Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 110 Encounter with the Director of the Plant Planting Institute

Although there is a way to recast it, it is not yet possible to implement it.

This not only requires suitable materials, but also the help of star strongholds.

It's only been more than three days. Master Yuanye shouldn't be able to return to the star stronghold so soon, but he should still go back to the ancient tree forest to have a look. Su Yi thought to himself.

At night, Su Yi did not wander around, but stayed in the room and used the skill machines he bought one by one to expand the abilities of the accompanying beasts.

And when Su Yi learned the moves from them one by one, he would also sigh like Why can't you learn the dragon dance by biting a land shark?

Sunny morning, New World, forest of ancient trees.

Accompanied by the sweet chirping of Taoyuan Township, Master Su started his busy day.

The meat of the herbivorous dragon has a fat and lean texture like snowflakes. Just grilling it and eating it is a taste enjoyment and appetite satisfaction.

Garnish it with the secret sauce from the Taiwanese musicians to make it even more tempting.

The accompanying beasts had breakfast and basked in the sun contentedly.

It's just that compared to other accompanying animals, the Great Ferocious Jaw Dragon and the Ferocious Claw Dragon, which stay in the Miasma Valley all year round, prefer the shade of trees.

But Master Su's task was not yet completed. He placed a large pot of roasted meat on the tablecloth and took out a capture ball with a look on his face.

Under the protection of the Miserable Claw Dragon and the Big Ferocious Jackal Dragon, Su Yi released Xun Meow.

Hey! Come and eat! Su Yi said, pointing to the barbecue.

Xun Miao did not attack Su Yi, but looked at the familiar environment around him in surprise. He seemed to be wondering. He was clearly on the Lu Coral Terrace before, but why did he return to the ancient tree forest so quickly?

It glanced at Su Yi, then walked to the rice bowl, pointed its butt towards him, and started eating.

Su Yi sighed. Although he still ignored him, it was a good thing not to be hostile to him. It would take some time for Xun Miao to recognize him and fight together.

After Xun Miao finished eating, he ignored the other beasts and Su Yi, and hid in the shade of a nearby tree.

It's sunny today, what are you doing? Su Yi walked out of the camp, sat on the stone steps, and looked at the herbivorous dragons grazing leisurely on the plain in the distance.

Tomorrow is the exhibition match. I have seen too much of the bustling city and the feasting in the past few days, so it would be great to come to the Ancient Tree Forest to be eye-catching.

By the way, let's go mine some minerals. It should also be used to repair the scabbard of the single sword later. Su Yi stood up, clapped his hands, and put away a few accompanying beasts.

But Xun Miao was a little resistant and understood. After all, it had been in the ball for so long and it obviously preferred the natural environment.

Then you're watching the camp? Su Yi was a little worried. What if Xun Miao ran away?

Ouch. Xun meowed, lying in the shade of the tree and admiring the surrounding scenery.

Okay. Su Yi scratched his head and walked out of the camp. After he walked away, Xun Miao changed his posture and looked at the forest.

Su Yi walked some distance, and the Hunting Guide suddenly buzzed. He opened it with some surprise and saw a green dot at the camp on the [Map] with the Xunmiao icon marked on it, and then a prompt He and the accompanying beast were already far away.

Hey guys, does it automatically alarm when humans and animals are separated for one kilometer?

But it's okay, you can control the position of the accompanying beasts in real time.

Su Yi and Lu Cao came to a steep slope. When the Steel Dragon descended on the Ancient Tree Forest, the accompanying heavy rain caused a landslide, exposing the mineral deposits inside. At that time, they dug a lot of minerals here.

Su Yi, meow! What traces are there, meow! Lu Cao exclaimed.

I saw it, aibo. Su Yi narrowed his eyes and walked over.

Where the steep slope extends to the shallows of the coast, crawling marks appear on the sand.

The trace was not like the crawling trace made by the big ferocious jackal dragon rubbing the bulge on its abdomen, but more like the trace made by some kind of four-legged creature crawling ashore using its chest and abdomen.

Su Yi couldn't help but recall the sea dragon that competed with the male fire dragon when he first came to the New World.

Could it be you? Su Yi raised his eyes and looked into the sea in the distance. There seemed to be a hunter staring at him in the deep sea, waiting for an opportunity.

Fortunately, these traces are very old and are almost being refilled with sand and gravel.

Excavate! Su Yi released the bear apprentice, the ferocious jackal dragon and the tickling bird.

Su Yi and his team either used moves or tools to dig loudly. As the rocks were broken and peeled off, the color of the ore was exposed in the parts that were not dug deeply last time.

Su Yi collected the ores of different colors. The ores shining brightly in the sun were quite beautiful.

Su Yi seemed to understand why Dawu was obsessed with digging rocks. Digging beautiful and diverse ores gave people a sense of anticipation.

do not come!


Just as Su Yi was leisurely counting the harvest, a panicked cry for help came from the forest above the steep slope.

Is there anyone? Su Yi quickly put away his friends and ran towards the sound with Lucao.

Carefully walking through the bushes, Su Yi followed the sound and took a closer look. A dragon scholar wearing glasses was running in panic. Behind him, four or five ferocious jackals roared and chased him.

Good opportunity. Su Yi quietly released the scabbard of his single sword and held the hilt in his hand.

Groan? The single scabbard shook his body slightly.

Hush, Single Sword Scabbard, help me, don't make any noise, just listen to my instructions and use moves. Su Yi unsheathed the Single Sword Sword and said.

Groan! Du Sword Sheath was very happy to be able to help Su Yi.

Okay, aibo, get ready to fight! Su Yi put the small shield of the sword in his right hand and held the scabbard of the single sword in his left hand.

Meow! Lucao held the short knife and got ready.

Up! Single scabbard! Split the tiles! Su Yi rushed out and shouted.

The sword blade of the single scabbard lit up with light, and Su Yi immediately slashed at a fierce jackal dragon.


The scales of the ferocious jackal dragon were broken instantly and the muscles were cut open. The ferocious jackal dragon was knocked down by the power of the sword and roared in pain.

Although the blade of the single scabbard is broken, it still has considerable power with the help of moves.

The sudden appearance of the man startled the ferocious jackal dragons. Before they could see the enemy clearly, the projectile fired pine bombs continuously and exploded with several flames to scare them away.

Hahaha! The ferocious jackal dragon roared threateningly. Su Yi fired pine bombs again to force it back. Lu Cao waved the short knife and used Maomao to attack, cutting a ferocious jackal dragon with bruises all over its body.

Gah! The ferocious jackal dragon stood up and roared everywhere, starting to summon its kind.

Let's go! Su Yi didn't want to expose the accompanying beast now, so he immediately picked up the dragon scholar and fled from here.

After escaping a certain distance and confirming that he had got rid of the enemy, Su Yi stopped and looked at the dragon scholar, feeling that he looked familiar.

Director of the Institute of Botany? Su Yi asked in surprise.

The dragon researcher in front of him is a member of the fourth phase of the group. He is the researcher responsible for plant research and can also be referred to as the director of the Plant Plant Research Institute.

In the game, this is an important NPC. After you unlock the plantation site and complete a series of tasks to upgrade functions, you can plant and cultivate various plants, insects, and mushroom props here, providing various types of items for hunters. Important logistics for synthesizing materials using commonly used props.

Phew! I'm saved! Thank you, hunter. The director of the Plant Planting Institute breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Su Yi.

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