Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 122 The appearance of the accompanying beasts in the sight of the hunter (4000 words)

Su Yi took the two members of the recommendation group out of the camp and came to the plain outside the forest.

There are so many herbivorous dragons and many new creatures that I have never seen before. The New World is really full of life. Brother Sunshine sighed.

Since the Lava Mountain Dragon has moved away from here, the herbivorous dragons came out to look for food again.

Several pink birds named Taoyuanxiang flew in the sky, and a few circling rabbits on the ground raised their ears warily from time to time to observe the surroundings.

It is indeed a vibrant place, full of vitality unique to nature. Su Yi also sighed while admiring the scenery that he never tires of.

In the distance, there is a small group of black hatebirds gathering and circling

Su Yi narrowed his eyes and said, There seems to be something going on.

Creatures such as hatebirds mainly make a living by pecking at corpses. The places where they gather generally represent the prey traces of monsters.

What's wrong? Brother Sunshine asked warily.

Su Yi told them about the habit of hating birds, and then carefully leaned over to check.

After walking to a certain distance, Su Yi's guide insect floated over and attached to the corpse of a herbivorous dragon that had been eaten horribly.

It's the prey trace of some kind of monster. Brother Sunshine said.

The flesh and blood were torn apart in big mouths, and even the bones were chewed off and bit off. It seems like it was really done by an old friend. Su Yi said, looking at the wounds of the herbivorous dragon.

Among the large monsters common in the ancient forest, the ferocious jackal dragon will usually swallow the corpse whole, while the fire dragon will not arbitrarily bite the bones together and eat them.

Then, guide insects erratically attached themselves to nearby traces.

The traces nearby are immediately clear. Creatures like guide insects are really magical. Looking at the traces marked around him, Sunshine Brother's receptionist said.

Brother Sunshine nodded in admiration and said, The guide insect is really a convenient tool.

After the use of guide insects was developed by the Commander-in-Chief, it was quickly promoted, and now members of the fifth phase of the regiment are also generally equipped with this prop.

Brother Sunshine, like Dan Emperor, has the attribute of a road fool, and the guiding ability of the guide insect helps him very well, so Brother Sunshine often praises the convenience of the guide insect.

Su Yi discerned the footprints of a large monster among the traces mixed with the panicked footprints of the herbivorous dragon.

Is it really the Barbarian Jaw Dragon? Su Yi murmured, looking at the familiar footprints.

In fact, it's not surprising. This plain is a high-quality hunting ground, and the territory of the Barbarignathosaurus is very wide.

Moreover, the surrounding area is open and the sun is abundant. Barbarian jaw dragon needs to bask in the sun about three times a day to ensure its physical activity.

Near the plain, which is not blocked by dense trees, is the sunbathing area of ​​the Mangnathus, and there is ample water nearby.

It can be said that here you have everything you need to eat, drink, and bask in the sun.

Is it some kind of large monster? Brother Sunshine asked.

Su Yi nodded and said: It is a beast-like dragon monster with a body length of about 16 meters. It has a strong jaw, so it is named Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

It also uses fire attacks when it's angry. It's a thug in this forest.

It seems you know this kind of monster very well. Seeing that Su Yi found clues from the chaotic traces and pointed to the specific monster, Sunshine Brother said with a smile.

Su Yi smiled and said: The first monster to greet me in the New World, how can I not be impressed?

It seems that these traces point in the direction of the stronghold, nya. said Lucao, who was exploring nearby.

It's not good. Many hunters on our ship jumped overboard without weapons in a hurry and escaped.

It's really dangerous for such a monster to appear on the way back to the base. Brother Sunshine suddenly became worried.

They were all having a meal before they were forced to abandon the ship and escape. Many hunters didn't even put on their armor.

Then let's go over and take a look! Su Yi said.

Passing through the sparse trees, Su Yi led a group of people and ran towards the stronghold.

Suddenly, noisy human voices and monster roars came from a distance.

Is this an encounter? After hearing this, Brother Sunshine quickened his steps and the expression on his face became serious and dignified.

Su Yi held a few capture balls, rushed out of the woods with Brother Sunshine, and quickly confirmed the situation of the battle.

On a small plain, a white-furred beast-dragon monster roared angrily and fought with a group of hunters.

Among the hunters in the battle, the leader is a young hunter who uses a big sword. He directs other hunters to harass the monsters.

Among the surrounding hunters, several were not wearing armor and looked like members of the fifth phase of the group who had fled in a hurry.

It's not the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, it's the subspecies Thunder Jaw Dragon! Su Yi said in surprise.

Sub-species monster? Brother Sunshine looked solemn.

There's someone on the back of Thunderjawsaurus! Lucao said in surprise.

