Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 113 Nemo: Found you! Su Yi!

The Red Lotus Armored Cavalry used its powerful mental force to completely control Doron Baruto, while Nimo frowned slightly.

Use Dragon Dance to break free. Dan Emperor waved his hand.

Dora! Doron Baruto stirred up dragon energy and began to twist his body.

With the help of dragon energy, it relied on the Dragon Dance to break free from the control of strong mental thoughts.

At the same time, the two multi-dragon Mecia, who were dragon arrows, were also struggling to break free.

Originally, using the mental power to do two things was extremely energy-consuming. Now, the Red Lotus Armor Cavalry's hands gradually trembled, and finally the mental power was broken away.

Doron Baruto, turn back quickly! Emperor Dan immediately ordered.

Su Yi suddenly asked in confusion: After the dragon dance, do you change Pokémon?

Nimo's brows furrowed deeper. From the close-up view on the big screen, it looked like she was stuck in a hard fight or thinking about countermeasures. To outsiders, she looked like she was immersed in the battle, but Su Yi felt a little uncomfortable. So right.

Afterwards, Dandi sent out the Shield Sword Monster and the Ace Charizard respectively, while Nemo sent out Bankilas and a Double Ax War Dragon, and the two sides engaged in a fierce attack and defense.

However, it always feels weird.

Su Yi said in his heart: Dan Emperor's strength should be more than this. His battle just now was more like...

On the field, Dandi and Nimo used Dynamax at the same time. At this time, Nimo's expression finally showed some interest.

Finally, after Gigantamax Charizard and Gigantamax Bankelas exited Gigantamax at the same time due to time constraints, the time on the big screen returned to zero, the prompt sounded, and the referee loudly announced: Time's up!

Thank you to the two champions for the wonderful battle! President Lotz on the stage smiled and took the microphone and said.

Yes, this is an exhibition match. Su Yi understood something immediately.

Although this game is nominally a showdown between two regional champions, it is essentially a game facilitated by the business cooperation between two corporate groups from the two regions.

As for the exhibition match, they will definitely not go to great lengths to determine the winner, and it is not a battle for honor.

In order to attract sponsorship and support public welfare undertakings, Dandi has experienced countless exhibition matches, so he naturally knows how to make the exhibition matches exciting.

For most ordinary people, they may not understand the offensive and defensive methods. They want to see different Pokémon and cool moves.

And what about Nemo?

Su Yi recalled the battle with Nimo.

When facing a powerful opponent, she will show a sincere expression of happiness and joy, and go all out to fight to the end with a smile on her face, and may even become excited due to pressure.

She enjoys fighting with all her strength, rather than this kind of performance-oriented battle, so she frowned from the beginning.

Was Emperor Dan wrong?

He was right, he understood the exhibition game, and he tried his best to contribute to the prosperity of Galar, but he had no idea what Nemo wanted.

Nemo also misjudged the intensity and nature of the battle, so she didn't get the battle she wanted.

Phew, it's over. Nemo took back Bankelas, feeling a little regretful.

Yes, this is an exhibition match. Nemo murmured.

At first, when she overheard that her father was going to cooperate with a group in the Galar region, she thought it was her father's usual business cooperation.

But when she overheard the Strongest Champion Dan Emperor being accidentally mentioned in their chat, she suddenly became interested.

It had been too long since there had been a comparable opponent, or in other words, it had been too long since there had been no opponent willing to go all out with her.

Nemo is a genius, it's natural to become the champion.

Nemo is the champion. How can I win? Let's forget about the battle. I'm sorry.

Because it's Nimo, and her family is in good condition, so it's inevitable that she will be so strong.

She loves Pokémon battles, so she was immersed in it from the beginning, and became a champion without even realizing it.

However, after she became the champion, everyone seemed to have changed, or in other words, there was a wall between her and everyone.

People no longer want to fight her just because she is the champion.

In their opinion, they are invincible, so they have no desire to fight or win. And in the occasional battles that she is invited to, she will hold back at all times to avoid making the other party feel pressured and directly admit defeat.

This is not what she wants!

She obviously loves Pokémon battles so much and works so hard, but people just take it for granted, and she even loses the chance to enjoy Pokémon battles.

Therefore, she seized this opportunity and even took advantage of her own way of doing things by pestering her father to come here and willfully proposed the idea of ​​​​fighting Dan Emperor.

President Roz and Dandi didn't care about her willfulness and agreed to hold an exhibition match.

Roz agreed because Nemo's father was the boss of the partner, and holding an exhibition match was also profitable, making it a win-win situation.

And Dandi was unable to refuse a champion's invitation to fight and her fiery passion for fighting.

But in the end, Nemo knew she had taken it for granted.

They all look at the problem from an adult's perspective and thus ignore the most essential things.

However, this was also a wonderful battle. There is nothing to regret about being able to fight against such an opponent.

Nemo smiled again, then looked around the arena, waving in response to people's cheers and cheers.

I'm very satisfied to be able to feel such a warm and passionate battle atmosphere in such an arena, and to experience the characteristic Gigantamax battle. Nimo thought to herself, as if she was expelling the slightest bit of unwillingness. .

At the same time, in her mind, she unconsciously recalled the person named Su Yi that day.

He exerted all his strength, and the fighting will that burst out together with that ferocious and violent Pokémon was like the primitive rage and full strength blooming in order to survive.

That was the fight she wanted, but it was a pity that it was interrupted.

And that battle raised her expectations for this battle, but the result was far from what she expected. The combination of these factors made her feel a little disappointed and regretful.

Looking around the atmosphere of the auditorium, Nimo's eyes suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Su Yi saw Nimo suddenly stop and stare at him in the vast audience. He was slightly startled, and then made a thumbs up with both hands to show respect to the young champion.

Unexpectedly, the smile on Nimo's expression gradually widened, and a willful thought emerged like a prairie fire. She suddenly waved her hand to stop the referee, and then whispered something.

The referee nodded, picked up the intercom, and said something.

Su Yi's hand paused, a little confused.

In the stands, President Roz received the referee's communication. After hearing the request, he was slightly startled, and then discussed something with a middle-aged man next to him.

It wasn't until both parties nodded that President Lotz replied to the referee with a smile.

It's really interesting. President Roz smiled.

My daughter has caused trouble for you. The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and shook his head.

President Lotz shook his head and said: It's not troublesome, but I admire such young people very much.

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