Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 112 Exhibition match! Dandi vs Nemo

After replenishing some meat, Su Yi returned to the Pokémon world.

In the evening, Emperor Dan called: Su Yi, how are you? Have you had a good time shopping in Gongmen City?

Su Yi complained: The pedestrian street is very lively, the desserts are delicious, but the food is very expensive.

Hahaha! It's very lively. Tomorrow is the exhibition match. I've arranged a front seat for you.

Dan Di said with a sigh: Tomorrow's opponent is a young and promising girl.

She is both a rich young lady and a regional champion.

Su Yi: Indeed.

In the early morning, the Gongmen City Arena was bustling with people inside and outside.

Su Yi squeezed into the crowd with Lucao in his arms and walked into the arena.

It's so lively, meow! Lucao exclaimed as he listened to the roaring noise.

When Su Yi found the seat according to the diagram given by Dan Emperor, he found that Sonia was also there.

It's Su Yi. Sonia greeted.

haven't seen you for a long time.


Su Yi and Lu Cao replied.

By the way, grandma told me that she has already contacted Dr. Omu. After the exhibition game, I will give you the contact information. Sonia said.

Thank you. Su Yi solemnly thanked him.

Then Su Yi took his seat and waited for the opening.

The auditorium gradually became crowded, and the atmosphere in the arena became more and more lively.

At this time, President Roz walked out of the player tunnel and walked to the center of the arena. He opened his arms with a smile.

Dear friends from all over the world, welcome to the Palace Gate Arena.

President Lotz delivered a passionate speech, focusing on the business cooperation between the two regions. It seemed that President Lotz really made a lot of money.

However, we also understand that products such as mobile phone Rotom are destined to become popular little by little, and some of the industries they extend will gradually prosper. After this, there will be a foreseeable road to wealth.

For a similar example, you can refer to Steve Jobs' Apple.

After sensing that the atmosphere was heated up, Roz didn't waste any time and directly announced the start of the exhibition match and handed the microphone to the host.

With a bang, the audience cheered, and the sound formed a wave that swept across all directions.

First of all, let's invite our champion, Dan! Emperor!!! the host shouted at the top of his lungs.

Amid warm cheers, Dandi, carrying a cape, walked into the venue heroically and waved to the audience.

Sonia watched intently, with the corners of her mouth curling up unconsciously.

Seeing Sonia's little expression, Su Yi smiled knowingly, with a see-through expression on his face, and took a sip of the drink.

“Next, I’d like to invite the genius champion of the Padia region, Miss Nemo!”

Pfft! Cough cough cough! Su Yi choked out instantly, and then said with a look of surprise: Nimo?!

In the player tunnel opposite Dandi, a girl with a smile walked out and waved friendly to the outside.

And the audience also gave warm cheers.

It's Nemo, Lucao shouted with a smile.

I should have guessed it from the strength of that Bankelas. Su Yi murmured.

In a special viewing room, several gym leaders from the Galar region gathered together and looked at the battle field outside the glass.

What kind of strength does the champion of another region have? Caidou looked at it seriously, not intending to let go of any details that would follow.

Emperor Dan, if you betray me, I won't forgive you! Dragon Gym Leader Qibana said with a grin.

Nie Zi, the evil gym leader who was far away in Spike Town and Ma Li's brother, was watching the live broadcast with his cell phone Rotom.

In a dark corner, Oonio, accompanied by Gengar, watched the live broadcast, and the light on the screen shone on his face without a mask.

Outside the Palace Gate Arena, a large screen broadcast live footage from the arena.

At the same time, on the street, several screens belonging to properties owned by the Marrocomon Group were broadcasting this scene live.

The Meowth leader paused, and when he saw several Pokémon following him being attracted by the picture above, they also stopped.

Gah. The steel-armored crow landed on a street lamp outside the arena and looked at the big screen.

Far away from here in Kanto, Dr. Ohki turned on his computer and watched the live broadcast.

Is this the champion of Dr. Mulan's region? There is also the champion of the Padia region. I'm really curious about what kind of Pokémon there are there.

Dr. Ohki took the cooked instant noodles and sighed.

The two sides will engage in a 3v3 battle within the specified time, and both sides can change Pokémon midway.

The referee, who was flying on the Shield Sword Monster, announced the rules and then gave the order to start the battle.

Mr. Dandi! I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time! Nimo said with a smile.

It's an honor for me to fight against champions from other regions. Let's ignite the atmosphere with fighting! Dan Emperor said with a grin.

Come out! Dorumbaruto!

Come out! Red Lotus Armored Cavalry!

Dora! Doronbaruto appeared on the field.

The Pokémon sent by Nemo was a humanoid Pokémon wearing golden armor with a red tassel-like flame burning on its head.

It stood proudly, assuming a fighting posture, and its armor made a clanging sound.

Seeing the handsome Pokémon that they had never seen before, all the spectators in the audience exclaimed and cheered, and they were even more looking forward to this battle.

Is that the Pokémon from the Padia region? It's very handsome. Su Yi said in surprise.

What attribute will it be? It seems to have the attribute of fire. Sonia observed carefully.

Such a good opportunity, we have to let the Pokémon take a look and learn from it. Su Yi released the Pokémon.

Seeing such a scene, Disciple Xiong immediately looked towards the battlefield with bright eyes.

Doron Baluto? Red Lotus Armored Cavalry, Shadow Ball! Nemo seemed to be very familiar with the look of Doron Baluto and immediately gave the order.

The armor clanged, and the Red Lotus Armor Cavalier stretched out his hands and put them together in front of him. The armor on his arms merged into a cannon barrel, and the shadow ball condensed instantly, and then was launched like a cannonball.

Emperor Dan said calmly: Dragon Wave.

Dora! Doron Baruto opened his mouth, and the surging energy dragon roared out with its teeth and claws, and rushed towards the shadow ball.


The energy exploded with a huge roar.

The audience cheered and cheered like a wave.

Strengthen the mind! Nemo commanded the attack again.

The red lotus armor rider stretched out one hand, his eyes filled with pink light.

The smoke and dust generated by the explosion were instantly dispersed by something invisible, and the spiritual energy instantly enveloped Doron Baruto, making him unable to move.

Hey! He's quite handsome. Su Yi admired.

Dragon Arrow! Emperor Dan remained calm and unhurried.

Toot! Doron Baruto shouted, and the two Doron Mecias in the magazine flew out, shooting towards the Red Lotus Armored Cavalry like cannonballs.

Strengthen the mind! Nemo smiled and waved.

The Red Lotus Armored Cavalry stretched out his other hand, shrouded in mental power, and the two multi-dragon Mecia were also controlled.

So strong! Could it be that the Red Lotus Armor Cavalry is a fire and super-type Pokémon? Su Yi looked at the Red Lotus Armor Cavalry's mental strength and said in surprise.

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