Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 100 Soul Beast Bloodline

The straight-line distance from "Xiao Feng Canyon" in the west of the principality to "Muzhi City" in the middle of the principality is about more than 500 miles, while the distance of the official road is more than 800 miles.

Along the way, Ling Yi and others galloped, passing market towns, forest edges, banks of rivers and lakes, mountain canyons, and hilly ridges...

[Shuimu Principality] ranks last among the countries on the Douluo Continent in terms of area, but except for a few landforms such as deserts, it has all the necessary environments.

Whenever the horses under their legs are weak and need a rest, Ling Yi and the other two people will stop to trim, feed and water the horses, and replenish the water for themselves and others.

Night fell, and after running nearly seven hundred miles in a day, "Muzhi City" was not far away.

In the wild, on the leeward slope of a hill, the orange color of the bonfire dispelled the surrounding darkness.

There are few stars in the sky, and the "Blue Silver Grass" plants on the ground are emitting dots of blue stars under the bright moonlight, as if the stars in the sky are falling into the world.

In recent years, the number of "Blue Silver Grass" in the entire [Shuimu Principality] has increased exponentially. Except for cultivated farmland, people's residences and other buildings, "Blue Silver Grass" can be seen everywhere.

Long Yin fed the last piece of bean cake to his brown horse. He reached out and stroked the brown horse's neck. Feeling the hot blood rushing in the veins under the strong and developed muscles, he turned around excitedly. , looked at Ling Yi where the old god was by the campfire, and said:

“Brother Yi, it’s really useful—!

I followed your advice, and when this guy was running, I slowly injected soul power into its body. It was like taking a big tonic. Not only did it run faster, but it also had more endurance! "

"It's more than that~" Qingqiu Xin patted the gray horse next to him, watched it walk to the side and lowered its head to eat "Blue Silver Grass". He also came over and said: "I feel that according to what Brother Yi taught us, In the bodies of these horses, the movement routes of the spirit power of the first form of the "Beast Martial Soul: Xingyi Fist Frame" and the galloping horse, their physical fitness has obviously improved in this short day. increase!"

"Even this appetite has increased a lot~" Zhang Mufeng, who also came over, took over and said.

Behind him, a white horse with a brown ball pattern was eating "blue silver grass" on the ground and pacing to the side of the brown and gray horses.

More than 20 meters away from these three horses, Ling Yi's black horse with four snow-white hooves was like an old man eating a buffet. He would take a bite of bean cakes placed on the rocks, and then lower his head and roll it up on the ground. There were several stems and leaves of "Blue Silver Grass". After a while, he raised his head again, took a bite at the front end of the small branch in front of him, and pulled off the bright green leaves.


Ling Yi held a bare branch in his hand, fiddled with it a few times in the campfire, and said lightly: "When Texue first accepted the infusion of my soul power, his food intake almost doubled tenfold.

Now you have just practiced the 'Fierce Horse Galloping' technique to a proficient level. Under the stimulation of controlling a small amount of soul power, the potential of the three of them has only been initially stimulated - "

"Alas! What a pity -" Long Yintong suddenly sighed, sighing.

Next to him, Qingqiu Xin looked at him in surprise, not understanding what this little friend was talking about.

Zhang Mufeng also looked at Long Yin strangely and asked, "Brother Yin, what are you regretting? Our horses can become stronger under the stimulation of soul power, isn't it a good thing?"

After hearing this, Long Yin glanced at Ling Yi, who was also looking over. Seeing that the other person's expression was indifferent, he looked at Qingqiu Xin and Zhang Mufeng, who were watching him, and licked his lips at the four horses grazing in two groups not far away, and said :

"It's a pity. Our four horses are all ordinary horses, and they don't have the blood of soul beasts. Otherwise, according to Brother Yi's secret method, we might be able to breed soul beasts!"

"Think about it, if one of us rides a soul beast horse out in the future, that guy - hey -!"

As he spoke, Long Yin even had an intoxicated expression on his face.

Hearing this, Zhang Mufeng and Qingqiu Xin glanced at Long Yin who was caught in fantasy with disdain, but there was also a look of yearning on their faces.


