Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 98 Make a move in advance

The entire Saofeng Market is big or small, and these people are basically the kind of people who look up and never look down. They occasionally compete for the employment tasks of some high-rollers, or encounter problems in the canyon that can be easily solved. High-value soul beasts will also take action to snatch them.

But under Ling Yi's observation, these people's temperaments were all right, and the competition was considered benign, with no grudges or petty actions.

Now with the relationship between Ling Yi, a central figure, they also have the idea of ​​​​getting closer to each other.

The market near Sao Feng Canyon is no less than an ordinary town in terms of scale, and is even more prosperous. These people are all locals with roots here.

In addition to the soul king-level lone ranger who ranks first among the top ten masters, there are three others who are foreign dragons crossing the river.

How do you say that?

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and a series of problems arise such as the division of forces, camp positions, etc.

Under Ling Yi's guidance intentionally or unintentionally in the past month or so, the soul masters who were struggling to make a living in the Saofeng Market began to discuss the two viewpoints of "unity and cooperation" and "fighting individually".

Apart from those with strong personalities, there are also one or two moderate ones who plan before taking action, such as Shu Xin, Yu Liang, and Chen Yuanzhi, all of whom have conducted series contact operations to a certain extent.

Kang Zhan, before, belonged to the conservative group.

Looking at it now, does it mean that they are interested in cooperating with Shu Xin and the others?

Although he was about to leave here, Ling Yi still felt sincerely relieved to see this scene.

These are all high-quality supporters when he becomes stronger in the future. They do not necessarily have to be as trustworthy as the confidants he has cultivated himself. But regarding Ling Yi, as long as they are paid at market prices, these people are excellent stocks. strength.

Ling Yi may not necessarily need these powers to do dangerous or difficult things, but even in ordinary times, this power is a bargaining chip worthy of the world's attention.

For example, introduce them to the [Blacksmith Association·Shuimu Principality Branch]!

Under Ling Yi's construction structure, the [Blacksmiths Association Shuimu Principality Branch] has integrated the original blacksmiths and the families behind each blacksmith into a relatively complete organization in the past two years.

More than 80% of the members of this organization are blacksmiths, ranging from blacksmith apprentices to senior blacksmiths.

The remaining 20% ​​of the members are basically relatives of blacksmiths, relatives with soul master qualifications!

As mentioned before, it is very easy for a soul master to change professions or work part-time as a blacksmith, but ordinary people who learn blacksmithing are limited to the growth limit of their own strength, and it is extremely difficult to become a high-level blacksmith.

The [Blacksmith Association] is naturally composed of blacksmiths. Even if you do not have the talent of a soul master, you can join as long as you become a blacksmith.

Of course, this was initially for the purpose of recruiting more people, so all comers were welcome.

Under the planning of Ling Yi, his master Mr. Jin, and vice presidents such as Fu Shan and Li Qiang, once the association is on track, the threshold for membership will be raised to junior blacksmiths.

In this case, it seems that soul masters who have not learned blacksmithing are not eligible for membership?

Otherwise, if he had not worried about the existence of the old forces in the principality, Ling Yi would have already instigated several other vice presidents to bring some close soul masters and the families behind them into the association.

You know, as the vice president of the association, the stronger the association, the more resources they can mobilize!

If the [Blacksmiths Association·Shuimu Principality Branch] only recruits blacksmiths, then it might as well be called the [Blacksmiths Association].

But the union of a group of blacksmiths could not satisfy Ling Yi's vision for his future power.

As a blacksmith, just concentrate on forging high-quality works.

A dedicated team of soul masters should be responsible for purchasing raw materials, selling finished ironware, and transportation.

Unfortunately, Ling Yi's strength is too weak now, and the building is too far away. In order not to irritate the major forces of the [Shui Mu Principality] headed by Grand Duke Mu Feng, Ling Yi cannot openly attack people like Kang Zhan and Shu. Soul master groups like Xin were absorbed into the [Blacksmiths Association·Shuimu Principality Branch].

We can only take a curved path. First, we must gather soul masters who are friendly to us and let them spontaneously become an important group of soul masters in a certain place. On the other hand, we must work hard to enrich our own foundation and make more efforts to be recognized by others in the future. effort.

In the future, it might not be a bad idea to use small groups of soul masters like Kang Zhan to form a [Mercenary Union] on the Douluo Continent!

A two-pronged approach is the best development path at the moment!

Time passed minute by second in the exchange between Ling Yi, Kang Zhan and others.

When Zhang Mufeng and Ye Luo walked to Ling Yi, Kang Zhan and others suddenly remembered that the time to say goodbye had arrived.

