Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 111 Information about the wasteland of the Big Ant Mound, feeding cattle for the second time

The director of the Plant Planting Institute pushed up his glasses, the expression on his face was still a bit frightened.

Which group of hunters are you from? You look very young, but forget it, these are not important. Thank you for saving me. The director of the Plant Planting Institute looked at Su Yi and said.

This was the character or concept of the Director of the Plant Planting Institute from the beginning. He believed that as a Dragonoid with a long lifespan, he was destined to watch many lives grow old and die.

Therefore, he believes that instead of making friends and then falling into the sadness and loneliness of gradually losing friends, it is better to concentrate on studying long-lived plants like ancient giant trees and let these plants accompany you.

Therefore, the director usually does not pay attention to the people around him, but only focuses on plant research.

By the way, Director, it's too dangerous for you to come out to do research alone. Su Yi said, at least there should be one hunter.

The director shook his head and said: There are not many hunters in the stronghold now. There have been some situations in the Big Ant Mound Wasteland recently, and many hunters have gone to investigate.

So now there are not enough hunters in the stronghold.

But Su Yi was attracted by the information in the director's words, and immediately asked: What happened to the wasteland of the Big Ant Mound?

The director asked doubtfully: You are a hunter, don't you know?

Su Yi realized that he had let slip, and then explained slowly: My mission is here in the ancient tree forest, and I haven't returned to the stronghold recently.

Is that so? The director of the Plant Planting Institute doubted him, and these were not things he would pay attention to.

It's like this. Recently, the monsters in the Great Anthill Wasteland have been very active. Monsters such as the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, the Sand Dragon, the Female Fire Dragon, etc. frequently appear near the oases and swamps around the stronghold.

Their activity areas have deviated from their original habitats, and their behaviors are somewhat abnormal, explained the director of the Institute of Botany.

Su Yi thought for a while and asked, Is there any abnormality in the weather?

The director replied: You guess it may be the influence of ancient dragons? But I heard that it doesn't seem that serious, and there are no climate abnormalities.

In this case, either a powerful monster has invaded their original territory, or some kind of disaster is occurring, forcing them to move away from their habitat.

Do you have any clues? Su Yi asked.

The director of the Plant Planting Institute shook his head: Not yet, and due to lack of manpower, the progress of the investigation is very slow, and some hunters were injured by monsters that became ill-tempered.

Never mind that for now, hunter, I had a piece of research that was interrupted by those monsters before I finished it, so I would like to ask you to escort me, can you? the director implored.

Su Yi thought for a while and realized that he had nothing to do for the time being. He and the director of the Plant Planting Institute could ask around about the situation in some strongholds, and then nodded and agreed.

Walking into the forest again, the director of the plantation center was much more careful. Until he approached a thick root of an ancient giant tree, the director ran over eagerly, looking for something.

Found it! the director said happily.

As he spoke, he began to take out various tools, began to record various data, and then sampled several plants.

After an operation that Su Yi couldn't understand, the director of the Plant Planting Institute stood up with satisfaction.

The ancient giant tree is really magical, so I can't wait to study it. The director sighed.

Countless plants coexist with ancient giant trees and prosper together. If the mystery of this phenomenon can be solved, then some rare and difficult-to-cultivate plants can also be cultivated in large quantities.

It seems that because of the harvest, the director of the Plant Planting Institute talked a lot. It can be seen that he really likes plants and is fascinated by the mystery of the symbiosis between ancient giant trees and other plants.

Unfortunately, the ancient tree seeds I brought back have never been able to germinate and grow. The director of the Plant Planting Center sighed.

Although Su Yi knew how to make the ancient tree seeds germinate, he was helpless now because it required the energy of the ancient dragon.

It was not until later that the Laoshan Dragon landed, and while the investigation team was tracking the Laoshan Dragon, they discovered fragments of its fallen shell, which were used as fertilizer, allowing the seeds of the ancient tree to germinate.

Meow? Did you hear anything, meow? Lucao moved her cat ears.

Motion? Su Yi listened carefully, and the sound of slow footsteps on the ground gradually became clearer.

Monster? Su Yi clenched the silent scabbard of his single sword, alerting the surroundings.

Director, let's go!

Okay! The director nodded, his expression instantly tense.


A pair of big horns broke through the bushes, and a giant beast covered in snow-white fur stepped forward. It swung aside the obstacles and walked in front of Su Yi and others.

It's the Raptor. Su Yi was temporarily relieved.

It's a monster! Why don't you run away? The director was extremely frightened.

The director's exclamation attracted the attention of the Raptor. It turned its head to look at the noisy little thing and snorted rather displeasedly.

Su Yi quickly comforted the director and said: Director, don't worry, this kind of monster will not be in danger as long as you don't provoke it.

The director patted his chest, forced himself to calm down, and asked with a big breath: Does that mean it's dangerous to provoke it?

Su Yi shrugged, it was dangerous to provoke monsters.

Seeing that the little creature in front of him became quiet, the Raptor looked around, then focused on Su Yi, and tilted his head, seeming a little confused.

Is it still the Raptor? Su Yi was startled, then smiled and sprinkled a can of Pokémon food on the ground, and finally added several berries from the Pokémon world.

Moo~ The Raptor saw the food that could not be found in the entire ancient tree forest, and walked forward with some joy. It sniffed it, and then mixed it with the tree fruits and ate it in one bite.

Moo~ The Raptor shook its head and waggled its two little ears, seeming to like the taste of the food.

Su Yi plucked up the courage, took out some Pokémon food and tree fruits again, held them in his hands, and slowly walked forward.

The Bull Dragon looked at Su Yi approaching, lowered his head, and sniffed the food mixed with Su Yi's scent. At such a close distance, Su Yi could clearly feel the smell coming towards his face.

The Raptor didn't hesitate, rolled its tongue, rolled in all the food in Su Yi's hand and ate it.

Su Yi smiled and wiped the saliva from his hands.

Moo~ The Raptors roared in a low voice, and then continued walking in one direction until they penetrated deep into the lush woods.

Phew! You are too bold! The director of the Plant Planting Institute pushed up his glasses and exclaimed.

Hahaha! It's okay. Su Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

He has not forgotten that monsters are monsters after all. Although their temperaments are different, they will never have higher rationality like Pokémon. You still have to be careful when you should be careful.

If it weren't for the fact that the Raptor had just acted as if it recognized Su Yi, Su Yi wouldn't have dared to step forward rashly.

After completing the investigation, the director of the Plant Planting Institute immediately expressed his intention to return to the stronghold. Su Yi escorted the director to the outskirts of the stronghold and then left.

After returning to the stronghold, Su Yi found that Xun Miao was really not running around, but lying lazily in the shade of the tree.

Su Yi stepped forward happily and subconsciously patted Xunmiao's tail like other accompanying animals.

Huh! Xunmiao turned back and looked at Su Yi with displeasure.

Uh Su Yi reacted and retracted his hand as fast as lightning, while Xun Miao no longer cared about it, but turned around and continued to lie down.

The ultimate cow feeding! (Confused)

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