-in-chief nodded, and the editor breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good. I have an urgent mission now. Is it convenient for you now? the commander-in-chief said.

Let's talk about it first. Su Yi said, after all, this is part of the cooperation.

According to the current situation, we should first settle the members of the fifth group, and then rectify the surrounding monsters that have become restless and dangerous due to the arrival of the ancient dragon.

But no matter what, I still want to grasp the specific movements of the Laoshan Dragon. If we wait for the hunters to settle down and eliminate the surrounding dangerous factors, it may become difficult to find traces of the Laoshan Dragon.

So I would like to ask you to investigate the traces of Molten Dragon now, and you also have the Pokémon that can only carry people to fly. The commander-in-chief explained.

He was worried about losing traces of Laoshan Dragon, but the members of the fifth phase of the regiment who had just arrived in the New World had not yet settled down, and the weapons and equipment in their hands were not yet complete.

In addition, the restless monsters in the surrounding area posed a threat to the stronghold, so he could not find any manpower to investigate the Laoshan Dragon's movements.

Su Yi has monsters and Pokémon as hunting partners, and he has the strength of a hunting team. And judging from the intelligence given by Su Yi, his ability to collect various information is not weak.

On this basis, if you add one or two people to accompany you, the task of finding traces should be easy.

Su Yi thought for a while and agreed.

Without further delay, Hunter Aiden, the recommendation group of the fifth group, and the editor will set off with you. The commander-in-chief said.

The first mission in the New World? It's all on me! Aiden said confidently.

I have no problem, let's get used to it slowly together, aibo (partner)! the little girl said to Su Yi happily.

In fact, the editor and the hunter had developed a tacit understanding together for some time before boarding the ship.

But because her partner has not arrived, she has not been able to communicate with her partner.

At first she thought she would lose her partner when she came to the New World and work alone.

Now she not only has a partner, but also an unusual and magical person who can tame monsters and fight side by side. She can't help but start to look forward to future adventures.

Su Yi smiled and said: Then I will give you more advice from now on, aibo.

Meow!? Lucao scratched his head, and then immediately realized that he lost his nickname!

I was originally happy on the weekend, but then I got a call and was asked to work overtime. Adults often collapse in an instant.

And regarding the future of Blue Star, I know that many people are actually looking forward to Blue Star.

But what I want to say is that this is really difficult to write.

First of all, this is the player himself. Apart from a few words about settings, there is no description of his background or character at all. There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people. He is not like someone with a detailed background and character like Brother Sunshine. No matter how I write, some people will be dissatisfied.

Secondly, if I write about such a character who is powerful in his own right or represents the player himself, then should I describe it in a certain way? If I spend a lot of time describing this character, will it take up the protagonist's role and put the cart before the horse?

These are things that I have thought about, so at the beginning of writing the book, I did not plan to write such a character. For me, adding such a character would make it difficult for me to control the plot and rhythm.

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