Huh? Su Yi took a closer look, and saw a girl wearing receptionist clothes holding on to the hair on the neck of the Thunderjaw Dragon, shaking as the Thunderjaw Dragon continued to attack.

aibo? Su Yi was stunned. Isn't that the receptionist and editor of the protagonist in the game?

Are you going to ride a Thunderjaw dragon now?

Meow? Lu Cao looked at Su Yi in confusion, not knowing why he called himself so surprised.

Uh, Lucao, I'm not talking about you.

Someone is in danger, get in! Brother Sunshine picked up the sword and ran over quickly.

Damn it! This monster that looks like a Barbarian Jaw Dragon is so strong! The young man holding the big sword said through gritted teeth.

No, don't worry about me! Focus on dealing with the monsters! the receptionist said in a panic while sitting on the back of the Thunderjawsaurus.


The Thunderjaw Dragon stamped on the ground, forcing the double-sword hunter with pedicures at its feet to retreat, then twisted around and flicked its tail, sweeping away all the hunters who were entangled with it.

Drink! The big sword hunter took this opportunity to briefly charge up his strength, and slashed hard at the Thunderjaw Dragon's head with his big sword.


The knife accurately hit the Thunderjaw Dragon's head. The Thunderjaw Dragon roared after being hit, and angrily slammed forward towards the hunter to fight back.

The head attack of Thunderjawsaurus was fast and sudden, and the big sword hunter was instantly knocked away.


The Thunderjawsaurus roared, its nasal bones and dorsal membrane unfolded, and thunder and lightning began to appear on the mouth, nasal bones, membrane and the fur around its body.

The next moment, the Thunderjaw Dragon opened its thunder jaws and bit into the greatsword hunter.

Oops! The big sword hunter's heart trembled, and a feeling of suffocation spread throughout his body. He struggled to get up, trying to escape from the mouth of the Thunderjaw Dragon.

Hurry up! Seeing this scene, Sunshine Brother gritted his teeth and ran quickly.

Su Yi quickly loaded the capture ball on the projector and quickly projected it out the next second.

The fierce jackal dragon! Hold on!

The capture ball shot at extremely high speed opened on the way. As soon as the figure of the ferocious jackal appeared, it rushed to the front of the big sword hunter and erected a transparent barrier.


The lightning bite hit the barrier, and the Thunderjaw Dragon's biting movement paused. Cracks appeared on the barrier and it quickly shattered.

Keep, O everlasting God!

Big ferocious jackal dragon!? The big sword hunter was shocked from ear to ear, but he moved quickly and immediately escaped from the attack range of the thunder jaw dragon.

Roar! Seeing that the person who disturbed him was actually the ferocious jackal dragon that he often bullied, the Thunderjaw Dragon bit it angrily.

Roar loudly!

The big ferocious jackal dragon opened its mouth, and evil energy sound waves erupted at close range on the face of the thunder jaw dragon.


The Thunderjaw Dragon paused and took two steps back. It shook its head and looked at the Big Ferocious Jackal with some surprise.

Why is this ferocious jackal dragon different from the ones he usually bullies?

Does the Great Ferocious Jackal Dragon have these abilities? By the way, I was saved by the Great Ferocious Jackal Dragon? The big sword hunter also looked confused.

Oh oh oh! It's a monster again, Su Yi, is that your partner too? Brother Sunshine slowed down his running speed and said with a look of surprise.

Yes. Su Yi took out the capture ball again and held it in his hand.

Are these things for monsters? What on earth is this? Brother Sunshine looked at the capture ball in Su Yi's hand and felt curious.

He just saw clearly that the monster was suddenly released from this small ball.

On the battlefield, the Thunderjaw Dragon was once again dominated by rage. It didn't care why the Ferocious Jackal Dragon became different, but roared and attacked again.

Ouch! The ferocious jackal took a few steps back with a solemn expression, dodging the attack.

There is a monster restraining it, we have to find a way to save the receptionist! The big sword hunter thought of countermeasures quickly.

Everyone! I'm coming! Brother Sunshine quickly joined the battle circle.

Is this the hunter from the fifth phase of the group? It's really timely, please help me! When the big sword hunter saw a fully armed hunter joining the battle, he suddenly became more confident.

Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon, come back first! Su Yi quickly took back the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon.

That's that!? The hunters present looked in disbelief as they watched the huge monster being put into a ball.


The Thunderjaw Dragon was stunned and didn't understand why the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon suddenly disappeared.

Su Yi kept holding on, opened the capture ball and shouted: Misery Claw Dragon, Laceration Claw!

The crimson-soaked Dragon Claw jumped out, and its sharp claws tore at the side of the Thunder Jaw Dragon. The claws tore apart, and a scar suddenly appeared on the fur.

