Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 125 The timely response of the investigation team (4000 words)

The hot food was served quickly, with barbecue meat that was full of color and flavor, fruits and vegetables with the most natural flavor, and a glass of mellow wine.

One person and one cat began to feast.

Su Yi tasted it and compared it with what he made in his mind.

As expected of the chef, the food is full of wild and rough flavors.

Looking at Su Yi who was savoring the food carefully, the head chef tilted his head in confusion, why is this hunter eating so politely?

Just when Su Yi was almost done eating, Brother Sunshine came over.

Yo! I remember your name is Su Yi. It's a bit of a peculiar name.

Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Aiden. I am a member of the fifth group recommendation group. The Commander-in-Chief has asked me to invite you over now. Brother Sunshine said with a smile.

Here we come. Su Yi and Lu Cao quickly finished the last bit of food and followed Sunshine Brother Aiden to the headquarters.

Arriving at the headquarters, Su Yi found that several important figures from the New World Investigation Team were here.

Except for the big group leader and the dragon hunter who are often away and whose whereabouts are unknown.

The Commander-in-Chief, the Wilderness Master, the Swordsmanship Master, the Survey Team Captain, the Technical Team Captain, the Research Team Captain, the Second Phase Regiment Leader, the Director of the Ecological Research Institute, etc., a number of important figures gathered together.

So many people? Su Yi was surprised, why did it feel like a three-chamber trial.

Don't be nervous, because after hearing the Commander-in-Chief describe your skills, these people are curious to see them. Master Yuanye said with a smile.

In that case, please allow me to introduce you. My name is Su Yi. I come from a distant and wonderful place (world). Su Yi took out an elf ball and said with a smile.

Whether to people in the monster hunting world or the Pokémon world, he is a person from another world.

In that place, there is a kind of creature called Pokémon. They have all kinds of strange shapes and abilities.

Humans and Pokémon, some work together, some live together, and even regard each other as family.

Although there are occasional frictions between humans and wild Pokémon, more humans and Pokémon are able to communicate, understand, and even work together toward the same goal.

And some people have become trainers. They cultivate and train Pokémon to make them stronger, and then meet various challenges.

After saying this, everyone present showed surprised expressions.

Although they have been able to tame some small and medium-sized monsters, it is more of a kind of servitude. It is unimaginable to understand each other and even treat them as family members.

Does such a place really exist? The director of the Ecological Research Institute, who is familiar with the ecology of various monsters, said in disbelief.

Many monsters, even members of the same race, do not have friendly relations with each other, let alone humans and other creatures.

It is really incredible that humans and other creatures can cooperate, communicate, live, and live in peace with each other.

Train monster-like creatures, trainer? The commander-in-chief caught the key word and murmured in a low voice.

Of course there are places like that.

And Pokémon doesn't refer to a certain kind of creature.

But there are magical creatures that exist in the sky, the sea, the forest, the desert, the magma, and even the sky. There are hundreds of them and different shapes. Su Yi said with a smile.

What kind of creature is that? Is it the same as a monster? Aiden asked curiously.

There are similarities. You've seen them too. This is what I'm going to introduce next. Come out, Steel Armored Crow! Su Yi threw the elf ball.

Light flashed, and the black-armored steel crow chirped, flying calmly in the air, looking at everyone.

Suddenly appeared from a small ball!

It's a creature I've never seen before!

Everyone present, except for the Wild Master and Aiden who had seen it before, everyone else showed unusual surprise at the sudden appearance of the Steel Armored Crow and the Poke Ball containing the Steel Armored Crow.

The members of the second group, who are mainly engaged in technical aspects, are particularly concerned about Poké Balls.

This is a Pokémon called Steel Armored Crow. Although it is not as huge and strong as a large monster, it can use its attributes and energy to attack.

With that said, Su Yi pointed to the sea outside the headquarters and said: Steel Armored Crow, use Storm on that sea!

Gah! The wings of the steel-armored crow lit up, and then flapped vigorously.

In an instant, the wind suddenly rose, and the violent storm hit the sea surface, causing raging waves. For a while, the sound of the waves was surging, and the wind was howling.

This attack reminds me of Steel Dragon.