Ling Yi is really good at talking!

Whether it is the steady Kang Zhan, the introverted Yu Liang, the fiery-tempered Chen Yuanzhi who likes to be direct, or the seemingly charming and enthusiastic Shu Xin who is actually cold and guarded, no matter what they like Ling Yi can detect what he likes and what he dislikes in the shortest possible time, and he can always grasp the topic direction during chatting.

Although he was facing four people, everyone felt that Ling Yi put himself in the most important conversation sequence and took the other three into consideration.

Moreover, the content of what they said was something they each liked to hear and see.

In addition, the speech style revealed in Ling Yi's conversation was completely different from the speech style of the natives of Douluo Continent, which gave them a refreshing feeling. They subconsciously believed that Ling Yi was different from other people and was a unique existence.

After thanking the young lady from the broadcasting department in her previous life and wishing her success in her career as a host, Ling Yi thanked everyone who came to bid her farewell.

Whether the opponent is a third-ring soul master, a second-ring great soul master, a first-level soul master, a soul warrior who has barely entered the world of soul masters, or an ordinary shop waiter with no soul power, everyone feels Ling Yi's Kindness and intimacy from the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, in the eyes of nearly three hundred people present, Ling Yi's body seemed to be emitting a kind of light!

And Ling Yi, who was illuminated by the morning light from the east, really had his own light effect. He turned over on a dark horse with four snow-white hooves, raised his fists to everyone, and said loudly: "It is rare to get together, but we must part ways eventually. See you later, everyone." , let’s see you tomorrow—!”

After saying that, Ling Yi shakes the reins and gallops towards the road in the distance. Behind him, Zhang Mufeng, Long Yin and Qingqiu Xin also gallop to follow. Ye Luo and Yue Qing, with their teammates, ride on and catch up. Got in the car and followed.

Looking at the retreating figure in the crowd, Kang Zhan patted Kang Zhao, who looked lost next to him: "What? You want to follow me?"

Kang Zhao turned around and looked at his elder brother, who was more than twenty years older than him, and was silent for a while.

"You kid~" Kang Zhan raised his big hand on Kang Zhao's shoulder, pointed a finger at the center of Kang Zhao's eyebrows, and said, "I've always liked to hide my thoughts in my heart since I was a child.

Ten years ago, when the martial soul awakened, the deacon of [Martial Soul Hall] invited you to join, but you refused...

A few days ago, you boy blocked that beast's escape route again without saying a word..."

"I see, only someone like Brother Ling can hone your temperament-"

He was talking ramblingly, but seeing that Kang Zhao was still silent, Kang Zhan shook his head and finally said: "Yes, I am still thinking that when you become a soul master, I will ask you to go to Muzhi City to find Ling Brother, learn from him.

Whether it’s forging or healing, the most important thing is the ability to communicate with others. Before your strength reaches a certain level, this is a ‘magic skill’——”

Here at Lanyin Xiaozhu, everyone watched Ling Yi leave. Not far away from the mouth of the canyon, a group of soldiers wearing armor also watched Ling Yi and others.

In the Saofeng Market, sighs could also be heard in several courtyard houses.

It sounds like some are regretful, some are relaxed, and some are relieved...

Thanks to the book friends [Moon Shadows Are Staggered, Remembering T Ruthless, Nestling Under the Red Clouds and Green Willows, The Cold-hearted Emperor, The Lonely Cloud, That Year in Chang'an, Book Friends 20180207194538414, The Prophet and the Treasure Pavilion, Indifferent Like This, Book Friends 20190823125707289, Xun,, Book Friends 20210301106614745990, Above the Starry Sky _ eb, Book Friends 20180110082201949, Flying Little Pikachu, Pseudo Home Knight, Taichu Demon Lord, Director of the Blue Star Crossing Office, Just Like the Snow Between the Eyes, Three Deaths] voted for Monthly ticket, thanks to the book friends [Ran Shuang Lin Zui, Pika Chao Bu Qiu, Yue Ru Bai Lian Guang Yi Ying Tian, ​​Book Friends 20230220185426592, Book Friends 20210414173935263] for their rewards, thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading, thank you all! (*^▽^*)

In addition, this book is expected to be released on Friday this week, which is tomorrow. The author is working hard today to see if he can add more content tomorrow.

Plot preview: Return to his hometown, create "Basic Internal Skills/Tuna Technique", and study the principles of soul guidance devices

The results will be released before the end of the month, and the strength will be upgraded to the soul master level. The book will soon enter the third volume, when it will go to the Tiandou Empire and interact with the characters in the original plot.

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