Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 121 Brother Sunshine, Sister Feisty

Gah!? The steel-armored crow stared in shock.

Watching the Lava Dragon walking from the sea to land step by step, and its figure emerging from the sea little by little, the huge body with flowing magma gave it an unparalleled shock.

The Steel-Armored Crow is one of the top combat powers in the world. Wherever it goes, the terrain changes. The energy after death can activate the energy of the earth's veins and turn a continent into a sea of ​​fire!

Su Yi was also shocked to see such a super-large ancient dragon landing ashore with his own eyes.

Apart from the mythical beast, Su Yi couldn't think of any other Pokémon that could affect its progress.

What a huge ancient dragon! Lucao's eyes widened.

What is that Lotto? I want to see it! The cell phone Lotto flew out, looking at the huge body rising from the sea, marveling and taking photos one after another.

Want to take a closer look? Su Yi smiled.


Steel Armored Crow! Please! Su Yi pointed to the Molten Mountain Dragon in the distance.

Gah! The steel-armored crow spread its wings and chirped excitedly.

Su Yi rode on the steel-armored crow, and Maomao quickly climbed onto his back.

And I, Lotto! The mobile phone Lotto floated into the side pocket of the backpack and poked out a small section.

Climb the Lava Mountain Dragon! GO! Su Yi smiled and pointed at the Lava Mountain Dragon that was walking slowly from the sea to the coast.

Gah! The steel-armored crow flapped its wings and flew high.

The air flow blew up, and Su Yi grabbed the steel-armored crow's back tightly.

As we get closer to the Laoshan Dragon, the surrounding temperature gradually begins to rise. A huge amount of water vapor rises from the seawater around the Lava Mountain Dragon, like pieces of white curtains.

Seen from a high altitude, this ancient dragon carrying a volcano on its back looks like a moving island. The fire of the lava illuminates the sea water, and every step stirs up huge waves.

On the back of the Lava Dragon, the jacked-up ship began to be ignited by what looked like magma, but was actually tissue fluid.

Countless figures showed their magical powers and escaped from the ship. Some astute hunters hooked on the acid pterosaurs surrounding the lava dragon and flew towards the coast.

Let's land! Su Yi shouted.

Gah! Although the heat from being close to the Lava Mountain Dragon made it feel uncomfortable, the steel-armored crow landed neatly on the Lava Mountain Dragon's back.

It's so hot! Su Yi wiped his sweat.

The surrounding air was distorted by the high temperature. In addition to dark rocks and rock shells, what you could see was magma-like tissue fluid flowing vertically and horizontally.

Good opportunity! We need to get some materials, we will use them later. Su Yi looked at a rock with high temperature.

Tickling the bird, please! Su Yi released the trick to tickle the bird.

Wow?! As soon as the scratching bird appeared, he was frightened by the powerful aura and high temperature of the Laoshan Dragon.

Su Yi quickly said: Don't panic, Laoshan Dragon won't notice us.

Wow. Zhuniao breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, if the Molten Dragon is annoyed, it will take the initiative to attack the target on its back.

When I first played the War King Lava Mountain Dragon in the game, it would actively spit lava on its back and attack the player.

Tickling the bird, use local materials and hit hard with a solid stone. Su Yi commanded.

Tickle Bird calmed down and quickly gathered the power of the lava dragon rock shell under his feet. Soon, a piece of blazing energy rock was held in his arms.

Gah! The bird swung the rock hard and hit the high-temperature rock.


The gravel fell, and some minerals were revealed.

It's chanchite and pyrosaurus. Su Yi recognized it.

These are all minerals that were carried onto Laoshan Dragon's body when it moved on the earth.

And some are gravels with sufficient mineral content, which are refined and condensed bit by bit by the high-temperature tissue fluid of the Laoshan Dragon.

It can be said that the shell of the Laoshan Dragon is a big mine.

Another hard blow from a rock! Su Yi said.

Gah! Tianiao swung the stone and hit it with all his strength again.

Unexpectedly, the blazing energy rock exploded with a bang after hitting the rock hard, causing the bird to dodge in a hurry.

Will it explode? Su Yi was startled.

Then I recalled the setting of Laoshan Dragon: The main food of Laoshan Dragon is explosive minerals, so its shell should also contain components of these minerals, so it used local materials and made a bomb?

The explosion caused the ore to break away from the rock, and Su Yi quickly picked it up.

Is this a fragment of the lava dragon's shell? Su Yi found some hard dark gray gravel among the broken rocks, like some kind of carapace tissue or some kind of rock mineral.

Great, with these fragments, we can try to make the ancient tree sprout.

At that time, we will be able to cultivate a lot of materials easily. Moreover, can this top-quality fertilizer also work on tree fruits? Su Yi said happily.

In fact, this is Su Yi's main purpose of climbing Laoshan Dragon.

Molten Dragon's carapace fragments carry subtle ancient dragon energy, which is the fertilizer that allows ancient tree seeds to germinate.

Ancient trees can catalyze the growth of various plants and fungi that coexist with it, and have a positive impact on insects that rely on these plants for survival.

When the time comes, can I also cultivate an ancient tree in the Pokémon world?

Towering giant trees, I wonder if I can cultivate them in my lifetime. Su Yichang thought.