Although it is far inferior to the ancient dragon, it is still very amazing. Some large monsters with average strength cannot do such an attack.

Is such a small body actually hiding such power?

Everyone was talking about it. You must know that these special and powerful abilities are often the privileges of large monsters.

The commander-in-chief said in surprise: Such combat power is already very good.

Not to mention fighting against large monsters head-on, just assisting hunters in battle can already make hunting much easier.

This is just one of the many abilities Pokémon have.

In addition, they also have other strange abilities. Come out, lucky eggs. Su Yi released the Pokémon again.

Lucky! Gilly Egg said hello without timidity.

This creature. Very special.

Is it some kind of orc race? Everyone didn't know how to describe it for a while.

The round and pink body appearance of the Geely Egg highlights a sudden change in the painting style.

Su Yi looked around and noticed that Aiden had some scars from sliding down the back of the lava dragon, and said, Geely Egg, use healing waves on this hunter.

Lucky~ Gilly Egg waved his short hand, and a burst of light enveloped Aiden.

What!? Aiden was startled, but then, a relaxed and comfortable feeling came from the wound on his body.

After the light dissipated, Aiden looked at his injuries again. The bruises disappeared and the wounds healed.

Is this a healing ability? Aiden said in surprise.

The technical team leader was surprised: How did you do this? Just with a ray of light?

Not only their abilities, some of them have very unique forms. Come out, single scabbard.

Yin~ The single sword scabbard floated in the air.

A sword floating in the air? Is this also a creature called Pokémon? The leader of the second group, the uncle who is responsible for making weapons and equipment for hunters, asked with wide eyes.

Yes, it is not some kind of mechanical mechanism, but a living body that lives in the sword and is integrated with the sword.

As Su Yi said, the single sword scabbard made a sword roar, fluttering rapidly in the air, and then took the initiative to be held by Su Yi.

It's actually a living form! A life that does not rely on the physical body! The director of the Institute of Ecology said in shock. This is a life form that is completely beyond their current knowledge.

Su Yi smiled and said: These are Pokémon, my friends!

Su Yi released all the Pokémon, including Lucky Egg, Bear Disciple, Burning Bug, Single Scabbard, and Steel Armor Crow.

“Each one is completely different and unique,” ​​said the director of the Institute of Ecology, pushing up his glasses.

Su Yi smiled and said: These are just a drop in the bucket of Pokémon types.

And more importantly, they are not beasts and monsters, but beings that can understand and communicate, and can live in harmony with people.

The Pokémon shouted at the same time, responding to Su Yi's words.

What an incredible creature, said the Commander-in-Chief.

Su Yi continued: When I ventured to this continent, I discovered and used these capture balls that I accidentally obtained to conquer the monsters here.

After that, I tamed them in a special way (Goldfinger), and they changed and became similar to Pokémon.

Su Yi took back the Pokémon and threw the capture ball.

The Tickling Bird, the Great Ferocious Jackal Dragon, and the Cruel Claw Dragon appeared together, and the three huge monsters suddenly occupied a large area of ​​​​the deck.

Because of these three, the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon and the Misty Claw Dragon have made their appearance in the spotlight, and no longer have any overreaction to outsiders, while the Tickling Bird is inherently bold and self-possessed.

It's a large monster! The swordsman master saw three ferocious monsters appearing. His fighting instinct made him subconsciously hold the female fire dragon sword next to him, and he was about to enter a fighting state the next moment.

Several people who had never seen these monsters were also frightened by the sudden appearance of large monsters.

They originally thought that the monsters Su Yi mentioned were just ordinary small and medium-sized monsters, but they did not expect that they were actually large monsters, including a red ferocious beast more than ten meters long and a large ferocious jackal dragon.

Calm down! The commander-in-chief and Su Yi said in unison.

Commander-in-Chief? The swordsman master stopped his urge to draw his sword.

Calm down, aren't there any changes in them? Since this trainer is so calm and composed, then there won't be any problems. The commander-in-chief said in a calm voice.

Su Yi walked forward with a smile, stroked the scales on the three monsters, and said, Don't panic. As I said, they are no longer monsters dominated by animal nature.

They can communicate with humans, and they can understand my commands and fight alongside me!

