Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 123 Officially entering the stars, the [stronghold] function is activated!

After crossing the plain and walking some distance, the terrain in front of us opens up, and we can see the star stronghold on the sea cliff in the distance.

Along the way, the hunters occasionally cast curious and strange looks at Su Yi.

After all, in this world where people and monsters are constantly in conflict, it is still incredible to tame and control monsters to fight.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Brother Sunshine is curious about Su Yi and monsters fighting together, and seems to have some ideas that he wants to try.

The receptionist expressed his gratitude to Su Yi for his rescue and was curious about the monsters that could obey the command.

Soon, everyone arrived at the checkpoint outside the stronghold.

The door is made of solid wood and is coated with some special paint. The smell it emits will disgust the monsters and drive them away.

After entering the level and walking a little further, the stronghold is right in front of you and its scenery is unobstructed.

How spectacular! Brother Sunshine exclaimed.

The road decorated with huge skeletons and streamers guided everyone into the stronghold.

The star stronghold is based on huge ships and has built a huge comprehensive stronghold on the sea cliff.

The huge waterwheel is powered by the waterfall rushing down from the top of the mountain, supporting the mechanical operations in the stronghold.

On the mountain peak behind the stronghold, a huge ship was mounted on it.

It is said that this first group ship was washed up on the top of the mountain after being affected by the battle between two ancient dragons.

It’s hard to imagine what a spectacular and fierce battle it was.

This stronghold, which has gone through ups and downs, has become the spectacular place it is today thanks to the efforts of countless people over the past forty years.

Welcome to the Star Stronghold! the leader of the investigation team said proudly.

Su Yi officially entered the star stronghold with the hunters. At that moment, the Hunting Guide shook slightly, and the blue star in the middle of the book lit up.

I didn't expect you to come back so soon this time.

In the stronghold, at the open-air command post transformed from the bow deck of the ship, the commander-in-chief, who had dark skin and a vicissitudes of life, said unexpectedly.

Opposite him, Master Yuanye, who was tired of his career, sighed: I came back early because of some things. I didn't expect to meet Gu Longdu. I can only say that it was a coincidence that I came here.

When she saw the huge body of the Lava Mountain Dragon walking out of the sea and onto the land on the cliff, she was no less shocked than when she saw the Coral Platform for the first time.

Yes, after another ten years, the fifth phase of the regiment has finally arrived. The strength accumulated for forty years is finally about to burst out.

He knew the character of this companion who came to the New World at the same time as him. She was the kind of person who would ignore orders and rules and immerse herself in her own goals.

If there was nothing important, Master Yuanye would not return to a relatively stable stronghold so quickly.

She is a restless person.

Master Yuanye smiled and sighed: I met a magical person this time.

Then, Master Yuanye told about his encounter with Su Yi.

After listening to the narration, the commander-in-chief frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said: I have heard some legends. In some unknown places, there are strange people who can control monsters.

But what you said, the technology of storing monsters into a small ball and carrying them with you, I have never heard of.

So rather than taming monsters, I care more about the method of containing creatures.

Although it seems incredible to tame large monsters, humans have actually been able to tame many small monsters.

The Commander-in-Chief believes that they have not tamed the large monster, maybe they just haven't found a way.

In other words, in his opinion, the feasibility of taming a large monster is much greater than putting a ten-meter-long creature into a palm-sized ball.

However. The commander-in-chief changed his words and said: Since you have seen it with your own eyes, then I will believe you, but for my opinion, let me see it with my own eyes before I draw a conclusion.

Grandpa! The remaining members of the fifth phase have been brought back! The voice of the captain of the investigation team came all the way from the circulation area.

Yes. The commander-in-chief crossed his arms and responded calmly.

Master? Su Yi's voice came.

Master Yuanye took a closer look and said in surprise: Oh? Have you come here already? Or are you with the members of the fifth group?

I met him by chance on the road and helped him a lot. Su Yi said with a smile.

You are. The commander-in-chief narrowed his eyes slightly.

Master Yuanye smiled and said, He is the magical young man I mentioned.

Does Master know him? This man claimed to be from a foreign country. When we encountered large monsters, he transformed into several monsters to help us. The leader of the investigation team explained.

Hello, everyone in the investigation team, my name is Su Yi, and I am an adventurer. Su Yi said with a smile.

Adventurer? I heard that you want to cooperate with us? What is your purpose? the commander-in-chief asked in a deep voice.

Su Yi organized his words and said: Actually, our purpose is essentially the same, to explore and investigate the New World.

It's just that instead of investigating alone, I want to rely on the strength of everyone in the investigation team. Of course, since it is cooperation, it is natural that both parties can benefit from each other.

At this stage, the investigation team's intelligence and resources are still very important to Su Yi, such as the discovery of monster traces, the manufacturing of equipment, the acquisition of various materials, etc.

More importantly, after Su Yi entered the star stronghold, Goldfinger's Hunting Guide opened new functions!

[Stronghold] function is enabled.

Along with it comes a host of useful features.

The first is the most basic, the [placement] function of the accompanying beast.

The accompanying beast can be released at will within the [stronghold], and can enter and exit the [stronghold] freely.

The accompanying beasts recovered outside the [stronghold] will automatically be placed in the [accompanying beast] column.

Secondly, there are the [Dispatch] and [Gift] functions.

Su Yi can send or give the accompanying beast to a designated person. Before that, even if others get the capture ball containing the accompanying beast, they cannot open it.

Those who accept dispatches and gifts can currently hold up to six accompanying beasts.

Su Yi can check the location of the dispatched companion beast on the [map] at any time, cancel [dispatch] at will, and force the [dispatched] companion beast back into the ball.

When the person who accepts the dispatch goes out to explore, he can help Su Yi improve the [map], trigger the [mission], and complete the [mission] with the accompanying beast.

But after being [gifted] to others, the accompanying beast has nothing to do with Su Yi and the functions of the Hunting Guide.

The last important function is [Hunting Followers].

Su Yi can choose three followers, and the followers can be displayed on the [map], and can complete [tasks] together, help Su Yi improve the [map], etc.

Members of the hunting followers can choose creatures that are not large monsters, such as Ellu cats, Detel tribe, Strangeface tribe, Fang Hounds, etc.

Although Pokémon are included in [Companion Beasts], they are not essentially Companion Beasts, so they can also become [Hunting Followers].

This is equivalent to liberating three Pokémon from the six partners who went into battle.

In this way, hunting methods become diverse.

For example, Su Yi can set Dew Grass, Lucky Egg, and Single Sword Sheath as followers, and he can send six partners, that is, a total of nine partners can be played.

Su Yi can also send companion beasts to others and then form a team with that person. In this way, more companion beasts can join the battle.

It can be said that after opening the [stronghold] function, the hunting methods have become more abundant.

The past two days have been bad and the updates have been poor. I'm sorry.

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