The Thunderjaw Dragon looked at the sudden appearance of the Tornadosaurus in shock and anger, and turned its head to bite it angrily.

At that moment, Su Yi withdrew the Misty Claw Dragon, and at the same time the two capture balls were opened.

A solid stone hits hard, a blinding flash of light!

The bird that appeared on the other side quickly condensed energy rocks, and then immediately threw them at the head of the Thunderjaw Dragon.


The hard rock hit Thunderjaw Dragon's head instantly.

Faced with the sudden disappearance of the Tornadosaurus, the Thunderjawsaurus, who was once again shocked, was immediately attracted to it and looked at the little scratching bird angrily.

At the same time, the Dazzling Bird next to the Tickling Bird had already completed its warm-up, and the dazzling flash suddenly exploded towards the Thunderjaw Dragon.


The Thunderjawsaurus, which had lost its vision, roared in panic, became dizzy, and staggered in panic.

Misery Claw Dragon! Su Yi released the Misery Claw Dragon again.

Understanding the situation, the Mistyclaw pounced on the Thunderjaw Dragon again. Under the surprise attack, the Thunderjaw Dragon suddenly became unsteady and fell sideways.


Smoke and dust were everywhere, and a hurried figure quickly climbed up and then moved away from the Thunderjaw Dragon.

The surrounding hunters, including Brother Sunshine, were stunned by Su Yi's operation.

what happened? What are these monsters about? What is this operation?


Just when they were stunned, a domineering roar sounded in the sky.

The red flying dragon flew down and roared angrily at the Thunderjaw Dragon.

It's the Fire Dragon! The great sword hunter came back to his senses and said in surprise.

What are you still doing? Run! Su Yi took back the accompanying beast and immediately ran towards the stronghold.

Everyone reacted and followed suit.

Thunderjaw climbed up and shook its head, looking for the source of the sound.

The male fire dragon didn't pay attention to the hunter, but breathed flames at the thunder jaw dragon that invaded the territory.

The Thunderjaw dragon roared angrily, as if there had been friction between the two.

The arrival of the Lava Dragon makes the monsters full of uneasiness, and there are only a few ways for the monsters to eliminate their uneasiness.

Hunt to fill your stomach, maintain your own condition, patrol the territory, ensure the safety of the territory, and eliminate foreign enemies.

The combination of many factors caused the Thunderjaw and the Charmander to meet and begin fighting with each other.

After running for a certain distance, the roaring in the distance became very small, and everyone was temporarily relieved.

Phew! We're saved! the receptionist said with a sigh of relief.

Is everyone okay? the big sword hunter looked at everyone and asked.

It's nothing serious.

Except for some minor injuries, the few people present had no major problems.

That's good. I'm the captain of the investigation team of the New World Investigation Team. I'm here to handle your fifth phase of the team.

Because of the Laoshan Dragon, this ancient tree forest has become dangerous. Everyone must be careful.

The young sword hunter in front of him, who claimed to be the captain of the investigation team, was the grandson of the Commander-in-Chief of the investigation team and the only member of the Star Stronghold who was born in the New World.

Take us back to the base quickly, I can't wait! Brother Sunshine said with anticipation on his face.

The captain of the investigation team smiled and nodded: The stronghold has prepared a banquet for everyone.

And this hunter, you are not from the Star Stronghold, nor are you a member of the fifth phase of the group. I have never heard of such skills and abilities.

With the ability to tame large monsters and the technology to shrink large monsters and contain them, who are you? the leader of the investigation team said seriously.

After saying that, everyone looked at Su Yi curiously. Those abilities were so amazing. This was the first time for a hunter who had been fighting monsters for half his life to hear about driving monsters to fight.

Brother Sunshine looked at Su Yi in surprise and said, Aren't you from the New World Survey Team?! I thought they had developed incredible technology here!

Su Yi smiled and introduced himself: I am indeed not a member of the investigation team, nor am I from the Old Continent or the New Continent, but from a more distant place.

As for my contact with you, if there is any specific matter, I want to talk to your commander-in-chief.

A distant place? Want to contact us? the leader of the investigation team said doubtfully.

It can also be said to be cooperation. In short, I have no ill intentions. Su Yi said seriously and sincerely.

Are you cooperating? This is something I need to judge by my grandfather. Strange outsider, I hope your monster will not harm the people in the stronghold. The leader of the investigation team thought for a while and said seriously.

In front of him, Su Yi put the capture ball into his backpack and said seriously: I will restrain them, and please believe that I come with good intentions.

Seeing Su Yi put the captured ball into his backpack, which was not easy to take out immediately, the captain of the investigation team nodded, and while keeping his attention on him, he walked in the direction of the stronghold.

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