Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 127 Looking for the Molten Dragon

Outside the stronghold gate, several scholars rolled out a small cart made of animal bones, which was used to collect the rock shells dropped by the Lava Dragon.

Su Yi released the steel-armored crow.

Steel Armored Crow, I leave this mission to you. By the way, I also want you to experience what hunting and investigation are like here. Su Yi said.

Gah! The steel-armored crow was high-spirited and impatient.

Then let's set off, Lucao, Aibo, and Aiden. Su Yi said, walking into the cart, and the other two and one cat followed.

The cart is just big enough for a few people to stand and stay.

The steel-armored crow grasped the sling of the cart, flapped its wings, picked up the cart as a flying taxi, and flew towards the location where Laoshan Dragon landed.

What a magical creature, it actually has such power. The scholar who watched the steel-armored crow ascending into the sky sighed.

It's amazing. The Pokémon named Steel Armored Raven can actually lift this weight. Aiden stood in the cart and exclaimed, while looking at the scenery of the ancient tree forest below.

This handsome armored bird can carry a much larger load than a pterosaur, and its flight is more stable than a pterosaur.

Moreover, the Steel-Armored Crow communicates better than the Winged Dragon, and even has good combat effectiveness. With such a partner, he immediately feels quite safe when acting together.

It's like riding in a hot air balloon. Such a great companion! aibo admired the scenery and praised.


The steel-armored crow chirped in response.

Su Yi smiled and said: Pokémon is a very magical creature.

When a Pokémon like Steel-Armored is used as a flying taxi in Galar, it not only has to carry the weight of at least two people and luggage, but also has to grab a small all-metal carriage and fly nearly half of Galar. Leer.

Its load-carrying capacity and endurance are both impressive.

And in terms of combat effectiveness, its strength is also one of the best among the family birds.

It can be said that the Steel Armor Crow completely beats the Winged Dragon in all aspects.

You can see the landing point of Laoshanosaurus! aibo put on the telescope on his headband and pointed into the distance.

Where the Lava Mountain Dragon landed, the ground collapsed, the road was burned to black, and the magma flowing down from its body was still glowing red.

The Molten Dragon is heading inland. Aiden said.

Get ready to land. Su Yi said.

The steel-armored crow found the landing spot and slowly descended.

The surrounding area instantly heated up. The power of the ancient dragon is so powerful. Just passing by it changed the landscape. Aiden exclaimed.

On the shore, where the Lava Dragon landed, what appeared before everyone's eyes was a huge lava avenue carved out of hills, low mountains and forests.

The road continued forward unstoppably, forming a huge canyon.

Just look for the past all the way. Su Yi said.

The steel-armored crow grabbed the cart and flew low above everyone.

The group of people explored along the hot canyon.

Along the way, everything was in a mess. Some of the lava fell from the back of the lava dragon or was melted by the magma. Everyone seemed to have arrived in a volcanic area.

Are those ores? aibo looked around carefully and found some strange things mixed in some rocks.

Su Yi stepped forward, knocked off a piece, and said, It's chanchite.

When the Lava Mountain Dragon builds the volcanoes on its back over the years, it will bring various minerals to its back, and then smelt them at high temperatures. The quality of these ores is very good.

It's really a moving volcano. Aiden took the ore, looked at it, and exclaimed.

Even such a majestic ancient dragon will one day come to an end. Su Yi said.

Continuing forward, the terrain suddenly becomes steeper and more complicated.

The huge canyon opened by the Molten Dragon came to an end in front of them, and in front of them was a collapsed mountain.

In the canyon, on the ground that was originally quite open after being crushed by the Lava Dragon, countless high and low rocks rose up in disorder, like a large stone forest.

Some hot lava can be seen everywhere, making the surrounding area as hot as a flaming mountain.

The trace disappeared? Where did the Molten Dragon go? Aibo said in surprise. Did such a huge ancient dragon just disappear?

Su Yi looked around at the scene, then squatted down to check the surrounding terrain, and said, I'm afraid, it's right under our feet.

Right at your feet? Aiden said in surprise and immediately looked at his feet.

Have you seen the large bulge of rocks around? I'm afraid this was caused by the Lava Mountain Dragon digging underground. I don't know if it was resting underground or if it had dug to another place and left. Su Yi said.

In the game, the scene of the Molten Dragon breaking out of the ground in the Grand Canyon was quite shocking.

It’s also hard to imagine what it would be like for such a behemoth to dig into the ground. It’s probably similar to Groudon using burrowing?

Wouldn't it be bad if it suddenly got up? Aiden asked worriedly.

The scene must have been a landslide.

Let's collect some traces first and then report back. aibo said, pointing to a large piece of rock crust not far away.

Gah! The low-flying steel-armored crow suddenly let out a low cry, then gently grabbed the cart and landed.

What's wrong? Su Yi immediately became alert.

The steel-armored crow pointed in one direction with its wings, with a serious expression on its face, and whispered in a surprised tone.

Is there something? Su Yi frowned.

Aiden and aibo were surprised by the intelligence and communication skills displayed by the steel-armored crow.

At first they thought of communication as the kind of communication in which a pet responds to training instructions.

But now it seems that the intelligence of this creature called Pokémon is far beyond their imagination.

Su Yi carefully climbed up the undulating rocks and looked towards where the steel-armored crow was pointing.

Slay the dragon!? Su Yi suddenly saw a monster dragging a long and huge tail wandering among the rocky hills.

Slaying dragons also exist in the New World.

At this time, Aiden, Lucao and aibo also climbed up.

What is it doing? aibo asked confused.

Su Yi looked through the binoculars.

Zhanlong walked up to the rock where the Lava Dragon fell, and used the tail of his blade to chip away at the rock, and some ore fell out.

Then, Zhanlong held the ore in his mouth little by little. The next moment, flames ignited in Zhanlong's mouth, and the ore in his mouth was being continuously smelted.

Then, Zhanlong bent his tail in front of his eyes, and smeared the smelted mineral in his mouth towards the roasted blue metal blade tail.

As the hot liquid metal adheres to the tail of the blade, the pyrophoric substance contained in the huge metal tail blade begins to ignite, dyeing the tail point a burning red.

This is the origin of the title Scorching Blade of Dragon Slayer.

This dragon-slaying dragon is forging its own tail blade! Su Yi said in surprise.

So it turns out that the rock shell dropped by Laoshan Dragon contains a lot of high-quality ores, so Zhanlong discovered this and used these high-quality ores to build his own heavy sword tail.

Are the monsters forging their own weapons? What a strange ecosystem. Aiden exclaimed.

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