Just as Su Yi was digging, two figures slid down the hillside on the back of Laoshan Dragon.

Wow! There is actually a monster on the back of the Lava Mountain Dragon!

A male hunter with a mohawk-like hairstyle said in surprise when he saw the scratching bird and the steel-armored crow.

Next to the mohawk hunter, a capable and decisive short-haired woman said quickly: That hunter is in danger!

Don't be afraid, friend! I'm coming! As he said that, the Mohawk hunter set up his sword and rushed over.

Brother Sunshine and Sister Feisty? Wait a minute! These are not monsters, they are my partners!

Su Yi, who was mining in Kuang Kuang, heard the noise and turned around to see a spirited young man holding a sword and about to chop down his scratching bird and steel-armored crow.

What? Looking at the young man standing in front of the monster, Brother Sunshine stopped in disbelief.

They are not monsters, but my partners! Su Yi quickly explained.

Gah! Tiannio picked up a few pieces of materials and looked at Brother Sunshine unhappily.

You can become partners with monsters?! No! You are not a hunter from the fifth phase of the group! Why are you mining here! Seeing the scene in front of him, Brother Sunshine suddenly felt that his brain was running out.

A strange hunter takes a monster and mines on the back of an ancient dragon they want to escape?


A loud noise was accompanied by the vibration of the molten mountain dragon underfoot, causing everyone present to stumble.

We're about to land on land, meow! Lucao reminded.


At this moment, due to the vibration, the magma on the lava dragon's back began to spurt out, and some rocks rolled down with flames.


The low roar was extremely dull, and on Laoshan Dragon's back, everyone felt that the things under their feet began to turn over.

The Lagging Mountain Dragon is going to change from a four-legged state to a bipedal state! Su Yi realized that the Lagging Mountain Dragon was changing its posture and coming ashore.

This super large ancient dragon is changing from crawling on four legs to standing and walking on two legs.

Its movement caused the rock volcano behind it to begin to move, and lava and falling rocks began to slope down.

Can't stay any longer! Su Yi decisively gave up mining.

We have to catch the pterosaur flying! Brother Sunshine's editor and receptionist, Sister Fei, said immediately.

No need to bother, Steel Armored Crow! Let's go! Su Yi put the scratched bird back into the capture ball while the two looked at each other in disbelief, and then climbed onto the Steel Armored Crow's back.

Gah! The steel-armored crow flapped its wings and took off.

You two, come up, the New World welcomes you! Su Yi looked at the two of them with a smile, and Lu Cao greeted them from behind.

What an eye-opener! Brother Sunshine came back to his senses, suppressed his doubts for the time being, launched a hook to hook the claws of the Steel Armored Crow, and Sister Hao Sheng also hung up the Steel Armored Crow.

Steel Armor Crow, return!

The steel-armored crow easily pulled up the two of them and flew away from the Laoshan Dragon.

Su Yi looked back and saw that the Lava Mountain Dragon climbed onto the land and headed inexorably in one direction, leaving behind a mess and a path of hot and red lava along the way.

It's so beautiful! Wow! What a big tree!

Under the morning light, Brother Sunshine, hanging under the crow's claws of the steel armor, admired the dense forest of ancient trees. Then, he was attracted by the magnificent ancient giant trees.

It's beautiful. Su Yi looked at the forest under the morning sun from a high altitude. The beautiful scenery had a unique flavor.

New World! We're right! Brother Sunshine said happily.

Let's land at the camp first. Su Yi said.

The steel-armored crow identified the direction and landed towards the seaside camp.

Are you hungry? Do you need a drink? Su Yi took out the still-warm barbecue and some juice drinks from the tent.

Thank you so much. It's really hot on Laoshanlong's back. My mouth just happened to be dry! Brother Yangguang took the food from Su Yi carelessly, not showing any restraint at all.

Thank you. Sister Haosheng was more reserved, and looked at Su Yi with curiosity and inquiry in her eyes.

Ha! That's great. Is the first meal in this new world a welcome banquet?

Brother Sunshine ate a large pot of carefully roasted barbecue with seasonings in twos and twos, then took a big sip of the drink and praised it.

This is not even a welcome banquet. There will be plenty of delicious food in the stronghold to entertain you. Su Yi said with a smile.

Brother Sunshine, who had filled his stomach, suddenly came over, his face extremely curious, and he looked at Su Yi with great interest.

Are you from the base of the New World Investigation Team? Where did you receive the previous monster? How did you turn the monster into a partner? Brother Sunshine suddenly had many doubts.

Although he is about thirty years old, Brother Sunshine still keeps asking questions like a curious baby.

Well, it's a long story. Su Yi said with a smile.

It's time for you to report to the Star Stronghold.

Brother Sunshine patted his head and said, Yes, the first priority is to report and then bring the other hunters back!

At this time, some hunters also landed in the ancient tree forest with the help of the acid pterosaur.

Good people will fight to the end. I'll take you to the stronghold. Su Yi stood up, and the steel-armored crow spread its wings and flew at low altitude, alert to the surrounding movements.

Your monster partner looks so impressive. Is this armor? Brother Sunshine said.

It's called the Steel-Armored Crow. Okay, follow me. I wonder if there will be any old friends to greet you along the way? Su Yi led them towards the plain outside the forest.

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