Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 124 Insights from the Star Stronghold

The activation of the [Stronghold] function allows Su Yi to have a safe and functional base in the world of Monster Hunter.

However, the activation of [Stronghold] requires certain conditions.

The determination of a [stronghold] requires reaching a certain scale, sufficient security and other conditions.

It's not like a camp, it's just a matter of meeting the conditions for accommodation.

As for the territory that belongs to the investigation team like the Star Stronghold, if Su Yi wants to activate it as a [stronghold], he needs to obtain the right to use this stronghold.

Otherwise, it is a stronghold built by Su Yi himself. As long as the scale and safety standards are met, the [stronghold] can be activated.

Is the purpose also to investigate the New World? After hearing Su Yi's purpose, the commander-in-chief thought a lot.

How difficult it is to investigate an unknown continent.

It can be seen from the fact that they have accumulated strength for forty years and waited until a large number of elite hunters from the fifth phase of the group arrived before officially launching an active investigation into the New World.

If the other party really has the means described by Master Yuanye, then perhaps the efficiency and safety of working together to explore the New World will be greatly improved.

I understand your intention to cooperate. Please allow me to arrange the members of the fifth group first. After that, I want to see your abilities with my own eyes.

And after that, we will talk about the cooperation in detail. said the commander-in-chief.

After all, he shoulders the important task of leading the entire New World investigation team. When facing an outsider like Su Yi who has unique methods, he needs to be cautious and thoughtful.

Of course, he is not a pedantic person. If this is a cooperation that is really beneficial to exploring the New World, he will not refuse it.

Of course it's no problem. Su Yi nodded.

Now for the stronghold, the most important thing to do is to properly arrange the people of the fifth phase of the regiment.

Then let my grandson take you around the Star Stronghold, a guest from a foreign country. The commander-in-chief nodded.

My name is Su Yi. I don't need a guide when I visit the stronghold. After all, you guys are busy now. My partner is the Elu cat here. He can just take me around.

Oh, by the way, I kidnapped the cats in your stronghold, so there should be no problem. Su Yi said with a smile.

Meow! Su Yi is very good to me, meow! We also experienced great adventures together, meow! Lu Cao said energetically.

Eluma is willing to follow you, so of course we have no objection. said the Commander-in-Chief.

Meow! I want to take Su Yi to meet my friend Meow! Lucao said happily.

Huhu! Are they all Ailu cats? Su Yi looked expectant.

Follow me, meow! Lucao got on all fours and ran along the stairs on the cliff to the upper level of the stronghold.

Wait for me! Su Yi chased after him.

Is he really an adventurer? the commander-in-chief asked.

Master Yuanye laughed and said: Actually, he is very similar to the Grand Leader and others. He is always immersed in his own fun.

Do you think he can bring us new changes? the commander-in-chief asked.

Master Yuanye said: I don't know, but what I do know is that what he brings will be revolutionary.

The commander-in-chief nodded, cooperated with the monster to hunt, and took the monster with him, these were things that had never happened before.

Humans, do they cooperate with nature? It's so interesting.

Everyone, I'm back, meow! Lucao excitedly entered a dormitory converted from a ship's cabin.

It's Lucao who's back, nya!

You've been gone for a long time, meow!

Where have you been on your adventures, meow?

Suddenly, white cats, black cats, Siamese cats, orange cats, all kinds of cats came around happily, playing with Lucao out of curiosity and surprise.

Outside the door, Su Yi sighed slightly when he saw this scene.

Lucao must have been away from his friends for so long in order to go out on adventures with him, so he must have missed them very often.

Meow! Let me introduce you to my partner, Meow! This is Su Yi Meow! He is very good to me, and we went to many great places Meow!

Lucao turned her head and happily introduced Su Yi to her friends.

Hello meow!

Maomao immediately greeted Su Yi lively.

Su Yi knelt down with a smile and responded to the enthusiasm of the El cats: Hello.

I brought you gifts, meow. Lucao distributed the friend pendants he made with bones and ores to his friends.

Su Yi opened his backpack, took out a bag of snacks, and said with a smile: Lucao's friends are my friends.

It's a delicious snack, cat. Lucao saw that his friends were a little confused about the strangely packaged snacks, so he took the initiative to open the package and share the snacks with the cats.

It's delicious, meow!

Lucao's friends are our friends, nya!

Soon, Su Yi became mingled with the cats, and was happily surrounded by the cats.

In the future, I can move around in the stronghold, and Lucao can often play with friends. The cat is very happy.

Su Yi and Lu Cao then arrived at the upper level of the stronghold.

Passing by the hunters and members of the investigation team coming and going, Su Yi came to the dining area while admiring the scenery of the star stronghold.

When I came to the stronghold, the place I wanted to come to the most was still here! Su Yi sighed.

The dining area of ​​the Star Stronghold, the Weapon and Lynx Pavilion, and the open-air cooking area opened by the grand leader El Cat.

It is said that after breaking his sword in a battle with a monster, he came up with the idea of ​​​​retirement. After that, Elneko, the leader of the group, became the head chef here.

Entering the dining area, the hunters who started their day's work began to eat here.

A tall and strong one-eyed Ellu cat used the dagger as a kitchen knife, cutting the meat boldly and roasting it on the huge stone grill.

Behind the busy cooking Elma, a huge stone oven was roasting various meat products.

Above the dining area, a huge net bag is used as a ceiling, and various dried meats, dried fish, sausages, fruits and vegetables and other ingredients are hung.

Uh, I don't seem to have the currency here. Su Yi smelled the fragrance and couldn't wait to try the cat rice from the Star Stronghold, but found that he didn't have the currency of this world.

I still have some cats here. Lucao dug into his pocket and took out some currency.

Then let's have a big meal, and then we can make money by selling some of the materials. Su Yi said, and they collected a lot of ores and bones.

Meow~ Lucao came to the stage and waved to say hello to the cat above.

The new face, is he a member of the fifth phase of the group? The chef looked at Su Yi and said, his voice was several times deeper than the average Eluma.

That's right. Su Yi didn't explain much.

It's not good for a hunter to be hungry. Let's order. The head chef nodded, and a cooking cat next to him handed over a menu.

Ouch! Su Yi took it and took a look. Various ingredients were listed on it.

Some of these should be specialty ingredients from the New World. It seems that many things in the New World have been developed in the past few decades.

Yeah Su Yi looked at the ordered several dishes, including meat and vegetables, as well as the wine he had always been curious about.

Is this really okay? Looking at the dishes Su Yi ordered, the chef said unexpectedly.

Well, I don't eat much. Su Yi felt ashamed. The dishes he ordered were twice as big as an adult man's.

I thought that after running around in the New World for so long, his appetite had greatly increased, but he didn't expect that compared with hunters, this is still a small appetite?

Hunters should eat more. The head chef quickly brought the food up.

Poor condition refers to the physical condition. I have been too tired recently.

By the way, some friends said that the [Gift] function is not very good.

Actually, my idea is, why can't we give the investigation team some changes?

Of course, I would not give away the companion beasts related to the protagonist casually, but to allow the hunter to cooperate with the monsters. The premise of the gift is that the protagonist agrees.

A golden finger can only change one person, which is still too narrow-minded.

The blue star is meant to shine on everyone who moves forward.

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