Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 109 Home and Hope

Single scabbard? Su Yi looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Before, I saw that the cat boss and the steel-armored crow seemed to be specifically looking for me, so I thought they had something important going on.

But Su Yi never expected that they would push a single sword scabbard in front of him.

Yin Du Sword Sheath looked at the tall and strong Dazzling Bird behind Su Yi, and then at his own tattered and dirty body, and suddenly felt a little inferior.

Can you tell me what's going on? Su Yi squatted down and asked softly.

The scabbard walked forward and rolled up his ribbon. Inside was a crumpled dessert wrapper.

Wrapping paper? Su Yi was a little confused for a moment.

He pulled out his pitted sword from its scabbard and drew something on the ground.

Su Yi recognized it for a long time before realizing that the painting seemed to be a train.

Train? Ghost train? Su Yi suddenly recalled that before boarding the ghost train, Rotom's mobile phone had illuminated a brown figure and a blue streamer.

Are you chasing me all the way from the ghost train? Su Yi asked in disbelief.

Yin~ The single sword scabbard shook, as if nodding.

Do you want to leave with me? Su Yi asked with some uncertainty.

But the single scabbard hesitated, and now, it became hesitant and did not dare to respond.

Nia. The meow leader pushed it.

The single scabbard turned to look at it. Unexpectedly, all the Pokémon in the abandoned factory gathered around it and spoke out, as if to encourage it.

Yin! Du Scabbard summoned up the courage and floated forward.

Do you want to go with me? Su Yi couldn't believe that there was actually a Pokémon chasing him all the way and wanting to be his partner.

He could imagine a Pokémon he was unfamiliar with, searching at a loss in a bustling metropolis, feeling helpless and lonely.

Yin! The single scabbard shook his body.

Su Yi took out an elf ball with a serious expression, stretched it out in front of the scabbard, and asked, Have you thought about it?

Groan~ The single scabbard moved forward without hesitation, touched the switch of the elf ball, and was immediately put into the ball.


There were no disturbances and the conquest was successful.

Su Yi took out the scabbard of his single sword.

At this time, the Pokémon in the abandoned factory cheered, as if congratulating the single scabbard.

Groan~ Duo Scabbard looked at the group of Pokémon with emotion.

Ma Li thought about it and said, Are they blessing the single scabbard so that it no longer has to wander around?

Su Yi picked up the scabbard of the single sword and carefully wiped it clean with a cloth, but he didn't know how to repair the damage on the scabbard and blade.

Su Yi looked at these wandering Pokémon. Perhaps as Ma Li said, these Pokémon knew how difficult it was to wander in big cities, so they wished to find the trainer's single scabbard.

That's great. Congratulations on catching a new Pokémon. It looks like it likes you very much. Nemo said with a smile.

Jilu. Three straight bears walked up and handed over their collections with apologetic expressions, including an unused elf ball, some tree fruits, and some beautiful shiny pieces.

Is it for me? Nemo asked unexpectedly.

Jilu. Zhichong Xiong nodded.

Nimo felt their sincere apology and smiled: I accept your apology.

At this time, Nemo's cell phone Rotom floated out, indicating that she had a call.

Hello? Okay.

After finishing the phone call, Nimo sighed and said to Su Yi: Su Yi, although I really want to continue playing with you, I am busy now and I don't know when I will be free. I'm really sorry that I can't bring you a wonderful show. battle.

It doesn't matter. Su Yi said with a smile, although it was a bit uncomfortable to have the battle interrupted.

Let's exchange contact information. Maybe we'll have another chance later, Nimo said.

Su Yi took out his cell phone Rotom and exchanged contact information.

Goodbye then! Nimo waved her hand, looked at the navigation on her phone and left in a hurry.

What a pity, that exciting battle ended like this. Ma Li said regretfully.

The thrilling, fierce offensive and defensive battle, even without the use of Galar's characteristic Dynamax, is still very shocking.

As the sun set, Su Yi and Ma Li left the abandoned factory as the Pokémon bid farewell.

Meow! Do those Pokémon also look forward to going on adventures with humans, meow? Lucao asked.

Su Yi said: Perhaps, some Pokémon will embark on a journey because they want to become stronger, want to travel, want to fight and live with their trainers, etc.

There are also some Pokémon who prefer to be with their group, to live out their lives in peace and leisurely.

But no matter what, I will respect Pokémon's decision. We all have the right to choose. Su Yi said.

Moru Beke, do you want to fight with me and become stronger? Ma Li lowered her head and asked Moru Beke in her arms after hearing Su Yi's words.

Mobai! Mo Lubeike nodded and responded with a smile.

I will continue to get stronger and then challenge you. Ma Li said calmly.

Su Yi smiled. Today's battle obviously stimulated the girl. It could be seen that she couldn't wait to become stronger.

After parting ways with Ma Li, Su Yi found Onio, who was alone in a daze on the roof of the building.

Oh? Have you conquered a new Pokémon? Onio said as he looked at the single sword scabbard released by Su Yi.

Su Yi talked about the process of conquering the single sword scabbard.

Following all the way from the ghost train, then finding stray Pokémon to ask for help, and finally finding you? Onio said in surprise.

That's right. Rather than saying that I conquered it, it's better to say that it found me.

As for this little guy, I don't know its specific thoughts yet, so I want to ask you to ask. Su Yi said.

Is that so? Let me communicate with it. Ounio nodded and started communicating with the single sword scabbard.

After O'Neo communicated, he was silent for a while, and then said to Su Yi: The ghost train will send ghost Pokémon to their destination, and ghost Pokémon are not immortal, and there are also Pokémon that are near death. Find your own place.

Su Yi frowned and asked, What do you mean?

Onio whispered: Once the body of the Single Sword Sheath begins to be damaged and broken, it is a sign of its gradual decline.

The stop where Sheath should have gotten off was the Sword Tomb, which is where the Pokémon of the Sheath family sleep when their bodies are broken and their souls and energy begin to leak out.

Onio said with a heavy tone: It wants to see the world before it dies completely.

Su Yi picked up the scabbard of the single sword and looked seriously: Is there any way to repair it?

Oonio was startled, and then said: I don't know about this, but there should be a way. If there are materials containing vitality or energy, it might be possible.

Su Yi murmured: Materials containing vitality or energy.

Then can I?

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and a bold but possible idea emerged in his mind.

With the single scabbard, maybe there is a way to completely repair you and give you a new lease of life! Su Yi said seriously.


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