The accompanying beasts roared in response to Su Yi, and the powerful monsters supported the not-so-strong young man in front of them.

It's unbelievable, you really tamed the monster! The director of the Institute of Ecology, the elderly Dragonoid, was dumbfounded and could not hide his shock.

It's awesome. It feels super cool to be a partner with a monster or something. Aiden said with excitement and novelty.

Although I still can't believe it, seeing is believing. It's an amazing ability. I heard that you also captured a velociraptor? the commander-in-chief said in amazement.

That's right, but it's not the right time to let it out yet, but it's no longer so repulsive to me. Su Yi nodded.

With these monster companions, you alone can form an efficient hunting team. said the Commander-in-Chief.

Those who can subdue monsters like the Velociraptor are the best among most hunters.

Although according to Master Yuanye, this young man is a complete fool by the standards of a hunter.

But his ability to tame and command monsters to fight is already enough to become a powerful fighting force.

I see, a trainer from another continent came to the new continent and began to tame powerful monsters. This must be your main purpose. said the commander-in-chief.

Yes, at the same time, I am also very interested in this continent. Su Yi said with a smile.

This is nothing to hide.

So, do you need information about monsters when you cooperate with us? the commander-in-chief asked.

This is one aspect. In fact, I also hope to replenish various resources here, and also hope to use the stronghold or the location near the stronghold to raise my friends. Su Yi said.

Of course, this is only on the surface. Through the [Stronghold] function of Goldfinger's Hunting Guide, he can obtain more things.

In contrast, I will provide all kinds of information about monsters and this continent, and also provide help to you.

By the way, these are the meeting gifts. Su Yi said, handing over a dozen information.

This is the map and monster ecological information he copied from the Hunting Guide.

In the monster's ecological information, in addition to the actual collected information such as the monster traces in the [Ecological Report], there is also the monster's ecological information added by Su Yi himself.

Oh? These information. The commander-in-chief quickly looked through it and was a little surprised. Although the drawing technique was very immature, the information was very comprehensive.

What's more important is some monster information.

Slaying Dragon, Exploding Scale Dragon, Dino Tyrannosaurus.

The Commander-in-Chief looked at these monsters that he either knew or didn't recognize.

Have all these monsters appeared? Could the conflict between the Black-horned Dragon and the Dragon-Slaying Dragon be the reason for the recent abnormal activities of other monsters in the Great Ant Mound Wasteland?

The commander-in-chief obtained a large amount of information at once, and some of the doubts in the previous investigation seemed to have been solved.

What he found most important was that the information about some monsters unique to the New World was described in detail. Their habitats, habits, weaknesses, and other information that was helpful for hunting and investigation were all at a glance.

You know, this is not a game. In the world of Monster Hunter, this information is usually written with human lives and is very precious information.

This means that when hunters go out to investigate, they can best prepare accordingly to reduce casualties.

By comparing some information about monsters that have been discovered, the Commander-in-Chief believes that the information is sufficiently authentic.

What a great gift. The Commander-in-Chief thanked him.

It's just picking up people's teeth, and there is this thing. Su Yi said modestly, and then handed over a big bag he had prepared.

This is... Master Yuanye thought of something.

Su Yi nodded and said: Yes, with the fur of the floating dragon, we can create a hot air balloon that is good enough to launch the airship of the third phase of the regiment.

Is it true? the commander-in-chief asked. Being separated from the researchers of the third phase of the regiment was one of the reasons why it was difficult for them to make significant progress in their research and investigation.

Master Yuanye said happily: The scholars of the third phase of the group have already approved this method, and now it's time for hot-air balloon researchers to study it.

In this way, the investigation team can be connected as a whole! The commander-in-chief's usually stern face showed a smile.

With the strong support from the fifth group and the scholars from the third group, the New World Survey Group suddenly became stronger than ever.

Coupled with the information and assistance sent by Su Yi, the Commander-in-Chief was eager to let go immediately and start a new investigation into the New World.

Su Yi, if the fifth phase of the regiment is the white tailwind, then you are the timely rain. The commander-in-chief thanked him again.

I'm back. I'm back. I'm starting to pay off my debts.

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