Long Yin suddenly clapped his hands and said seriously: "I want to write a letter to my father and ask him to buy me a horse with the blood of a soul beast!"

Seeing Long Yin's appearance, Qingqiu Xin beside him couldn't help pouring cold water on him: "I'm sure your father will buy you a horse with the blood of the soul beast instead of giving you a slap to wake you up. ?”

Among the four, he and Long Yin have similar family backgrounds. In the words of Zhang Fei in "The World of the Three Kingdoms at the End of Han Dynasty": I have quite a lot of family resources!

As a family of soul masters that has been passed down for several generations, it can be considered a local leader among the two big cities of the Shuimu Principality, occupying a certain amount of social resources. The family's property can be resettled by someone who can spend hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins.

If we talk about getting some cats and dogs with the blood of soul beasts, although people will say that they are not doing their job properly, playing with toys, etc., but if Long Yin is good enough, his father can still spend some money to find a way to buy him one. Just come back.

After all, it is not too rare in human society for spirit beasts like cats and dogs to show their bloodline from time to time.

At most, they are just hybrid descendants separated by several generations, or even more than ten generations.

However, the bloodline descendants of soul beast horses are extremely rare in the entire Douluo Continent!

After all, the soul beast is an extremely proud creature. No soul beast will allow itself to be captured. If it is seriously injured by the enemy and wants to capture them, then the soul beast will choose to self-destruct with its soul power and commit suicide.

Cats and canines among soul beasts may give birth to offspring with ordinary cats and dogs due to certain seasonal reasons. However, among the soul beasts, the number of horses is much smaller than that of cats and dogs, and breeding is much more difficult than that of cats and dogs.

In the huge Douluo Continent, the "Tianhun Horse", the exclusive mount of the Royal Knights of the [Tian Dou Empire], is the most famous.

"Tianhun Horse" is a good hybrid horse with a certain soul beast bloodline. Although it has no offensive ability, it is extremely fast and can carry a huge load. Coupled with its extraordinary endurance, it has always been the best choice for cavalry.

The horse can be covered with armor, and with the knight behind it wearing bright armor, this weight still cannot affect the speed of this horse at all.

Once such a cavalry team launches a charge, its power is naturally so astonishing that not even the Soul King or Soul Emperor dares to stand in front of them.

The Royal Knights have always been an elite team created by the [Tian Dou Empire] royal family, with a total of 50,000 people, among which captains with levels above 100 are composed of soul masters.

At an extremely expensive cost, the deterrent effect it brings is equally huge!

At least, the several major kingdoms and principalities under the name of [Tian Dou Empire] would never dare to act rashly under its threat.

So far, no one in the world knows how the royal family of the [Tian Dou Empire] cultivated so many "Tian Soul Horses".

But once the "Tianhun Horse" strays outside, the [Tian Dou Empire] will definitely investigate it strictly.

When the time comes, not to mention Long Yin and his soul sect-level father, even the entire [Shuimu Principality] will not be able to withstand the wrath of the [Tian Dou Empire].

As soon as Qingqiu Xin's words came out of his mouth, Long Yin subconsciously shrank his neck, but retorted unconvinced: "I didn't say I wanted to build a "Tianhun Horse"...

I still don’t believe it, there is no other soul beast horse blood descendant in the entire Douluo Continent! "

"Of course there is~" Qingqiu Xin nodded and continued: "I heard that [Xingluo Empire] royal family travels with horse-drawn carriages made of soul beast bloodline descendants, and [Tian Dou Empire]'s "Sky Soul Horse", Not a species -


"Yes!" Long Yin stood up, sat down next to Ling Yi, away from Qingqiu Xin, and complained angrily: "It's just my whims that are enough -"

Zhang Mufeng smiled at this moment, interrupted the quarrel between Long Yin and Qingqiu Xin, and said: "Okay, let's follow Brother Yi's method and use soul power to stimulate the blood and strengthen the bodies of these horses. They will definitely be better in the future. Why is "Heavenly Soul Horse" weak! "

Long Yin: "That's right! Let me tell you..."

Listening to the lively discussion of the three friends, Ling Yi did not participate, but just watched with a smile. The soul power in his body was running at a constant speed, and his mind was simulating and sensing the "Blue Silver Grass" around him.

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