Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 99 Riding the horse and whipping the whip

Riding his horse and whipping his whip, he galloped on the official road that had only been renovated in the principality in recent years. Looking at the rapidly retreating scenery on both sides, Ling Yi felt uncontrollably high.

Sometimes, no matter how solid the spiritual practice is, nerve stimulation from the body's endocrine hormones is one of the characteristics that is ingrained in the human species.

The so-called liberated nature often causes people's behavior to obey the impulses caused by hormones on the body.

At this moment, Ling Yi did not suppress his instinct, and immediately raised his hands to the brothers Ye Luo and Yue Qing who were driving the carriage behind him, and said loudly: "Brother Ye, Brother Le, Ling Yi takes the first step, we are in "Muzhi City" Goodbye—!”

Hearing the sound, before Ye Luo and Yue Qing could react, Ling Yi spoke again.

"A Feng! A Xin! A Yin!"

After calling three times in a row, Zhang Mufeng, Qingqiu Xin, and Long Yin all responded loudly: "Brother Yi——!"*3

Ling Yi laughed and said: "Let's go -!"

"Yes——!" "Here it comes! Brother Yi——!" "Okay——!"

Seeing Ling Yi taking the lead in front, followed by three young men riding horses, Ye Luo, who was holding a carriage, and Yue Qing, who was riding beside him, looked at each other.

"Is this... leaving now -?" Ye Luo felt that his liver was a little trembling in his stomach, which was sutured just a few days ago.

Yueqing nodded blankly: "Ah, let's go~"

"No~" Ye Luo turned his head mechanically, looked at his younger brother, and asked again confusedly: "He...this...little brother Ling and the others are leaving now?"

After asking, he raised his hand and pointed in the direction behind him.

In the carriage compartment behind him, there were two large boxes of soul beast materials. Although he didn't know exactly what the materials inside were, this bit from the soul beasts alone was definitely worth a lot of money!

On the other carriage was a box of soul tools, as well as several thousand-level weapons.

Ye Luo also didn't know the condition of those soul tools. He only knew that just one of those thousand-forged weapons could be worth the income of their small team for nearly half a year!

However, Ye Luo didn't pay much attention to the large "Blue Silver Grass" planted in square wooden troughs on the last carriage.

Although these "Blue Silver Grass" plants are much larger than ordinary ones and have a faint purple color, which look very beautiful, they are just "Blue Silver Grass" after all.

In the minds of Ye Luo and Yueqing's ten or so team members, Ling Yi was just giving them a fortune equivalent to several times their team's entire net worth, and just casually leaving it to them for safekeeping and transportation?

For a moment, they couldn't tell whether Ling Yi was too caring? Or do you trust them too much?

Brother Ling, aren't you afraid that they will run away with their things?

How do you say that?

Don't test human nature casually. In the face of absolute interests, human nature often cannot withstand the test.

This is both true and false.

Yes, because human nature is changeable and will indeed change due to various external factors.

No, it is to underestimate something deep in the human species.

This kind of thing is called faith!

In this world, some people seek wealth, some seek power, some seek fame, and some seek perfection in their hearts!

Of course, the above things have nothing to do with Ling Yi entrusting Ye Luo and Yueqing teams to transport those things worth tens of thousands of gold soul coins.

Just when the two brothers Ye Luo and Yue Qing were looking at each other speechlessly, the conversation between their teammates suddenly sounded in the team behind them.

Someone looked at the backs of Ling Yi and the other two people as they walked away gracefully, and said with envy in their eyes: "That's great. Only someone like Mr. Ling can be so unrestrained and unruly——"

"That's right!" Someone answered: "Who is Mr. Ling? Not only is he a second-ring great spirit master at a young age, he is also the vice president of the [Blacksmiths Association] in the principality. Blacksmiths in all parts of the principality must listen to him. of!"

"It's not just that!" Another person next to him continued: "I heard that Mr. Ling has connections in the five military headquarters of the principality. It is as convenient to enter and exit the nearby distant mountain camp as his own home!"

"I have no hope. I only hope that the three little ones in my family will have good innate soul power qualifications in the martial arts awakening ceremony in a few years, and they can be as successful as Mr. Ling in the future -" someone said with emotion. .

After hearing what this teammate said, someone immediately nodded with emotion, paused, and asked the person next to him: "Old Sa, do you think we should learn blacksmithing?"

Lao Sa was startled and asked back, "Forging? What do you mean?"

"I know~I know~" the team member who spoke first interjected. When several people turned their eyes to him, they saw a proud expression on his face and said: "Mr. Ling, apart from being a healer with countless lives, In addition to being a great soul master, he became the vice-president of the Principality’s [Blacksmith Association] because he is a master blacksmith himself!”

Hearing this, some people immediately shook their heads in disdain: "Tsk~~What do I think you are? Who among us doesn't know what you said?"

The person being ridiculed was not annoyed, he just shook his head and asked: "Then do you know that Mr. Ling was awarded the title of baron because he became a blacksmith? At that time, Mr. Ling was still the same one-ring soul master as we are now. Woolen cloth?"

As he spoke, he looked around at his teammates who were listening quietly, and said again: "Mr. Ling was granted the title of Baron by the Principality. He is the only one other than Death Raid who can become a Baron with the strength of a soul master!!"

"I've thought about it!" Someone suddenly spoke in a solemn and firm tone: "When I get to Mizhi City, please ask Mr. Ling to recommend me to join the [Blacksmith Association] and learn forging!"

"Ah Hua, are you serious?" After hearing this, Lao Sa felt a little touched in his heart and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course!" The team member named A Hua nodded fiercely and said: "I am thirty-three years old this year, and I only have level 14 soul power. There is no hope of me cultivating to level 20. I might as well learn it as soon as possible. others……

From now on, it depends on what the boys at home think, whether they should continue to follow the path of soul masters, or turn around and become a blacksmith like me, this is a way of life——"

Hearing this, both the two brothers Ye Luo and Yue Qing in front, as well as the other team members, were all speechless.

In their small team of about ten people, except for Ye Luo and Yue Qing, who are only in their twenties and have not yet started a family, the others are also in their twenties, some in their thirties like A Hua, and even older people. People like Sa who are in their early forties also have young people behind them.

Thinking of Ling Yi's previous proposal, Ye Luo and Yue Qing looked at each other, and the originally swaying balance in their hearts began to tilt.

Ling Yi, who had already run several miles away, was not clear about the conversation here, but he also had some speculations in his mind.

They are all low-level soul masters who support their families, and they are not mentally capable beings who can risk all their lives. With many worries, if they dare to hack their own materials, they will be punished if they cannot escape the territory of the [Shuimu Principality]. Take it.

Even before running away, within the small team of about ten people, there was an internal dispute.

You know, even if the two brothers Ye Luo and Yueqing are not married, they still have father, mother, brothers, sisters and other blood relatives in their hometown.

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